
  • 网络Audit Analysis
  1. 本文根据CC中的审计分析和响应要求,在内核层完成了一个类似入侵检测的实时审计分析系统(RAAS)。

    Based the audit analysis and auto response from CC , it have completed like IDS in kernel .

  2. 最后结合了具体的建筑进行审计分析。

    Finally , carried out audit analysis of a specific o building .

  3. 在此基础上,论文构建了一个Oracle审计分析系统,实现对审计数据的分析,并形成用户正常行为模式,用于对用户行为的检测。

    At last , the paper designs an Oracle auditing system , it can analysis the audit data and found users ' natural behavior to detect users ' action .

  4. 随着目前Internet的广泛应用,网络安全形势日益严峻,而深度报文检测(DeepPacketInspection,DPI)是实现内容安全的重要方法,同时它还可以更好的审计分析用户的行为,如应用层协议识别。

    With the extensive use of Internet , network security situation is severe . Deep packet inspection is an important method to ensure content security , and also it can audit and analyze the behavior of users , such as application layer protocol identification .

  5. 在此基础上,在实时审计分析系统的设计部分,依照通用的入侵检测模型(CIDF)对监控事件的产生、用户正常规则库、监控分析过程和响应单元逐个进行阐述。

    On the designing part of the RAAS , the generation of events , the normal library of users , the process of detecting and analyzing , and the response units were described based on the CIDF .

  6. 采用Syslog标准协议及基于正则表达式的模式匹配方法实时收集日志信息,借助于数据仓库采用信息安全多维模型的建模方法,对各个审计分析主题通过共同的分析维进行关联;

    Collect run-time log information by adopting standard protocol Syslog and Regular Expressions ( REs ) based pattern match-up method , use multi-dimensional model and information security modeling based on data warehouse technology , to co-relate audited and analyzed subjects through common analytical dimension ;

  7. 高校基建工程决算内部审计分析及对策&以广西民族学院为例

    Analysis and Countermeasure of Capital Construction Project Final Accounts in Universities

  8. 构建审计分析数据仓库中的数据清理及转换技术

    The Data Cleaning and Transformation Technology in Construction Audit Analysis Data Warehouse

  9. 供应链管理的评价和审计分析

    Auditing Analysis and Evaluation on the Supply Chain Management

  10. 我国中央部门预算执行审计分析:特征与启示

    China 's Central Department Budget Implementation Audit Analysis : Characteristics and Its Enlightenment

  11. 政府投资工程造价审计分析:基于委托代理视角

    Analysis of Cost Auditing to Government Investment Projects Based on the Principal-agent Theory

  12. 论审计分析性程序析审计处罚程序

    Analytical Procedure in Auditing Analysis of Penalty Procedure

  13. 一种基于数据流图的审计分析模型构造方法

    A Construction Method of the Auditing Analysis Model Based on the Data Flow Graph

  14. 地税业务数据审计分析模型的设计及应用

    Local Taxation Data Analysis Model Development and Application

  15. 基于特征融合的安全审计分析

    Security audit analysis based on feature fusion

  16. 审计分析性程序绩效研究

    The Study of Performance of Analytical Procedure

  17. 英国绩效审计分析

    The Analysis of VFM Audit of Britain

  18. 随着目前网络带宽越来越高,人们对高速网络的内容审计分析需求日益强烈。

    With growing network bandwidth , the analysis of high-speed network becomes an increasingly strong demand .

  19. 论审计分析性程序

    Analytical Procedure in Auditing

  20. 研究方法上的创新:提出并设计了基于商业智能架构的审计分析系统的框架,为审计技术研究提供了新的思路。

    This text proposes and designs the frame of audit analysis system and provides a new approach for audit techniques research .

  21. 审计分析模块利用查询代理、多线程处理和服务器端静态游标等技术降低了大数据量查询的访问瓶颈。

    The audit analyzing module solves the bottleneck problem of query using technology such as query agent , multiple-threaded and static cursor .

  22. 分析了传统的安全审计分析方法,发现传统方法没有利用主机日志和网络数据特征之间的联系。

    Methods of traditional security audit analysis are introduced , but the related features of system logs and network data are not well considered in these methods .

  23. 通过对测试结果的分析,验证了将数据挖掘理论融入安全审计分析是可行和有效的。

    Through the tests and the analysis result , confirmed that the use of the data mining theory to the security audit analysis is feasible and effective .

  24. 网络预警技术研究主要包括三点:网络入侵技术研究、检测模型研究、审计分析策略研究等。

    The research on early-warning technology mainly covers three aspects : research on network intrusion , research on detection model , research on analysis strategy of audit .

  25. 本文在对政府绩效审计分析的基础上,试以公共工程建设项目的效益审计为例,对政府绩效评价指标的制定进行探索。

    In this article , 1 try to study the value standards of government 's performance on the basis of the analysis about the government 's performance auditing .

  26. 最后您决定停止今天的审计分析,并停止审计功能,以免生成更多的审计记录,为此可以使用以下命令

    You decide to end your auditing analysis for the day and stop the audit facility , using the following command , so that no more audit records are generated

  27. 然后研究了数据挖掘相关技术,并根据数据挖掘理论,将数据挖掘技术应用到数据库的日志审计分析上。

    Then it has studied the data mining , and according to the data mining theory , it has applied the data mining technology in the log audit analysis of database .

  28. 审计分析、审计检查、审计计算业务是审计业务中的重要组成部分,另外,审计业务本身蕴涵了项目信息、被审单位信息等诸多分析要素。

    Audit analysis , audit inspection and audit calculation is an important part of the audit . In addition , audit itself contains the project information , the auditees information such as many analysis element .

  29. 而后充分利用业务数据量的优势,保证了各种分析结果的可信度,这样便很好地完成了审计分析的目的。

    After that , the user can make full use of the advantages of business data , which assures all kinds of analysis results believable , so that the audit analysis can be completed accomplished .

  30. 本系统的优越性在于它不仅出色地完成了防火墙系统日志审计分析的全部功能,还实现了远程日志和分布式防火墙系统集中管理的扩展功能,具有十分重要的现实意义。

    Central log auditing subsystem not only implements all basic functions of firewall log auditing system successfully , but also adds lots of extended functions such as remote log and central management for distributed firewall systems .