
xiǎo bà wánɡ
  • Bully;spoiled child
  1. 据说,这些攻击者是在报复这个14岁的孩子,说他是学校的小霸王。

    The attackers were said to be taking revenge on the 14-year-old , claiming he was a school bully

  2. 欢迎加盟,共同开拓小霸王的明天。

    Welcome and join and open up little overlord tomorrows together .

  3. 般里年龄较小的男生被那个小霸王吓倒了。

    The smaller boys were cowed by the class bully .

  4. 这使他从一个好勇的街头小霸王成为一个学者。

    This transformed him from a teenager good at street fights into a scholar .

  5. 反抗过当地的小霸王,胆大,坚决;

    The little tyrant of his fields withstood ;

  6. 和罗伯特。雷德福在影片《虎豹小霸王》中。

    With Robert Redford in " Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid "( 1969 ) .

  7. 小霸王是世界助听器行业中体积最小、精致的大功率助听器。

    The microPower is the smallest and most discreet hearing aid in the world 's power device in the industry .

  8. 提问的力量在于是否问到关键上。有一个男孩,有一天被七年级的小霸王打了一顿。

    The power of asking the right questions is shown by a boy who was beat up one day by the seventh-grade bully .

  9. 他在《虎豹小霸王》和《骗中骗》的搭档罗伯特•雷德福总是试图使自己永葆青春,而他却总是顺其自然。

    Unlike Robert Redford , his partner for both " Butch Cassidy " and " The Sting ", he made no attempt to preserve his prettiness .

  10. 两个本是不同时空的人,但因家族的种种原因,叶宇策成了孙策,成了历史中的江东小霸王。

    This is the space of two different people but family reasons , the leaves become Sun Ce Yu policy has become in the history of Koto bully .

  11. 流氓、混混和小霸王都喜欢捡软柿子捏,欺负那些体弱、年迈、女孩和个子矮的人。

    Forever . Thugs , punks and bullies always take the path of least resistance , preying on the weak , the elderly , the distaff and the short .

  12. 利夫尼女士以几个类似于褒扬的词组描述了以色列的“血性的反应”和“小霸王行为”作为哈马斯拒绝停止向以发射火箭的回应。

    Ms Livni spoke in similarly approving terms of Israel 's " wild reaction " and " bully-boy behaviour " in response to Hamas 's refusal to stop firing rockets into Israel .