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zhěng chì
  • rectify;consolidate;straighten out;put in order;straighten;in good order;neat;tidy;dignified
整饬 [zhěng chì]
  • (1) [put in order;straighten]∶整顿使有条理

  • 整饬纪律

  • (2) [in good order; neat; tidy]∶整齐;有条理

  • 服装整饬

  • (3) [dignified]∶端庄;严正

  • 志行整饬

整饬[zhěng chì]
  1. 水运方式较为理想,为此宋人采取了诸多措施对水道加以整饬和维护,力求最大程度的保障水路的通达性。

    Water transportation was comparatively preferred . Therefore , people of Song resorted to various measures to rectify and preserve waterways , trying to ensure accessibility to maximum extent .

  2. 同时庄子彻底批判了以儒家为代表的社会性技术思想,认为它不仅不能有效地整饬社会秩序,反而会戕害本真人性。

    Furthermore , he negated the typical social technology of Confucianism , which he thought could not effectively rectify the society , but damage the naturalness and freedom of humanity .

  3. 如果说有什么问题使人对增强金融体系安全性的前景感到悲观,那就是美国证交会(sec)未能整饬好2.6万亿美元的美国货币市场基金行业。

    If anything is calculated to cause despair about the prospects of making the financial system safer , it is the failure of the securities and Exchange Commission to tame the $ 2.6tn us money market fund industry .

  4. 被迻译的外国诗歌,都具有整饬的形式和良好的音乐性。

    The poems selected for translation bear trim form and musical quality .

  5. 前期英国封建王权对地方郡政的整饬

    English Feudal Monarchy 's Rectification of the Shire Government

  6. 京剧泰斗程长庚发起了一次“整饬装具”运动。

    The Peking Opera Master Cheng Changgeng launched a movement of redressing modernizing the drama costumes .

  7. 文章对会计信息失真的表现形式及原因进行了分析,提出了整饬会计信息失真的相应对策。

    The paper analyses pattern and reason of incorrect accounting information , and it puts forward relevant countermeasure .

  8. 他们热爱和平、安宁和肥沃的土地:整饬有序而又生机勃勃的田园是他们的最爱。

    They love peace and quiet and good tilled earth : a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt .

  9. 正如后现代主义难以用一种整饬的风格来描述一样,对网络文学的整体性研究也应该以一种文化状态来把握。

    Just the same as postmodernism , people find it difficult to describe or interpret net literature in a specific style .

  10. 与大多数具有离心倾向的在野文人迥然不同,他自觉地以灌输传统道德观念、救世劝俗、整饬人伦秩序为己任。

    He conscientiously took saving the world as his duty by means of advising people , inculcating traditional morality and rectifying human relations .

  11. 他实施措施保障市场内所售物品的正宗,并打算把它整饬一新。

    He has already implemented measures to guarantee the authenticity of the market 's objects and is planning to spruce up the site .

  12. 当地政府长期历来支持葡萄酒产业,如今又将政府补贴渗透到订单中去,并对陈旧杂乱的葡萄园进行架棚整饬。

    The local government has long been wine-friendly and now there are state subsidies to instil order and trellising into old , unkempt vineyards .

  13. 它那轻柔的风格美,和谐的韵律美,整饬的诗体美,散逸着中国式的古典美,熔铸成一个诗的志摩。

    The beauty of its gentle style , its harmonious rhyme , its neat lines and its Chinese classics melt into a poetical zhimo .

  14. 建立健全行政问责制有利于整饬吏治,重塑公务员的良好形象;

    Establishment of the accountability system for administrative is advantageous in putting in order the administrative style and achievements of local administrative , remolding official 's good image ;

  15. 开辟十三行商埠文化旅游区乃名城历史文化遗址整饬利用的最好模式。

    Developing the cultural tourist area of commerical ports at Shisanhang in Guangzhou is the best way to rebuild , modify and utilize the famous historical and cultural relics .

  16. 在治理方略上,儒学所主张的伦理学思路也为汉以后历代统治者所遵从,成为整饬吏治的基本手段。

    The govern strategies based on Confucian ethics were complied with by the later rulers of various dynasties . And these strategies became the basic means to straighten official management .

  17. 同时也说明肃宗为首的中央已着手对地方藩镇的军队进行整饬,以防新的离心势力出现。

    In addition , it also showed that the central government headed by Emperor Suzong started to adjust the local governors'troops to prevent the rise of some new centrifugal forces .

  18. 和岛上其他地方相比,这里地势较高,气候格外凉爽,植被也特别苍翠,到处都是种满茶树的梯田,按照特有的美学与经济原则修剪成整饬的齐腰高度。

    It is noticeably cooler , higher and greener than elsewhere on the island , with the omnipresent terraces of neatly pruned waist-high tea plants as its aesthetic and economic organizing principles .

  19. 皇帝建立严密的行政监察制度是为了整饬吏治、提高行政效率,根本上是为了巩固专制主义中央集权,维护皇帝的统治。

    Emperor set up a strict system of administrative supervision in order to straighten officialdom , improve administrative efficiency , there is autocratic centralization in order to consolidate and maintain the rule of the emperor .

  20. 教育行政监察承担着整饬教育队伍,确保教育的公正公平,为教育保驾护航的重要职能,是教育健康发展的不可缺少的重要保障。

    The educational administration supervision undertakes is putting in order the education troop , guaranteed that education fair , escorts the important function for the education , is the education healthy development essential important safeguard .

  21. 因此,我们绝不能简单做出青少年流行文化弊大于利的判断,当然对于负面影响,我们应该加强整饬,做到趋利避害。

    Therefore , we must not simply to make young people more harm than good judge of popular culture , of course , the negative impact , we should strengthen straighten out , so while avoiding disadvantages .

  22. 各地教育部门也不断下发相关文件,整饬恶性体罚事件,舆论制约和制度规管在遏制显性的教育硬暴力的发生上起到了显而易见的作用。

    Bureaus of Education among the whole country continuously issue some relative documents to discipline vicious corporal punishment , the restriction from public opinion and supervision of discipline have an obvious effect on restraining dominant education cold violence .

  23. 在中国二千多年的历史长河中,监察制度对巩固皇权统治、维护专制集权及惩贪反腐、整饬吏治,维护封建国家机器的正常运转等方面起到了重要的作用。

    In lasted over 2000 years in China , the supervision system played important roles in strengthening empire reign , maintaining tyrannic central power , punishing corruption , revivifying official system and sustaining the operation of feudal national machine .

  24. 第一部分基于探索人们的认知规律,阐述了个体诚信观念发生的前提条件和个体诚信印象的形成和整饬;

    The first part based on discovering the law of cognition , expatiate the precondition of honesty and credit concept , and how it come into being , how it is adjusted that individual 's impression about Honesty and Credit .

  25. 楚庄王时,孙叔敖为宰相,整饬内政,兴修水利,国势更加强盛。

    During the reign of King Zhuang of Chu , Sun Shuao was designated as prime minister . With his help , the internal affairs were regulated , irrigation system was constructed , and the state became powerful and prosperous .

  26. 这一制度的制定和实施,不仅直接关系到各级地方官吏的切身利益和各项政令的下达实施,同时也促进了明代当时吏治的整饬和官员队伍体系的更新换代,并为其后的清代所效法。

    These systems is not only directly related to the interests of the local officials at all levels , but also promote the Ming Dynasty Straightening and officials at Official team system replacement , and the system followed suit by Qing dynasty .

  27. 百年残楼的复生&外滩九号轮船招商总局大楼外观复原与内部整饬设计家居设计中旧房室内空间改造的思考

    Rejuvenation of a Hundred-Years ' Remaining Building : Design for the Appearance Restoration and the Interior Renovation of the No.9 Building of China Merchants Steam Navigation Co. , Ltd. in Huangpu Bund Considerations on interior renovation design of old building in house decoration

  28. 从明代九边军事惩罚与边防的绩效来看,明代军事惩罚应该对整饬军纪有一定作用,但不可否认由于惩罚制度在具体执行中的不当,对于边防的消极影响。

    Seen from the military punishment of the Nine Frontier fortifications in the Ming Dynasty and performance of the frontier defense , the military punishment is advantageous to preserve military orders , but also exerts negative influence on the specific implementation of the punishment system .