
  • 网络Cantilever Rack;cantilever racking
  1. 悬臂式货架对管材、线材等型材类长条形货物的存储有着极其独特的优点。

    The cantilever rack has particular advantages for the storage of the strip type cargoes , such as tubing and ware .

  2. 悬臂式货架适用于放长物料,环形物料,板材和不规则物料。

    Cantilever Racking : It is fit for long material , annulation , boards , and irregular goods .

  3. 悬臂式货架具结构轻巧、载重能力好、空间利用率高等特点;

    The cantilever shelf has the structure to be dexterous , carrying capacity is good , spatial use factor higher characteristic ;