
  • 网络construction output value
  1. 按施工产值计算的全员劳动生产率为105490元/人,比上年提高19.7%。

    Calculated at construction output value , the overall labor productivity was 105,490 yuan per person , up by 19.7 percent over the previous year .

  2. 本文分析了影响设备购置的若干个因素,认为施工产值是最主要的因素,并对施工产值用线形回归方法做了进一步分析。

    Several factors which influence the purchase of machinery are analyzed in this paper , and it is considered that the construction output value is the most important factor . The construction output value are analyzed furthermore by using the linear regression method .

  3. 中建五局武汉公司(以下简称武汉公司)成立于1998年,到2005年完成施工产值达到11217.09万元,实现利润255.34万元。

    China Construction Fifth Bureau Wu Han Company ( Wu Han Company for short ) was founded in 1998 . Unto 2005 , construction production value 112.1709 million RMB and profit 255.34 million have been achieved .

  4. 浅谈施工企业产值利润率下降的原因及解决的途径

    On the Reason and Approaches of Decreasing of Production Profit Rate of Construction Enterprise

  5. 就建筑施工企业现状高产值低效益的原因进行了较为全面的分析,进而提出了提高企业经济效益的措施。

    This article performs an all-round analysis of the reasons for the ' high output value and low benefits existing currently in the construction enterprises before putting forward measures to improve the economic benefits of the same .

  6. 它不但是施工企业走出高产值、低效益困境的现实需要,也是适应市场、拓展市场的有力保障。眼下,关于施工企业责任成本管理的各类研究可谓铺天盖地。

    Cost management and control is not only the reality needs for those construction enterprises to get out of the " high production value-low efficiency " trouble , but also the powerful guarantee to meet the market demands and expand the market .