
  1. 一定还有一些事,非你不可呢!

    " There must be some unfinished work ," which you will complete .

  2. 如果你敢伤他一根毫毛,我发誓非杀死你不可。

    If you harm a hair on his head , I swear I 'll kill you .

  3. 当你去不可的时候,家就是一个非收留你不可的地方。

    Home is the place where , when you have to go there , they have to take you in .

  4. 要是非宰你不可,那我也要治死那个女人&这样一来,我想决不会有人知道这事是什么人干的。

    And if I have to kill you , I 'll kill her & and then I reckon nobody 'll ever know much about who done this business .

  5. 要是让你父亲看见,他非活剥了你不可!

    Your father 'll skin you alive when he sees this !

  6. 你可以告诉琼斯夫人,就说我非叫你去不可。

    You can tell Mrs Jones that I practically forced you to go .

  7. 臭丫头,非宰了你不可!

    Damn girl , I 'll kill you !

  8. 我非要你好看不可!

    I 'll Fong you in the arse !

  9. 不要说你不喜欢吃那道菜,或那道菜不合你的口味,除非女主人非劝你吃不可。

    Do not say that you do not like the dish , or that it does not agree with you , unless the hostess urges you to take it .

  10. 我为我所说的话非向你表示歉意不可。

    I felt constrained to apologize to you for what I had said .

  11. 如果你不方便,自然我也不会太自私,非要逼你回来不可。

    I am not so selfish , however , as to press for it , if inconvenient .