
  1. 电动助力转向&EPS(ElectricPowerSteering)系统是一类近些年出现的新型动力转向系统。

    Electric Power Steering ( EPS ) system , which emerged in recent years , is a new type of vehicle steering system .

  2. EPS(ElectricPowerSteering)系统是一种直接依靠电动机提供助力转矩的新型动力转向系统。

    Electric power steering system is a new power steering system which depends on an electric motor to provide assistant torque .

  3. 电动助力转向系统(EPS)是近几年来兴起的新型动力转向系统。

    Electric power steering ( EPS ) is a newly-developed power steering system in the recent years .

  4. IMP(IntegratedMotorPropulsor)集成电机推进器是国外出现了一种新型动力电机和泵喷射推进器结构一体化的水下推进装置。

    IMP ( Integrated Motor Propulsor ) is a new foreign underwater propulsion system which integrated Motor and pump jet propulsion .

  5. 新型动力型Hoffmann外固定器的生物力学及临床研究

    The Biomechanical Comparative and Clinical Study for Neotype Dynamic Hoffmann External Fixation in Tibial-fibular Fractures

  6. 目的评价新型动力型Hoffmann外固定器在生物力学上的优缺点,为临床应用提供参考。

    Objective To evaluate the superiority of new dynamic Hoffmann external fixation in tibial fractures and to direct the clinical practice .

  7. 高功率锂离子电池(放电倍率≥20C)是一种基于Li+和电子快速传输的新型动力电源。

    The high power lithium ion batteries are a new style power supply , which is based on the fast transmission of Li + and electron .

  8. 电动助力转向系统(EPS)是近年来出现的一种新型动力转向系统,是一项综合了现代控制枝术、机电一体化及现代电子技术等技术的高新技术。

    Electric Power Steering System ( EPS ), a new type of vehicle steering system , which emerged in recent years , is an advanced technology which synthesizes modern control technologies , incorporation of machine & electricity and latest electronic technologies .

  9. 制作了最新型动力空调(40A4型)的控制程序的模拟器模型,与实机波形进行比较验证。

    We made the simulator model of the control programs of the newest powered air conditioner ( 40A4 variant ) and compared and verified it with the wave shape of actual equipment .

  10. 液压约束活塞发动机(HCPE)是一种将燃料在缸内燃烧产生的热能直接转化为流体压力能的新型动力装置,运转平稳性是其设计分析和性能评价的重要依据。

    Hydraulic confined piston engine ( HCPE ) is a new type of power system to transform the thermal energy from fuel combustion in cylinder into hydraulic energy directly . Its running stability is an important basis of design analysis and performance evaluation .

  11. 新型动力式踝足矫形器在脑性瘫痪患儿中的应用

    The application of dynamic ankle foot orthoses in children with cerebral palsy

  12. 履带推土机新型动力差速转向机构

    A new type of differential power steering mechanism in track type bulldozer

  13. 介绍一种国内新型动力调谐陀螺仪。

    A new type of dynamically tuned gyro is described .

  14. 一种新型动力施加方式在建筑物平移工程中的应用

    Application of a new way of imposing power in translational motion of buildings

  15. 锂离子等新型动力蓄电池成组应用技术和设备研究最新进展

    The Latest Development of the Group Application Technology & Equipment of Li-Ion Batteries

  16. 鱼雷新型动力电池与推进电机的发展

    Development of Torpedo Concerning a New Type Power Battery and Propelling Electrical Machinery

  17. 热声发动机是一种利用热声效应进行工作的新型动力机械。

    Thermoacoustic engine is a novel heat engine based on the thermoacoustic effects .

  18. 一种新型动力换挡式自动变速系统的机理、建模及控制研究

    Research on the Mechanism , Modeling and Control of a Novel Power Shift Transmission

  19. 新型动力电池技术及应用

    Novel Power Battery Technology and Applications

  20. 应用于电动汽车的新型动力电池

    New Power-cells Used in Electric Vehicles

  21. 高效率的新型动力循环

    New Power Cycles with High Efficiency

  22. 腰椎新型动力性内固定器械的设计与初步生物力学测试

    The Design and Primary Biomechanical Test of a Novel Dynamic Fixation System for the Lumbar Spine

  23. 为为后续新型动力转向器设计中的局部手力特性调整提供了参考依据。

    For the follow-up novel power steering gear design of local human characteristics adapted to provide reference .

  24. 电动汽车的新型动力电源包括高能电池、燃料电池和太阳能电池。

    The new power sources of electric vehicle are : high energy battery , fuel cell and solar energy battery .

  25. 由于空气-水体系热容大,携热能力强,因而被广泛的应用于动力循环领域,作为湿空气透平循环等新型动力循环的工作介质,可以大幅度提高循环效率。

    Having high heat capacity , humid air is used as working medium in power cycle to increase the efficiency .

  26. 直线电机作为新型动力日益受到人们的重视,在多个领域已经开始应用。

    Linear motor is increasingly paid attention to as a new type of power and is applied to several fields .

  27. 同时,分析了新型动力电池技术应用市场,展望了其广阔的发展前景。

    The applications and market prospects of the new power battery are analyzed , and a bright future is expected .

  28. 用新型动力能源取代石油是世界各国汽车工业共同研究的课题。

    Substituting for petroleum by a new power energy is a common research topic in all automotive industry countries in the world .

  29. 能源危机和环境污染这两大问题日益突出,因此开展新型动力汽车已刻不容缓。

    Energy crisis and environmental pollution become increasingly prominent . Therefore , the new power car to carry out research has been pressing .

  30. 作为新型动力,气动发动机的功率和气耗率是影响其运用推广的关键因素。

    Two key factors that influencing the application of a new type of power machinery , the compressed-air engine , are its power and gas consumption rate .