
  • 网络aesthetic sense
  1. 艺术欣赏的心理过程分为审美感觉、审美理知、审美心象、心境共鸣四个阶段,这四个阶段的心理活动最终使各种意象相冲撞而达到心灵的净化和精神的升华。

    Psychological course of art appreciation can be divided into four stages : aesthetic sense , aesthetic reason , aesthetic intention and sympathetic response of mind . These four psychological behavior finally make all kinds of ideas ram each other to bring about purification of soul and sublimation of spirit .

  2. 一品脱半的啤酒就能奏效,而且男人的这种审美感觉可能持续24小时。

    A pint and a half of beer can produce the effect & and in men it may last 24 hours .

  3. 他通过这三位具有异常个性和强烈审美感觉的艺术家,来冲击灵明日以亏蚀,旨趣流于平庸中国社会。

    He wanted to impact China society that the wise was concealed and the purport tended to be mediocre by the three artists who have particular character and strong aesthetic feeling .

  4. 它由审美感觉层次、审美经验层次和审美直觉层次三个有机部分构成,成为巴金艺术创作的根基。

    It is made up of three levels , namely , aesthetic feeling , aesthetic experience and aesthetic intuition , all of which are the foundation for Ba Jin ′ s artistic and literary creation .

  5. 在这一过程中,鉴赏者要调动审美感觉、知觉、注意、联想、想象、情感、理解、判断等心理因素,进而形成有机统一的、动态的审美心理机制。

    In this process , an appreciator must use all psychological factors such as aesthetic sensation , perception , attention , association , imagination , emotion , understanding and judgment and this can form an integrated and changeable psychological mechanism .

  6. 舞蹈者当众自我审美能力是舞蹈感觉的本质所在。

    The dancer 's self_aesthetics in public is the essence of dance sense .

  7. 满足审美标准和审美感觉的。

    Satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities .

  8. 旅游景观审美要素包括:感觉力、想象力、理解力、情绪力和情感力。

    The elements of appreciation on tourist landscape include sensation force , imagine force , understanding force , feeling force and emotion force etc.

  9. 马克思美学认为劳动的本质在于人在改造对象世界的同时,生成创造了人自身,审美感官与审美感觉的形成是以往全部世界历史和全部人类劳动的产物。

    It involves all humans activities of perception and objectiveness , the essence of labor from Marxism Aesthetics is that not only has human transform nature world , himself has also being created .

  10. 审美的能力;有审美感的人;审美的感觉;这些插图使这本书获得了美学上的成功。

    The aesthetic faculties ; an aesthetic person ; aesthetic feeling ; the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success .

  11. 文中主要分为三章,依照审美感知→审美情感→审美理解的过程展开。满足审美标准和审美感觉的。

    This paper develops itself in three chapters : aesthetic perception & aesthetic feeling - aesthetic comprehension . satisfying aesthetic standards and sensibilities .

  12. 打破心理预期便是通过抓住审美主体的情绪体验,在不破坏作品完整性的前提下,以音乐的细节着手进行艺术再创造,从而实现审美主体的审美感觉。

    Keeping the original product in intactness , going beyond psychological anticipation in this paper is then a move , to grasp the feeling of the subject so as to realize the aesthetic judgment with the help of music details and artistic re-creation .