
  • 网络cantilever bridge
  1. 横跨位于曼哈顿岛和奎恩岛之间的东哈得逊河的一座悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge across the East River between Manhattan and Queens .

  2. 横跨哈得逊河的一座著名的悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge across the Hudson River .

  3. 大悬臂桥面板钢脊骨梁结构模型剪力滞效应有限元分析

    The Finite Element Analysis of Shear Lag Effect of Great Steel

  4. 在新奥尔良地区横跨密西西比河的两座悬臂桥。

    Twin cantilever bridges across the Mississippi at New Orleans .

  5. 位于魁北克省的一座著名的悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge in Quebec .

  6. 在切斯特-宾西法尼亚州的一座悬臂桥。

    A cantilever bridge in Chester-Pennsylvania .

  7. 大多数悬臂桥都有两个桁架臂用以对接或支撑两臂之间的桥段。

    Most cantilever bridges have two arms of truss structure that meet or support a section between them .

  8. 三箱并联变高度悬臂桥荷载横向分布的分析

    Analysis of transverse load distribution for cantilever bridges with three box girders connected in parallel and of varying depth

  9. 悬臂桥使得桥梁建筑师能够修比桁架跨度更大的桥梁。在19世纪悬臂桥常常是铁路桥。

    Cantilevers enabled bridge builders to span longer distances than truss bridges . During the nineteenth century , cantilevers were frequently used to build railroad bridges .

  10. 本文将三箱并联变高度的悬臂桥,模拟成平面的弹簧支承结构来分析荷载的横向分布。

    Analysis of transverse load distribution for cantilever bridges with three box girders connected in parallel and of varying depth by modelling the bridge as a planar structure , supported on springs is presented in this paper .

  11. G-M法推广应用到悬臂梁桥上时的参数α与θ的计算

    Calculation of Parameters α and θ in Extended Application of G-M Method to Cantilever Bridge

  12. 悬臂梁桥水毁后的修复与测试技术

    The Technique on Repairing and Testing Cantilever Bridge Destroyed by The Flood

  13. 化州悬臂梁桥的病害分析与承载力评价

    Disease Analysis and Load-Bearing Capacity Appraise on the Huazhou Bridge

  14. 浅谈悬臂梁桥的施工

    Curved Grillage Girder Construction of cantilever bridge

  15. 双悬臂梁桥在软土地基上的应用

    Twin-cantilevered Beam Bridges on Soft Ground

  16. 论悬臂式铺架机钢箱梁的弹性稳定问题浅谈悬臂梁桥的施工

    Discussion on the elastic stability of steel box girders for cantilever track - laying and bridging machines

  17. 悬臂箱梁桥剪力滞效应影响因素研究

    Research on the Parameters of Shear Lag Effect in Cantilever Box Girder Bridge

  18. 某后张法有粘结预应力混凝土悬臂帽梁桥施工

    Intellectual Concrete Construction Technology of Overhanging Hat Beam by Means of Post-tensioning , Prestressing Force Method

  19. 牛腿是悬臂体系梁桥上部构造的一个重要组成部分,其应力状态较为复杂。

    As an important part of superstructure of cantilever beam system , corbel 's stress state is very complex .

  20. 悬臂施工连续梁桥合拢方案的讨论

    Discussion on Cantilever Construction Continuous Beam Bridge Final Butting Plan

  21. 悬臂施工连续梁桥0号块的空间应力分析

    Space Stress Analysis on Zero Block of Cantilever Construction Continuous Girder Bridge

  22. 主要的内容有以下几个方面:1.安装铅芯橡胶支座的三跨悬臂隔振梁桥地震作用下的碰撞反应分析。

    The main contents include ; 1 . Seismic responses analysis of a three-span cantilever beam bridge including the pounding effects .

  23. 通过对实测数据的分析,提出了公路大悬臂曲线箱梁桥的温度梯度模式;

    According to the analysis of measured datum , the temperature gradient on long cantilever curved box girder bridge was proposed .

  24. 预应力混凝土横向大悬臂连续箱梁桥由于其可以减少墩台数目或减小墩台尺寸、节省工程量,增加桥下净空,所以在城市桥梁中得到广泛应用。

    The PC continuous box girder with transverse long cantilevers is widely applied in urban bridge due to reducing abutment size and its number and increasing clearance under the bridge .

  25. 悬臂段的铁路桥连续梁,已浇梁段出现误差,几乎难以避免,因此,对下节段的状态预测极为重要。

    Cantilever segment of the railway continuous beam poured section appear serious errors , it is almost hard to eliminate , therefore , the prediction of the next section is extremely important .

  26. 由于公路大悬臂曲线箱梁桥的构造具有特殊性,因此不宜套用铁路桥梁规范或其他温度梯度模式。

    Because the constitution of long cantilever curved box girder bridge has special character , railway bridge gauge and other temperature gradients were not suitable to apply mechanically to those types of bridge .