
  • 网络Triangle;tribeca
  1. 这个地方是一块铺石子的三角地。

    The place is a cobbled triangle .

  2. 我在桑科维广场和朋友们见面,那是个用大卵石铺成的三角地,其间耸立着齐吉斯曼国王的雕像。

    I met friends in plac zamkowy , a cobbled triangle dominated by a statue of King zigismund .

  3. 她感觉到詹姆的注视,立刻伸手遮住右胸,结果又把她的三角地露了出来。

    When she felt Jaime 's gaze she covered her right nipple , but that revealed her mound .

  4. 我曾在我们家屋后走廊和葡萄藤之间的三角地举行过一次像模像样的展览,但不幸为雨所阻。

    What resulted was an imposing display in the triangular nook between the back porch and the grapevine , but it got rained out .

  5. 市区干线车行道都以树木隔界;交叉路口的环行和三角地也铺种花草;

    Trees separate all the roads in the city , and the circular and triangular road dividers at traffic junctions are covered with flowers and plants .

  6. 随气候变暖及人类活动的增加,Okavango三角洲地可能将面临着湿地萎缩、地下水补给减少、地下水咸化加剧以及地下水污染等一系列问题。

    With the climate warming and increased human activity , Okavango delta may face problems that wetland will shrink , groundwater recharge will reduce , salinity of groundwater will increase , and other problems like groundwater pollution .

  7. 黄河三角洲地上平原水库淡水藻类分布研究

    Research of Distribution of Freshwater Algae in the Yellow River Delta Reservoirs

  8. 黄河三角洲滩地不同林分类型的土壤水文特性

    Soil Hydrological Properties of Different Forest Types in Lowlands of the Yellow River Delta

  9. 研究了安全多方计算中的几何计算问题,总结了其发展和研究成果;提出了一个解决安全多方判断三角不等式地协议,并将该协议应用于安全多方几何计算方面。

    Research the problem of secure multi-party computational geometry and Summary the development and results .

  10. 珠江三角洲地处我国改革开放前沿阵地,各种文化交流频繁。

    The Pearl River Delta is situated at reform and open policy forward-edge position . The external cultural exchange is frequent .

  11. 在中国1.45亿从农村来到珠三角等地寻找高薪工作的农民工中,李军军(音译)这样的人越来越少了。

    Li Junjun is one of a fading breed among China's145m migrant workers who come from rural areas to the Pearl River delta to find well-paid work .

  12. 近年来,我国绿道建设开始起步,在珠三角等地的绿道规划建设实践中,绿道宽度值设计是最有争议的问题之一。

    In recent years , the construction of Greenway in China has just started . The design of WG is one of the most controversial issues in the planning and construction practice for Greenway in cities of Pearl Delta .

  13. 佛山经济对外依存度大,外贸依存度达53%,与珠三角其他地市一样,受到的冲击也较明显。

    Foshan economy , because of its high degree of dependence on foreign trade with the rate of 53 % , has been obviously shocked like other cities in the area of the Pearl River Delta ( PRD ) .

  14. 从浙江、上海、珠三角等地迁入江苏沿海地区的企业更多的是看重该地区要素比较成本优势和政府的优惠政策,同时也是为自身发展需要而进行的扩张性迁移。

    From zhejiang , Shanghai , the pearl river delta to ingoing jiangsu coastal areas of enterprise is more the value the region elements comparative advantages and preferential policy and also for their own development needs of the expansionary migration .

  15. 黄河三角洲盐碱地的丛枝菌根真菌

    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in saline - alkaline soils of Yellow River Delta

  16. 黄河三角洲盐碱地造林抑盐效应分析

    Effects of Afforestation on Secondary Salinization Sites in the Yellow River Delta

  17. 黄河三角洲温地鸟类名录

    List of bird species in the Yellow River Delta wetlands

  18. 黄河三角洲盐碱地不同利用方式土壤理化性质

    Properties of saline-alkaline soil under different land use types in Yellow River Delta

  19. 黄河三角洲撂荒地土壤氧化还原酶活性与化学性质通径分析

    Path analysis between dehydrogenase activity and chemical property of wasteland in Yellow River Delta

  20. 珠江三角洲7地市11760名成年人体质状态调查

    Constitutional status investigation of 11760 adults in seven cities of Pearl River Delta area

  21. 黄河三角洲盐碱地动态变化遥感监测

    Remote sensing detection of dynamic variation of the saline land in the Yellow River Delta

  22. 广府文化是以珠江三角洲等地为通行范围的粤语文化,其核心地点在广州。

    Cantonese culture is the Pearl River Delta and other places to access the range of Cantonese culture , its core locations in Guangzhou .

  23. 在中国的珠江三角洲等地已经出现了技工短缺的现象,所以,可能在不久以后,我们将看到计生政策上的重大变革。

    China has already experienced a shortage of skilled workers in places like the Pearl River Delta , so it might not be long before we see major reforms .

  24. 广东省中山市中心城区东部沿海新发展区的三角洲用地位于珠江河的出水口,其内有大量河涌。

    The delta land for the new coastal devel - opment area in the east of the central city zone of Zhongshan , Guangdong Province is located at the outlet of the Pearl River with many river branches in the delta .

  25. 在STL文件中,实体表面的所有三角面片被无序地列出,不存在任何拓扑信息。

    In STL files , the triangular facets are listed with no order , and no topological information is provided .

  26. 三角回归被广泛地应用在医学、生物科学和工程技术等方面。

    Trigonometric regression is widely used in medical sciences , biology and engineering .

  27. 黄河三角洲滨海盐碱地绿化植物资源普查及选择研究

    Resources and Selection of Greening Plants in Coastal Alkali-saline Soil of the Yellow River Delta

  28. 黄河三角洲重盐碱地白刺造林技术的研究

    Study on Planting Techniques of Nitraria sibirica in Yellow River Delta Region with Worst Salt-affected Soils

  29. 水平方向用无结构三角网格,较好地适应不规则形状边界;

    Triangular grid system is adopted in the horizontal direction to make the model more adaptive to irregular boundary shape .

  30. 黄河三角洲重盐碱地植被特征与植被恢复技术重盐碱地改良技术研究

    Features of Plant Community and Its Restoration Techniques in Yellow River Delta Region Study on Improvement Techniques of Seriously Saline-alkali Land