
  • 网络Construction access road;Haul road
  1. 但施工便道临时用地部分仍按照产值补偿。

    But temporary land section for construction road is compensated by its output value .

  2. 临时开辟的施工便道在使用后要及时恢复原有农作物或植被。

    The temporary construction shortcut shall be restored to original crop or vegetation in time upon service .

  3. 主要施工便道已经贯通,工地布置、施工用水、用电、临时房屋和便道能满足开工要求。

    Main access roads are ready , site deployment , construction water , electricity , temporary premises and access roads can meet construction requirements .

  4. 根据施工扰动形式的不同,扰动区分为工程结构物主体区、取土场、弃土场和施工便道等临时场地,各区对生态恢复的具体要求各有不同。

    According to the different forms of disturbance , disturbed areas are divided into the main area of engineering structures , the fetching field , the dumping sites and construction road and other temporary venues , so that specific requirements of ecological restoration are different .