首页 / 词典 / good


shī huì
  • do favors for others
施惠 [shī huì]
  • [oblige]施恩

  • 以不上夜班对我施惠

  1. 机遇只施惠于有准备的头脑&伦琴对X射线的发现与研究

    Chance favors only the mind that is prepared

  2. 有几个国家采取的刺激措施直施惠于购房者,如美国实行的联邦课税扣除法(taxcredit)。

    Several countries have targeted stimulus measures directly on home buyers , such as the US with its federal tax credit .

  3. 满足请求,施惠;vt.感激我们乐于效劳。

    We 'd be happy to oblige .

  4. 他常常以施惠的态度帮助朋友做功课。

    He often condescended to help his friend with his homework .

  5. 他不声不响但稳扎稳打地不让汉纳再作首席政治施惠人。

    Quietly but surely he retired Hanna as chief dispenser of patronage .

  6. 一个国家仅施惠于富裕者,其富裕便不能持久。

    The nation cannot prosper long when it favors only the prosperous .

  7. 帮助,予人方便帮助或提供服务;施惠于。

    To do a favor or service for ; oblige .

  8. 无人机经济不会平均施惠于各州;

    The drone economy won 't be spread evenly ;

  9. 今天这里有个人,她总是用她的魔法施惠于人。

    There 's someone here today who lent us a bit of her magic .

  10. 关键的问题是好意施惠可否产生侵权责任。

    The key question is that whether " Gefalligkelten " can lead to tort liability .

  11. 他对下属总是摆出施惠於人的态度。

    He always condescends to his inferiors .

  12. 第四部分是好意施惠侵权纠纷的处理机制。

    The fourth part researches that how to deal with the dispute of the favor act .

  13. 施惠我们乐于效劳。

    We 'd be happy to oblige

  14. 社会开支往往并没有帮助穷人,反而施惠于相对富裕的群体。

    Social spending is often less about helping the poor than giving goodies to the relatively wealthy .

  15. 好意施惠行为及相关的责任承担

    Favor Act and Concerned Liability

  16. 好意施惠关系中的责任承担&从《楼上楼下》的个案角度分析

    On the Liability in Granting - a-Favor Relation & On The Basis of The Neighbors Case UPSTAIRS AND DOWNSTAIRS

  17. 为了避免口气听上去过于施惠于人,讲授大学性教育课程的老师们采用了有趣、互动式的教学方式。

    To avoid sounding patronizing , instructors of sex education in universities have adopted fun , interactive teaching methods .

  18. 索多玛人,只不过不接待初到的陌生客人,而埃及人却将施惠的宾客充作奴隶。

    Others had not welcomed unknown strangers , but the Egyptians enslaved guests who had been good to them .

  19. 对于好意施惠排除不当得利请求权的依据,可以从自然债务理论中进行寻找。

    For the foundation of excluding claim for unjust enrichment , we can find in the theory of natural obligation .

  20. 新兴的各种学说虽有所不同,但都是为了将好意施惠纳入法律调整范畴所做的努力。

    Although the immerging theories are different , they all endeavor to bring " Gefalligkelten " into the range of law .

  21. 修行完备之人,他们的存在虽不会对人造成伤害,但他们也不会费心地做大善人,到处施惠,为自己建功德。

    The men of perfect practice don 't do harm to others but they don 't make efforts to do well everywhere .

  22. 最终薪金养老计划开始拖累而非施惠于公司股价。

    Having an exposure to a final-salary pension scheme is now a drag on a company 's share price , not a boon .

  23. 但除了一些令人敬仰的官员以外,希腊政界人士一直把公共部门就业当作福利网的代用品和施惠工具。

    But with a few honourable exceptions , the politicians have continued deploying public sector employment as a surrogate welfare net and instrument of patronage .

  24. 法律与道德之间总是存在某种张力,二者都试图将某些领域纳入自己的调整范围,好意施惠就是其中之一。

    There always tension between law and morality , because they both wants to bring some fields into their adjustment range which include " Gefalligkelten " .

  25. 作为他神秘的远大前程的情况的一部分,皮普不许去寻找他的施惠主。

    As part of the mysterious circumstances of his great expectations Pip is told that he is not to try to discover who his benefactor is .

  26. 但现实情况是,没有一种机制能够使得央行采取违背国家使命而施惠于他国的措施。

    But in reality , there is no mechanism to make central banks take measures that would contravene their national mandates for the benefit of other countries .

  27. 然后分析了好意施惠的性质,同时详尽论述了好意施惠与无偿合同的区分标准。

    Then this article analyzes the nature of the good intention to bestow favor , while detailed analyzes the distinction standard between the good intention and granting contract .

  28. 另,台湾民法学界对于好意施惠关系的纠纷处理都以台湾民法的184条为主要依据。

    In addition , Taiwan civil law educational world bestows favor relational regarding the good intention the dispute to process take Taiwan civil law 184 as the main basis .

  29. 若要使传统的公平游戏解释能够证成普遍的政治义务,就必须补充一个新条件:受益人认可施惠人的身份。

    In order to justify political obligation successfully , the fair play theory should be added a condition , which is the beneficiary accepts or consents the patron 's status .

  30. 学界对代买彩票的基础关系存在无偿委托合同和好意施惠关两种见解。

    The thesis thinks that agency purchase for lottery belongs to unpaid trust contract and owing to that , this thesis analyses the right and duty of relevance people detailedly .