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  1. 你我浸泡在月亮里,端坐三生石。

    You I soak in a moon in , sit up great stone .

  2. 忙不迭打开记忆的窗,依然可以清晰地看到你目光里的延伸,三生石上用月光为刀镂刻的誓言。

    Hastened to open the memory window can still clearly see the eyes inside your extension Sansei stone engraver to use the moon as a knife oath .

  3. 和你的爱人去看看月光下的大海吧,在大海的最深处,也许就藏着你前生的记忆呢。三生石上的旧精魂,真的不是一个美丽的传说么?

    And your wife to see the ocean under the Moonlight bar , in the depths of the sea , perhaps on the Health and hide your memory ? . Whose son stones on the old souls , that is not a beautiful legends ?