
  • 网络Sonoma State University
  1. 85岁的杰弗瑞·迪克曼(JeffreyDickemann)是加州索诺玛州立大学的一位退休人类学教授。他在60多岁的时候开始变性。他回忆起当他上大学时,学校有规定不许女生穿裤子。

    Jeffrey Dickemann , an 85-year-old retired anthropology professor from Sonoma State University in California who transitioned in his 60s , recalls that when he was in college , there were rules against women wearing trousers .

  2. 在北加州索诺玛州立大学,44%的毕业生没有找到工作。据KenHeinzel所言。他是学校里市场营销和管理的讲师,以前是猎头公司的高管。

    At Sonoma State University in Northern California , some 44 % of graduating seniors wont have a career job when they graduate , according to Ken Heinzel , a marketing and management lecturer at the school and a former executive headhunter .