
  • 网络Aesthetic Criticism
  1. 社会批评与审美批评构成了文学批评的两个基本维度。

    It points out that social criticism and aesthetic criticism constitute the main aspects of literary criticism .

  2. 艺术隐喻在审美批评中的价值与作用&以李健吾的文学批评为例

    The Value and Function of Art Metaphor in the Aesthetic Criticism & LI Jian-wu in Literary Criticism as An Example

  3. 第四章对科幻小说的文学价值进行审美批评与建构。

    The forth chapter criticizes and establishes the literature values of science fiction from an aesthetic angle .

  4. 沈从文文学批评共分为三个阶段:一,早期文体为主的审美批评。

    Shen from the literary criticism of the text is divided into three phases : an early stylistic based aesthetic criticism .

  5. 审美批评是一种融合感性与理性的判断,它的目的是将艺术作品的美感传达出来。

    Aesthetic critique is a judgement fusing sensibility with rationality whose objective is to convey the aesthetic feelings of artistic works .

  6. 作为诗性文化重要组成部分的审美批评,同文学艺术实践一样拥有创造性。

    Like the practice of literature and art , aesthetic criticism , a very important component of poetry culture , is creative .

  7. 在中国古代文学批评史上,存在着一种强调“文采美”和“视觉美”的审美批评。

    An aesthetic literary criticism that stresses the " color of literature " and " visual beauty " can be found in ancient literary criticism .

  8. 李长之作为一位审美批评代言人,坚守文学的审美独立性,反对直接的功利观念,审美是其批评诉求;

    As a speaker of aesthetic criticism , Li Changzhi stick to the independence of aesthetic , opposed direct utilitarian concept , " aesthetic " is his critical demand ;

  9. 同时,他们提出各自的主张时,并不是站在同一语境之下,即布洛是从心理学的角度提出“距离说”,而葛兰西则是从审美批评的角度提出“距离说”。

    Their theories are mutually complementary in spite of their different contexts . Bullough 's theory was put forward from psychological perspective while Gramsci 's was from aesthetic perspective .

  10. 形式主义文论以与“材料”相对的“形式”概念的推出骁勇,将审美批评引入到了一个新的境地。

    The formalist literary theory takes the initiative to interpret form from a new perspective in parallel with the concept of " material " and pushes the aesthetic criticism to a higher level .

  11. 他的诗评对20世纪30年代京派审美批评既有超越又有继承:在批评标准上,既强调文学的意识形态性和政治功利性,又对诗歌的形式和诗性给予了高度关注;

    He surpassed and inherited the aesthetic criticism of Jingpai : in the standard of criticism , he not only emphasized the ideology nature of literature , but also payed close attention to the poetic forms ;

  12. 本文采用文化批评与审美批评相结合的方法,通过对孙惠芬作品的文本细读,来寻绎乡村记忆与都市体验的矛盾对撞对作者创作的深刻影响;

    With a combined method of cultural criticism and aesthetic criticism , this thesis attempts to define the influence of the conflict between the memories of the rural life and the urban experience through detailed analysis of the text of Sun 's works .

  13. 当批评家雄霸于剧场和音乐厅,当新闻记者控制了学校,报纸支配了社会,那时艺术便沦为茶余酒后的闲谈,审美批评被目为结团虚荣、狂乱、自私、加以毫无创见的可怜虫之手段。

    While the critic got the upper hand in the theater and concert hall , the journalist in theschools , and the press in society , art degenerated into a particularly lowly topic of conversation , and aesthetic criticism was used as a means of uniting a vain , distracted , selfish ,

  14. 人伦之和的主调与变奏&近年中国都市家庭伦理电视剧的审美文化批评

    On the Recent Chinese TV Plays of the Family Ethic

  15. 第一部分由第1则至第35则组成;呈现了审美鉴赏批评的前提条件。

    Part one , covering items 1 to 35 , reveals the prerequisite for aesthetic appropriation and critique .

  16. 审美印象批评是中国现代文学批评园地中一道小巧而亮丽的风景。

    Aesthetic impression criticism is an delicate and brilliant landscape in the realm of modern Chinese literary criticism .

  17. 最后是对大众文化创造和研究的美学期待,是走向审美实践批评的大众文化。

    Finally it is the aesthetic prospect of popular culture creation and study , and aesthetics practical criticism of popular culture .

  18. 他主张文学的独立地位,倡导作家的人格塑造,实践宽容、审美的批评原则,为中国二十世纪文学批评的繁荣尽了自己一份努力,是一位不能被忘记的批评家。

    He advocates the independent status of literature , the portrayal of writers ' human dignity and the practising of lenient and aesthetic critical principles .

  19. 美学批评是最切近文学批评本义,最有创造性的批评。当代审美文化批评的批评

    Aesthetics criticism is the closest style to the original meaning of literary criticism , and it is the most creative one . A Critique on Contemporary Criticism of Esthetics Culture

  20. 第三章以逻辑推论与文本分析及对照相结合的方法,对《人间词话》及其呈现的审美鉴赏批评理论的本质意义作了论证性判断;

    Chapter Three , combining approaches of logic deduction and text analysis and comparison , expounds and evaluates the essential significance of The Poetic Remarks of the Human World and the revealed theory of aesthetic appropriation and criticism .

  21. 前两者侧重从外部研究文学,审美艺术批评更加注重文学的内部规律,以艺术感受和审美经验为基础,重视直觉感悟,重视诗化表达方式,显示出纯正的审美艺术情趣。

    Unlike the first two focusing on external research , aesthetic art criticism pays more attention to the internal regularity of literature . Based on art feeling and aesthetic experience , it values intuition and poetic expression and shows the pure aesthetic art .

  22. 社会功利和审美是文学批评的两大基本维度。

    Social utilitarian and aesthetic are the two basic dimensions of literary criticism .

  23. 从审美到社会批评&罗斯金批评思想探论

    From Aesthetic to Social Criticism : A Study on John Ruskin 's Critical Ideas

  24. 周扬建国前的文学批评实践则是作为政治家的社会政治批评与作为文艺家的审美鉴赏式批评的矛盾统一。

    His literary critical practice before 1949 was an ambivalent unity of socio-political criticism and aesthetical criticism .

  25. 而在开展大众文化批评时,我们应该持有通俗与审美并重的批评策略。

    In carrying out the public and cultural criticism , we should hold both the popular and aesthetic strategy .

  26. 在中国现代文学批评史架构中,社会学批评、文化学批评以及注重审美艺术的批评三种批评模式是最为重要的。

    In the history of modern Chinese literature and criticism , sociological criticism , cultural criticism and aesthetic art criticism are the three major criticism models .

  27. 对人们自身其中的环境审美价值发展环境批评。

    The last one is to develop environmental criticism against the environmental beauty-appreciation value in which people are situated .

  28. 意义的朦胧与不确定性作为朦胧诗的主要审美特征与新批评理论所关注的诗义的不确定性有着相通之处。

    Meaning obscure and uncertainty as the main aesthetic features Obscure critical theory and new concerns with the uncertainty of poetic justice in common .

  29. 文章所讨论的雅俗共赏,是一种艺术审美理想与文学批评标准。雅俗共赏的优秀诗词作品有着鲜明的艺术特点,能更好地发挥社会作用,是诗词创作的最高境界。

    The author holds the view that appealing to refined and popular tastes is a norm for artistic aesthetics and literary criticism and believes that it is the highest aim of poetry writing .

  30. 摘要审美场是审美欣赏、批评、研究、创造活动按序运转循环的生态圈。

    Aesthetic field is the ecosphere of virtuous operating circle of aesthetic appreciation , criticism , research , and creation activities .