
suǒ péi shí xiào
  • Limitation of Claims;time of validity of a claim
  1. 与瑕疵相关的所有索赔权时效最早终止于最后的客户业已实现所有索赔权后的两个月。

    All claims relating to defects become time barred at the earliest two months after all claims the final customer may have been fulfilled .

  2. 第三章船舶保险和船舶保赔保险索赔和理赔之比较,本章通过对索赔时效、赔偿金的支付、免赔额(Deductible)、最高赔偿限额的比较来分析二者之不同;

    Chapter III the comparison of counterclaim and claim settlement between hull insurance and protection Sindemnity : In chapter III difference between them will be compared and analyzed by virtue of analysis of counterclaim time bar , payment of compensation Deductible , compensation limitation .