
  • 网络Cliffside;Cliff;the edge of the cliff;On the Brink
  1. 他的家是在距最近公路半英里海滩上的悬崖边凿出来的一间石灰岩房子。

    Home is a one-room limestone house carved out of the cliffside above the beach , half a mile from the nearest public road .

  2. 钢铁侠享受着奢侈人生——他在盔甲和悬崖边的别墅上不吝千金。

    Tony Stark enjoys the finer things in life - he is not afraid to splurge on a suit of armor or cliffside mansion .

  3. 切莫靠近悬崖边。

    Keep away from the edge of the cliff .

  4. 他们拖着脚步沿着草皮慢慢地走向悬崖边。

    They shuffled slowly down the turf towards the cliff 's edge .

  5. 汽车从悬崖边上滚下去了。

    The car rolled over the edge of a cliff .

  6. 该镇坐落在陡峭险峻的悬崖边上。

    The town is perched on the edge of a steep , precipitous cliff .

  7. 图片:Closetotheedge.悬崖边她的悲剧对于其他游客来说是一个警示,提醒他们那些游客众多的旅游景点也可能暗藏危险。

    Her tragic story serves as a warning to other tourists about the dangers of popular tourist destinations .

  8. 苹果(Apple)是乔布斯的初恋,他白手起家创立了这家公司,后来又从悬崖边上把它拉了回来并打造成为全球最有价值的公司。

    His first love , Apple , he built from nothing and then dragged back from the brink to make it the most valuable company in the world .

  9. FBI搜集到的唯一证据,是一对夫妇的证词。他们声称看到了一个符合艾尔弗雷德外貌描述的小男孩,他站在一个悬崖边望着远方的田野。

    The only evidence they were able to gather was a statement from a married couple who had spotted a young boy matching Alfred 's description .

  10. 位于著名的怀特悬崖边(whitecliffs)的城堡原是宫殿,为举办王室典礼以及英格兰国王向外国贵宾炫耀的样板。

    The castle itself , sitting on the famous white cliffs , was originally built as a palace designed for royal ceremony and as a showpiece with which the king could impress important visitors to England .

  11. 如果imf领导层不采取纠正行动,那么世界很有可能会问,当欧洲的驾驶员驾车冲出悬崖边时,作为顾问和资金后台的imf为何在熟睡?

    If the IMF leadership does not take corrective action , the world might well be asking why the fund was asleep as adviser and financier even as the European driver was taking the car over the cliff .

  12. 比如,“IwillreachouttoKevinandletyouknowifthattimingisconvenient.(我会问一下凯文,看看时间是否方便。)”难道凯文在流沙区吗?或者他在悬崖边摇摇欲坠?难道我们就不能“问”一下他?

    For example : " I will reach out to Kevin and let you know if that timing is convenient . " Reach out ? Is Kevin stuck in quicksand ? Is he teetering on the edge of a cliff ? Can 't we just ask him ?

  13. 定于周日举行的公投如今成了巨大的不确定性的来源,希腊人在ATM机前排队,尽其所能取出一些欧元现金,而整个国家正在悬崖边踉踉跄跄,经济很可能会一落千丈。

    The referendum , which is scheduled for next Sunday , is now a source of deep uncertainty , with Greeks lining up outside of ATMs to withdraw whatever euros they can , while the whole country is teetering on the brink of financial free-fall .

  14. 他们离悬崖边很近,十分危险。

    They were perilously close to the edge of the precipice .

  15. 在悬崖边上挣扎了一会儿。

    There was a moment 's struggling on the cliff edge .

  16. 最美丽的花,总是开在悬崖边。

    The most beautiful flowers are those always bloom on cliff .

  17. 在悬崖边行走是危险的。

    It is dangerous to walk near the edge of a cliff .

  18. 我们现在就象在悬崖边上。

    So here is us , on the Raggedy edge .

  19. 或者他在悬崖边摇摇欲坠?

    Is he teetering on the edge of a cliff ?

  20. 我听到悬崖边有一声惊雷。

    I heard a crack of thunder near the cliff .

  21. 站在悬崖边上时候要小心。

    Be careful when you stand by the steep cliff .

  22. 日本和德国都从悬崖边上走了回来。

    Japan and Germany are both back from the brink .

  23. 汽车从悬崖边上掉下去,摔得粉碎。

    The car fell over the cliff and was dashed to pieces .

  24. 这种“悬崖边起舞”的游戏会持续很长时间。

    This game of cliff - Dancing could last a long time .

  25. 在悬崖边吊着都几有趣。

    Hang over the edge of the cliff was interesting .

  26. 他们正站在悬崖边上呢。

    They were at the very edge of a cliff .

  27. 他站在悬崖边上。

    He stood on the edge of the cliff .

  28. 我呢,就在那混帐的悬崖边。

    I accommodate oneself to by that goddamn precipice .

  29. 那登山者在悬崖边突然站住了。

    The climber made a sudden stand at the brink of the precipice .

  30. 他害怕得不敢在悬崖边往下看。

    He was too terrified to look over the edge of the cliff .