
  1. 说唐小说玄武门之变考论

    On Mutiny of Xuanwu Gate in Pertaining Tang 's Novels

  2. 作家们深知小说是门叙事的艺术。

    The writers know it well that novel is an art of narration .

  3. 从小说《门》看夏目漱石作品中近代知识人的内心孤独

    On the Inward Loneliness of Modern Intellectuals in Natsume Souseki 's Literature-Focus on his Work Door

  4. 读小说是一门艰难复杂的艺术。

    To read a novel is a difficult and complex art .

  5. 小说是一门语言艺术;

    Novel is an art of language .

  6. 小说是一门叙述的艺术,叙述方式的巧妙与否直接关系到作品的艺术魅力。

    Fiction is an art of story telling and its narrative techniques have a direct impact on its artistic charm .

  7. 亨利·詹姆斯将小说作为一门独立的艺术来看待,认为它有严格的形式和标准。

    The fiction is regarded as a self-contained art by Henry James . To his way of thinking , the fiction has its own strict form and standard .

  8. 第二章小说是一门艺术论是本文的核心。

    The second chapter is the core of this article . I try to discuss what Henry James did to prove the theory that novel was an art .

  9. 在用英语进行创作的小说家中,亨利·詹姆斯是第一个把小说作为一门艺术进行长期探索与大量试验的人。

    Among all the novelists writing novels in English , Henry James was the first considering novels as an art . He did a long-term hard work and lots of experiments to prove this .

  10. 搞清楚亨利·詹姆斯是如何将小说变成一门艺术的?这一问题,可以更好的把握小说及其理论在西方文学史上的发展脉络,更好地把握和阐释亨利·詹姆斯的小说理论与创作实践。

    How did Henry change novel into an art ? If we can make clear this question , then we can have a better understanding of the development of novels and grasp and elaborate Henry James ' theory and practice on novels .

  11. 谈小说《三重门》及其作者韩寒

    About Han Han and His Novel The Three Successive Doors

  12. 有没有人是因为喜欢这部小说才选这门课的?

    Did anyone take this course because they love On the Road ?

  13. 小说最终是一门语言的艺术,文体是语言技巧的运用,沈从文小说意境的实现最终也是靠语言。

    Novel finally is a art of language .

  14. 他的第一部小说“三重门”,探测此根据家庭和学校的压力萎缩是青少年焦虑。

    His first novel ," Triple Door ," plumbed the adolescent angst of those withering under the pressures of family and school .

  15. 另外还有一些意料之中的事情,如写一部小说、学说一门外语、参观埃及金字塔以及跑一次马拉松。

    Among the other less surprising entries are writing a novel , learning to speak another language , visiting the Egyptian pyramids and running a marathon .

  16. 韩寒以作家兼赛车手身份入选,该新闻周刊称他凭借首部小说《三重门》而入选。

    The weekly news magazine , which introduced Han as an author and a race car driver , said he was nominated because of his first novel Triple Gate .

  17. 该指控者推测韩寒父亲韩仁均可能是他的第一位枪手,据麦田推测,他父亲可能参与了韩寒第一部小说《三重门》的写作。

    He hence presumed Han 's first ghostwriter was his father Han Renjun , who he alleged might have been involved in the writer 's first novel " Triple Door . "