
  1. 在维多利亚时代,民众非常惧怕女杀人犯,尤其是以下毒作为行凶方式的人。

    During the Victorian era , the public was terrified of murderesses , specifically those who used poison as their weapon of choice .

  2. 他在诺曼小学受初等教育,并且非常敬佩女校长鲁茜?斯穆特小姐。

    He went to primary school at the Norman grade school and much admired the lady who was the principal , a miss Lucy smoot .

  3. 本文尝试对小说《非常难女》中的语码转换的特点、功能及原因进行描述和分析。

    This paper makes a tentative study on the features , functions and reasons of the phenomenon of written Chinese-English code-switching in the novel Working Girls .

  4. Donia是我们非常迷人的女求职者,与她搭档的Amy,两人都曾当过秘书和销售人员。

    Donia , our more attractive female applicant , and her counterpart , Amy , both had been secretaries and saleswomen .

  5. 其中最杰出的一位是L,她被誉为是第一位非常成功的女电影导演。

    One of the most outstanding is Lois Weber , she is credited as the first consistently successful woman film director .

  6. 男:非常感谢。女:别客气。

    Man : Many thanks . Woman : You 're welcome .

  7. 现在我非常渴望交女朋友。

    Now it 's something I 'm really looking forward to .

  8. 你知道他有一个非常漂亮的女朋友吗?

    Do you know he has a very beautiful gf ?

  9. 李娜,一位非常著名的女歌手,成为了一个宗教信徒。

    Li Na , a well known woman singer becomes a religion follower .

  10. 男:好的,非常感谢。女:没事。

    M : OK , thanks a lot . W : No problem .

  11. 一对中年夫妇走近一名非常漂亮的女学员,问她是否愿意摆个姿势照相。

    One middle-aged couple approached a very attractive female cadetasked her to pose for a picture .

  12. 在中美文学史上,赛珍珠是一位非常特殊的女作家。

    In the history of American literature , Pearl S. Buck is a very special writer .

  13. 里面有我的驾驶证还有一些家庭照片,它们对我来说非常重要。女:噢,有的。

    It contains my driver 's license and also some family pictures that are pretty important to me . W : Oh , yes .

  14. 我的一个朋友曾在伦敦管理过一个交易部门,其中有一个非常精明能干的女交易者。

    A friend who used to manage a trading department in London had a woman on his team who was a very good trader .

  15. 我有很多非常喜欢的女歌手,但最欣赏的还是玛利亚·凯利,我并不像变成她,我要做我自己。

    ' I loved all the female singers but my main inspiration was Mariah Carey . I love her , but I don 't want to be her . I want to be myself . '

  16. 非常邀请您勾引女服务员。

    You are very invited to take advantage of the chambermaid .

  17. 我非常急于和所有女朋友分手,这样我才能开始新的感情。

    I have this urge to break up with all my girlfriends so I can start anew .

  18. 姑娘看罢信也非常快乐,小伙女依然爱灭她。

    The girl also felt quite pleased after she read it carefully , her lad still had a deep love for her .

  19. 伊迪丝·华顿是一位美国非常有影响力的女作家,她的两部小说《欢乐之家》和《纯真年代》让她名声大噪,获得了很大成功。

    Edith Wharton is a very influential American female writer . Her two main novels , The House of Mirth and The Age of Innocence , have brought her great fame and success .

  20. TedM(英国):在英国,我的老师在学年结束的时候会受到一些小礼物,大部分是巧克力,但通常是非常受欢迎的女老师才能收到这些礼物。

    TedM ( UK ) : In my school in England teachers may receive a few small gifts ( usually chocolates ) at the very end of a school year , but usually these are given to the most popular female teachers .

  21. 你是一位非常,非常糟糕的女招待。

    You 're a terrible , terrible waitress .