
shěn chá pàn duàn zhènɡ jù
  • examine and judge evidence
  • examination and judgment of evidence
  1. 证明模式是审查判断证据的基本方式,包括证据能力的审查和证明力的判断两方面的内容。

    The proof mode is the base mode about censoring the competency of evidence and judging the force of evidence .

  2. 质证作为审查判断证据的方法,是指如何帮助审判人员去伪存真。

    As a method to check and determine evidence , " cross-examination " means how to help the judge discard the false and retain the true .

  3. 刑事诉讼从本质上来看就是一个收集证据、审查判断证据、运用证据认识案件事实的过程。

    The entity of the criminal proceedings is a process of collecting evidence , judging evidence , and using evidence to find the facts of case .

  4. 真实性是证据必备属性之一,审查判断证据必须首先审查证据是否具备真实性,以保障定案依据是真实地反映案件事实的物品、资料、证言或笔录、结论等。

    To make sure that the evidence deciding on a verdict is reflecting the articles , data , testimony or notes , conclusions and etc truthfully , the facticity of the evidence must be checked first .

  5. 虽然《关于办理死刑案件审查判断证据若干问题的规定》中明确规定了电子证据应当审查的内容,但作为高科技证据,电子证据的审查问题仍然给法官带来很大的挑战。

    As a kind of high-tech evidence the examination of electronic evidence still bring great many challenges to the judge although the content of electronic evidence which should be examined is ordained in Rules Concerning with the Evidence Examining and Judging in Death Penalty Cases .

  6. 这既有利于司法人员对贿赂犯罪的证据的全面地认识,在诉讼的各个环节围绕刑法理念来收集、审查、判断证据,确保定性准确、量刑适当。

    In the process of lawsuit , the judicial staff collect , review and judge the evidences by surrounding the idea of criminal law , in order to ensure determining characterization accurately and appropriate sentencing .

  7. 介绍了电子证据的特殊取证主体,阐述了搜查和扣押电子证据的程序规则,重点探讨了审查判断电子证据的内容和方法。

    This chapter makes a presentation of the special subject taking evidence , expounds the procedural rules about searching and seizure , and deeply studying the contents and method of the examination and estimation of electronic evidences .

  8. 就其证明力而言,犯罪心理测试结论不仅可以用来审查判断其他证据的真实性,它同样可以作为认定案件事实的依据。

    In terms of its evidential power , the criminal psychological test conclusion can not only examine the authenticity of other evidences , but also can be used as the basis of finding out the facts of the case .

  9. 对这些相关问题的探讨,将有助于阐明法律与科学之间的关系,有助于法官应该如何审查判断科学证据的可采性与证明力,从而提高事实认定的准确性与可接受性。

    Discussion of related problems will contribute not only to clarify the relationship between law and science , but also to help judges judge the weight and admissibility of scientific evidence , thus improve the accuracy and acceptability of factual findings .

  10. 在审判实务中,如何正确分配证明责任、合理运用自由心证、恰当衡量证明标准来审查判断认定证据,许多民商事法官感到难以把握。

    In trial practice , how to properly distribute the burden of proof , rationally use Discretional Evaluation of Evidence , and appropriately measure the standard of evidence and verdict , many judges find it difficult to handle in civil and Commercial cases .

  11. 同时,牢牢把握被告人、被害人、证人的心理特点,对于正确审查判断这类证据具有重要意义。

    Meanwhile , good understanding of psychological characteristics of the defendants , the victims , and the witnesses weighs highly in accurately inspecting and judging the evidences .

  12. 对电子证据的审查判断,应从电子证据的特殊性出发,作出综合的审查判断。

    The judgment of the electronic evidence shall be comprehensively started from its specialities .

  13. 检察机关在审查起诉中审查判断证据有特别的价值和意义。

    Examining and judging the evidence is of special value and significance in the process of review and prosecution for investigating and prosecuting apparatus .

  14. 建立一个从管理和技术上都可靠的保管链,加强对计算机证据的科学严密的审查判断,保证计算机证据的真实可靠性。

    Establish the accurate storing system both from management and from technique , enhancing the investigation and judgment of computer evidence , and ensuring the dependability of computer evidence .

  15. 进而对单个证据及全案证据的审查判断标准及法定证据的具体审查判断作出阐述。

    Judge to review evidence and the collection of evidence , not only to review the evidence of a single judge reviews the evidence for judgment , but also to .