
suǒ jiā
  • Cable clamp;cord clip;rope clip
索夹[suǒ jiā]
  1. 钢绞线索夹片式锚具张拉要点及常见问题

    Points and Common Problems on Steel Cable Strand Tapered Anchorage Stretch

  2. 自锚式悬索桥索夹抗滑及应力测试试验研究

    On Clamp Anti-slide and Stress Test of Cable Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  3. 自锚式悬索桥边跨整体索夹的设计优化

    Side Span 's Integrated Clamp 's Optimizing Design in Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  4. 隐式单索夹持式玻璃幕墙承载性能的试验研究

    Test study of loading capacity for glass curtain wall with an invisible single cable

  5. 黄山人行观光悬索桥主缆、索夹及吊索安装施工技术

    Erection of Main Cable , Clamp and Suspension Cable of Mt. Huangshan Sightseeing Suspension Bridge

  6. 吉林兰旗松花江大桥主缆、索夹、吊索的设计

    Main Cable , Cable Clip , and Suspender Cable Design of Songhua River Bridge in Lanqi of Jilin

  7. 以黄山观光索桥为例,重点介绍人行观光悬索桥主缆、索夹、吊索安装施工工艺、方法和要点。

    The technology , method and key points in erection of main cable , clamp and suspension cable are introduced .

  8. 空间缆索结构悬索桥的索夹在体系转换时需要与吊索一起在空间进行转动。

    In the system transformation , the cable clamps of the bridge often need to rotate together with the hangers in spatial conditions .

  9. 基于成桥线形的分析成果,根据空缆时索夹间主缆的无应力长度应等于成桥时索夹间的无应力长度这一原则设置悬链线单元的参数。

    Set the parameters of catenary element on the basis of analysis result of main cable shape and the principle that the unstressed length of main cable between suspenders is constant .

  10. 他把钓索夹在大拇指和食指之间等待着。同时盯着它和其他那几根钓索,因为这鱼可能已游到了高一点的地方或低一点的地方。

    He waited with the line between his thumb and his finger , watching it and the other lines at the same time for the fish might have swum up or down .

  11. 采用自制螺栓拉拔器对索夹螺栓进行预紧,更加精确地控制了索夹螺栓的预紧力,确保索夹对主缆的握紧效果。

    We use homemade bolt puller to preload the clamp bolt , which more accurately controls the preload of the clamp bolt , and ensures the clamp 's holding effect on the main cable .

  12. 对于悬索桥缆索系统,一般根据确定的跨径和矢跨比,可计算出主缆无应力长度、吊索长度、施工时鞍座预偏量、索夹的安装位置等。

    Calculations of the null stress length of the main cable , the suspenders , the locations of cable bands and so on could be figured out for suspension bridge according to certain span and rise-span ratio .

  13. 采用组合承力索线夹的支柱装配计算数学模型的优化设计

    Optimum design on computational mathematics model for supporting pillar of integrated catenary splice

  14. 本文以秦沈客运专线电气化工程为背景,详细介绍了采用组合承力索线夹的支柱装配计算的数学模型的建立过程。

    With the electrification of Qinhuangdao-Shenyang railway line for passenger transportation as a background , the paper presents in detail the process of establishing the mathematical model for computation of mast assembly with integral messenger wire clamp adopted .

  15. 承力索终端锚固线夹脱落原因分析及对策

    Analysis of Breakaway of Terminal Anchoring Clamp for Messenger Wire and its Counter-measures

  16. 接触线及承力索终锚线夹的改进探讨

    Improvement and Discussion on Terminal Anchoring Clamps of Contact Wire and Messenger Wire

  17. 主缆系统的施工主要包括猫道架设、索股架设、索夹吊索安装和防腐等项目。

    The construction stages of the main cable include catwalk erection , wire stranderection , cable bands and hangers installation , protection of the main cable , etc.

  18. 空间索面自锚式悬索桥主缆横向位移及索夹横向偏转角的试验研究偏角;偏角;偏离角;偏斜角;偏转角;变位角;致偏角

    Testing Study on Lateral Displacement of Main Cable and Lateral Deflection Angle of Cable Clamp in the Self-anchored Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cable System

  19. 这个两边的夹角是多大?空间索面自锚式悬索桥主缆横向位移及索夹横向偏转角的试验研究

    How big is the angle contained by these 2 sides ? Testing Study on Lateral Displacement of Main Cable and Lateral Deflection Angle of Cable Clamp in the Self-anchored Suspension Bridge with Spatial Cable System