
  • 网络illegal evidence;Illegally obtained evidence;Evidence illegally Obtained
  1. 非法证据证明责任问题探析

    Research on the Burden of Proof of Evidence Illegally Obtained

  2. 非法证据的证明责任是非法证据排除规则的关键性和深层次问题。

    The burden of proof of evidence illegally obtained is the substantial and deep problem of the exclusion rule .

  3. 另外,相关配套制度的确立也不可或缺,如非法证据排除规则的完善,刑事指纹和DNA数据库的建立,以及相关人员作证制度的豁免等。

    In addition , the establishment of the system of related also indispensable , such as the perfection of illegal evidence elimination rule , the criminal fingerprints and DNA database establishment , and related personnel witness system exemptions , etc.

  4. 非法证据排除规则目的论评介;

    That is : brief introduction to purpose of exclusionary rule ;

  5. 在我国,非法证据仅仅限于言词证据。

    In China , illegal evidence only refers to words evidence .

  6. 我国不宜移植美式非法证据排除规则

    It is not Available to Transplant American Exclusionary Rule in China

  7. 刑事非法证据排除规则若干问题研究

    Research on Several Problems of the Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence

  8. 非法证据排除规则更名的必要性

    The Necessity of Renaming " Rules of Eliminating Illegal Evidence "

  9. 构建我国非法证据排除规则的基本设想

    The Construction and Demonstration of the Exclusionary Rule for Illegal Evidence

  10. 判断刑事证据合法性的标准及非法证据的排除

    On Standards of Criminal Proofs ' Legitimacy and Exclusion of Illegal Proofs

  11. 刑事非法证据排除规则的认识论基础

    Basic on Theory of Knowledge of Excluding Rules of Illegal Criminal Evidence

  12. 我国确立非法证据排除规则的必要性

    The Necessity of Establishing the Removal Rule for Illegal Evidence

  13. 第六部分是完善我国的非法证据排除规则。

    Part six is to improve the principle in China .

  14. 最后是完善非法证据排除规则。

    The last is that illegal perfect evidence removes regulation .

  15. 对我国非法证据排除原则合法性与合理性的质疑

    Suspect for Legality and Reasonable of Principle of Ruling out Illegal Testimony

  16. 论刑事非法证据排除的价值冲突与平衡

    Values Conflict and Balance On the Exclusion Rule of Criminal Illegal Evidence

  17. 论我国刑事诉讼中非法证据排除裁判程序的构建

    On Building Illegal Evidence Exclusion Adjudication Procedure in Criminal Action

  18. 完善我国非法证据排除规则的构想

    Conception of Improving Exclusionary Rule of Criminal Illegal Evidence in Our Country

  19. 我国刑事非法证据排除规则的法律依据;

    The legal basis of the exceptionable rule of criminal illegal proof .

  20. 从非法证据的概念范围入手,讨论非法证据排除规则的理论界定。

    Discuss the theoretical extent starting with the concept of exclusionary rule .

  21. 论建立非法证据排除原则

    On Establishing the Principle of Exclusion of Evidence Obtained Unlawfully

  22. 非法证据排除是证据合法性的必然逻辑结果。

    The illegal evidence exclusion is the inevitable logical results of legitimacy .

  23. 非法证据排除是讼诉活动中一项重大的证据规则。

    Exclusion of illegal evidence is a very important evidence rule in lawsuit .

  24. 第二部分,非法证据排除规则目的论评介。

    Part II is the introduction and analysis of purpose of exclusionary rule .

  25. 我国非法证据排除规则的确立和完善

    The Establishment and Improvement of Illegal Evidence Exclusive Rule

  26. 治安管理处罚非法证据排除规则

    The Regulations about Eliminating Illegal Evidence in Administrative Penalty for Peace and Order

  27. 非法证据排除规则之法理分析

    Theoretical Analysis on Exclusionary Rule of Illegally Obtained Evidence

  28. 非法证据之法的范围辨析

    An Analysis on the Sphere of " Law " That Illegal Evidence Violates

  29. 美德非法证据排除规则之比较与评析

    Compare and Analysis of American and German Exclusionary Rules

  30. 三是非法证据效力。

    The third is the effect of illegal evidence .