
  • 网络Aesthetic Ideology;The Ideology of the Aesthetic
  1. 第一章是澄清审美意识形态话语概念。

    In chapter one , clarifying the content of the ideology of the aesthetic .

  2. 伊格尔顿对于后现代语境有一定的批判,认为后现代语境下审美意识形态话语的发展有了形态上的变化,伊格尔顿由此为审美意识形态话语的发展指引出特定方向。

    Terry Eagleton has some criticism on the form-changing in postmodernism for the discourse of the ideology of the aesthetic , and pointed out the development direction .

  3. 移风易俗:中国古代的审美意识形态命题

    Transforming Social Traditions : A Proposition in the Ancient Chinese Aesthetic Ideology

  4. 二是诗歌在文学审美意识形态内部的本质特征。

    The inside nature characteristics of poetry on the literature aesthetic ideology .

  5. 在本章中审美意识形态话语的理论指向也体现出乌托邦性。

    In this part the theory also points out the Utopian nature .

  6. 论发展审美意识形态理论的三重向度

    On the Three New Orientations to Develop the Theory of Aesthetic Ideology

  7. 文学审美意识形态论的发生、发展及论争

    The Occurrence , Development and Debate of Literary " Aesthetic Ideology "

  8. 审美意识形态文学本质论浅析

    Analysis of the " Aesthetic ideology " Literary Essence

  9. 文学审美意识形态是有着丰富的完整内涵的复合结构。

    The literature aesthetic ideology is a compound structure , with rich and complete connotation .

  10. 意识形态不等同于观念上层建筑&审美意识形态论哲学根基分析

    Ideology Is Not Equivalent to Superstructure of Concept & A Philosophical Analysis On Aesthetic of Ideology

  11. 女性主义不能失去价值目标!&论性别审美意识形态的几个主要特征

    Feminism Cannot Go Without an Objective of Value & On Major Features of Sexual Aesthetic Consciousness

  12. 可见,审美意识形态理论是一种政治文化诗学理论。

    It is obvious that the aesthetic ideology theory is a combination of politics culture and poems .

  13. 文学审美意识形态略论

    On Aesthetic Ideology of Literature

  14. 我对审美意识形态论的理解

    My Understanding of Aesthetic Ideology

  15. 笔者基于对审美意识形态理论的理解,还生发出一些新的思考。

    On the base of my understanding to the Aesthetic and Ideology , I have some new ideas .

  16. 从以上观点来衡量,文学的“审美意识形态论”既具有非科学性,又具有非合理性。

    So , it is concluded that the aesthetic ideology in literature is of both non-scientific and irrational features .

  17. 摘要“文学是审美意识形态”,这一文学观念是对马克思主义文艺观的创新和发展。

    The literary concept that literature is aesthetic ideology is the innovation and development pf Marxist view of literature and art .

  18. 任何一个命题的提出都是有其理论背景的,文学审美意识形态命题的提出也有一定的历史语境。

    Any proposition proposed that has its theory background ; the literature esthetic ideology proposition proposed that also has certain historical linguistic environment .

  19. 从文艺意识形态与社会心理的关系来看,它作为一种审美意识形态主要通过个人心理、感性意识的形式来形成的,并且它也仅仅停留在这种个人意识和感性意识的状态。

    As an aesthetic ideology , literary ideology mainly lays stress on the mutual relation of individual mentality according to its relation to social mentality .

  20. 作为审美意识形态的文学能帮助人认识现实生活的本质,并以其审美精神促使人自觉把握现实;

    Literature as the aesthetic ideology may help us to understand the essence of realistic life , and promote people to grasp the reality through aesthetic spirit .

  21. 文学“审美意识形态”与“审美意识形式”之论争的核心内容之一,是对于马克思“一页书”迥异的阐释;

    The core of the controversy between " Aesthetic Ideology " and " Aesthetic Consciousness Form " is the different interpretation of Marx 's one page of book .

  22. 2000年第2期《文艺研究》曾发表了《审美意识形态论的再认识》一文。作者指出:审美反映论是文学的第一原理。

    In Re-understanding of Aesthetic Ideology published in volume 2,2002 of Literary Studies , the author points out ," The theory of aesthetic reflection is the first principle in literature " .

  23. 历经二十多年,文学是一种审美意识形态的观点在文论界较为流行,但最近一段时间受到学界的质疑,并引发争论。

    After more than 20 years , literature is a kind of aesthetic ideology , in the view of the more popular sector , However , the most recently questioned by academics , and trigger controversy .

  24. 力求从整体上认识和把握日常生活的审美意识形态,并借此探寻日常生活叙事对文本表层及深层形式的影响。

    It strives to understand and grasp the aesthetic ideology of everyday life in a whole way , and thereby , to explore the influence exerted upon the textual surface form and deep form by everyday life narrative .

  25. 认为,面对大众文化的全面兴盛,审美意识形态理论失去了理论表述力,恢复政治意识形态批评的合法性将是文学的一个必然策略。

    Accordingly , this paper claims that with the flourishing of the popular culture , the theories of aesthetic ideology have lost their theoretical expressive force and it is thus of necessity to resume political ideological criticism in literature .

  26. 本文不是对此进行全面的研究,而是集中于他们极富于创造性和影响力的意识形态理论和审美意识形态理论,把其放入马克思主义意识形态理论发展的历史中,研究二者的联系与区别。

    My thesis does not do the research all-sidedly , but centers on their creative and influential theories of ideology , Ideology of the Aesthetics , and also their relations and differences in the historical development of Marxism ideology theories .

  27. 文学是审美意识形态的结论一直是高校研究文学本性的依据。但是无论是从文学的存在状况,还是从文学的理论推断,都不能令人信服地说明所有的文学现象。

    At the institution of higher learning , we study the literary true nature all along on the basis of the conclusion that literature belongs to aesthetic consciousness , but we can 't convincingly account for all the literary phenomena .

  28. 通过了解北方少数民族服饰造型艺术独特的背景、特点、文化内涵和审美意识形态,充分认识到蕴藏在少数民族服饰中的民族历史、文化传统、价值取向、审美情操和精神追求等深层次的寓意。

    By learn the special background , feature , culture meaning and aesthetic approach of the northern minorities ' traditional dresses . We can recognize the nation history , traditional culture , concept of value , aesthetic approach and spiritual chase which contain in them .

  29. 但必须看到,我们对文学诗性本质的认识仍然是有所缺失的,人们依然更注重从外部研究文学,即便是作为现今主流文论话语的审美意识形态论也同样如此。

    However , we must figure out that we are still insufficient on the realization of the poetic essential of literature , people still pay more attention to the research on literature from " outside ", same case with the current mainstream literature discourse & " aesthetic ideology " .

  30. 文学本质界说考论&以审美与意识形态关系为中心

    Textual Criticism on Definition of the Nature of Literature