
  • 网络pylon
  1. 斜拉桥混凝土索塔钢锚箱受力计算

    Analysis of Mechanical Behavior on Concrete Pylon Steel-Anchor-Box in Cable-Stayed Bridge

  2. 环向预应力体系在索塔中的应用及其试验研究

    The Application and Experiment of Circular Prestressing System for Pylon

  3. 索塔锚固区U形环向预应力伸长量不均匀性探讨

    Discussion on Non-uniformity of U-Looped Prestressing Tendons Elongation at Tower Anchorage Zone

  4. 首先利用ANSYS软件针对索塔锚固区所选节段进行了详尽的空间有限元分析,考察索塔锚固区的应力分布和变形情况。

    At first , utilized ANSYS to analyze the anchorage zone on the cable bent tower and investigate stress distribution and deformation at the area .

  5. 用ANSYS对某特大桥索塔哑铃型承台群桩基础与土体共同作用进行了三维弹塑性有限元分析。

    Interaction between group piles and dumbbell shaped cap in a super large bridge was analyzed with ANSYS software of 3-D elasto-plastic finite element method .

  6. 实践证明,GPS定位技术确定的悬索桥索塔、锚锭、连续刚构桥主墩和西岸引桥高墩的平面和高程点位误差和相对点位误差均满足桥梁施工规范要求。

    Practice proves that the layout precisions of the cable support towers and anchorages of the suspension bridge , the main piers of the continuous rigid frame bridge , and the piers of the west approach bridge are fulfilled to the bridge construction specifications .

  7. 对全桥做整体静力结构分析,进而利用大型有限元程序ANSYS对索塔锚固区段在实际工况下的应力分布做了仿真计算,得出了应力分布规律。

    Secondly , the whole bridge static structural analysis is studied . Using large-scale finite element analysis software , ANSYS , simulation calculation of the anchorage zone in reality work condition is done . So stress distribution is obtained , and the structure is demonstrated safety .

  8. 在最大设计索力作用下,索塔锚固区各板件的Mises等效应力均小于材料的屈服强度,结构是安全、可靠的,能够满足设计的强度要求。

    The Mises equivalent stress of each plate in the cable-pylon anchorage zone was less than the material yield strength . The structure was safe and reliable , could meet the strength requirements of design .

  9. 大连开发区琴桥是1座主跨度112m的独塔竖琴式单索面单背索斜拉桥,该桥主塔结构形式独特,背索的索塔锚固区受力复杂。

    Qin Bridge locates in Dalian development zone . It 's a 120m long bridge single pylon and single back-stays .

  10. 然后利用ANSYS建立了索塔在50m、75m、102m三种不同高度时的计算模型,对其在日照温差作用下的变形规律进行了系统的分析研究。

    Computation models for cable towers of 50 m , 75 m and 102 m high are constructed respectively through ANSYS , and a systematic analysis of the deformation rule under different temperature is made .

  11. 根据南京长江第二大桥195.41m高的斜拉桥索塔柱的实测变形值,研究了温度、日照和风速等因素作用对塔柱变形的量值。

    Based on the observed deformation of the cable tower of 195.41m in height on the second Nanjing Yangtze Bridge , the influences of temperature , sunshine , and wind pressure on the deformation of the cable tower are studied .

  12. 斜拉桥索塔参数共振的数值研究

    Numerical Study on Parametric Resonance of Coupled Cables and Bridge Tower

  13. 索塔梁耦合作用下的斜拉桥侧倾稳定研究

    Research of Lateral Buckling Stability of Cable-stayed Bridges under Cable-pylon-girder Coupling

  14. 一座新型自锚式悬索桥的索塔施工控制研究

    Tower Lifting Construction Analysis of A New Type Self-anchored Suspension Bridge

  15. 索塔周日变形特性研究及其应用

    Study on Daily Deformation Characteristics of Cable Tower and Its Application

  16. 牵索塔在海浪中的极值响应预报

    The Extreme Response Prediction of Guyed Tower in Sea Waves

  17. 抗差卡尔曼滤波在桥梁索塔变形监控中的应用

    The Application of Robust Kalman Filtering in Bridge Cable Tower Deformation Monitor

  18. 索塔模型预应力状态测试分析

    Test and Analysis of Pre-stressing Force State of the Cable Tower Model

  19. 悬索桥索塔施工过程的模拟分析

    Construction Course Analysis and Simulation of Tower of Suspension Bridge

  20. 钢锚板式索塔锚固区足尺模型试验研究

    Model Experiment Analysis on Steel Anchor Plate Cable-Pylon Anchorage Zone

  21. 大跨度桥梁大多采用混凝土索塔。

    The concrete cable bent tower is used widely in long-span bridges .

  22. 大跨桥梁索塔有限元模型修正

    Finite Element Model Updating for the Tower of Long-span Bridges

  23. 牵索塔平台的非线性响应极值分析

    Non-linear Dynamic Responses of a Guyed Tower and Their Extreme Value Analysis

  24. 天津保定桥为独塔单索面钢箱梁斜拉桥,索塔锚固区采用钢锚箱结构。

    Steel anchor box structure was used in the cable-tower anchorage zone .

  25. 长寿长江公路大桥索塔节段足尺模型试验研究

    Full-scale Model Test for Pylon Segment of Changshou Yangtse River Highway Bridge

  26. 斜拉桥钢-混凝土组合索塔锚固结构节段模型试验研究

    Segmental model test studies of composite Cable-tower anchor zone of cable-stayed bridge

  27. 东海大桥主索塔工程模板设计

    Constructional Formwork Design of Main Cable Tower for Donghai Bridge

  28. 钢管拱桥扣索塔缆索张力测试与分析

    Measurement and Analysis for Cable Tension of Steel Arch Bridge

  29. 景洪澜沧江斜张桥索塔顶端空心段的测试分析

    The Measure-experiment Analysis Investigation of the Tower-top Hollow Section of Jing-hong Cable-stayed Bridge

  30. 基于分形理论的斜拉桥索塔裂缝研究

    Tower Crack Study of Cable-stayed Bridges by Fractal Theory