
  • 网络new technology;New technics;process
  1. 这项新工艺得到了更加广泛的采用。

    The new technology has been more widely adopted .

  2. 研究了用硫铁矿烧渣为原料,制取超细氧化铁红的新工艺。

    The new technology for the preparation of superfine ferric oxide from pyrite cinder is studied .

  3. 剖析了C5石油树脂间歇精制工艺存在的问题及改进的必要性,采用降膜蒸发器开发了连续化精制新工艺。

    New continuous purification process has been developed .

  4. NdFeB烧结永磁体化学镀NiP的新工艺和组织结构的研究

    The Study of New Technique and the Structure of Chemical Plating Ni-P of Sintering Permanent Magnet Nd-Fe-B

  5. PHP堵水技术的注入新工艺

    New Technology for Injecting PHP Solution into Well

  6. 铝合金熔炼加Zr新工艺

    New Process of Adding Zr to Molten Aluminium Alloy

  7. TiO2的直接电化学还原法是一种低能耗、无污染的绿色生产新工艺。

    Direct electrochemical reduction of TiO_2 is a new green process with low energy consumption and non-pollution .

  8. GY法浮选黑白钨新工艺的研究

    New Technological Research on Flotation of Wolframite and Scheelite Using GY Chelating Collector

  9. SiO2浮涂镀膜新工艺

    Float · Swim New Technology of SiO_2 Film Coating

  10. 利用klebsiellapneumoniae生长与催化耦合的特点,将好氧生长与厌氧转化两个过程耦合,开发了两段双底物发酵生产1,3-丙二醇的新工艺,并对其工艺特点进行了初步研究。

    Two stage two substrate fermentation of 1,3-propanediol by Klebsiella pneumoniae was studied .

  11. 制备HAP粉末新工艺影响因素的模糊判断

    Fuzzy Judgment of Influence Factor of New Technique For Preparing HAP Powder

  12. 提出了由二苯基二氯硅烷与甲醇一步反应制得高效催化助剂DDS的新工艺。

    A one-step process of synthesis of high-effective catalytic promotor DDS from diphenyldichlorosilane and methyl alcohol was put forward .

  13. MBR(Membranebioreactor)工艺是将生物处理与膜分离技术相结合而成的一种高效污水处理新工艺。

    MBR ( Membrane Bioreactor ) is a high-efficiency new sewage treatment technology which combines the biological treatment with the membrane separation technique .

  14. MDF管道与搅拌联合施胶新工艺试验

    An Experiment on the New Gluing Technology of the Combination of Blow-Line and Agitation for the

  15. 针对用钢体式焊齿法制造PDC钻头中存在的问题,提出用真空扩散焊代替钎焊制造PDC钻头的新工艺。

    A technique for manufacturing PDC bit by means of vacuum diffusion bonding instead of brazing is put forward .

  16. 采用恒张力整体成型、胶套式硫化罐硫化、硫化后切割的新工艺研制了切边V带。

    An edge cut V belt has been produced with a new technology including whole building up at constant tension , autoclave cure with rubber sleeve and cutting after cure .

  17. 采用逆向乳液聚合新工艺研制了一种酸液胶凝剂KF-1。

    Gelling agent KF-1 for acidizing fluid is developed by reverse phase emulsion copolymerization of acrylic monomers .

  18. 采用酶解反应与膜分离耦合新工艺连续水解全酪蛋白制备酪蛋白磷酸肽(CPPs)。

    Casein phosphopeptides ( CPPs ) were continuously prepared by coupling of enzymatic hydrolysis and membrane separation .

  19. 预压应力后张法双作用新工艺在40m跨工字梁中的应用

    Two - Action New Technology of Post - Tensioned Prestressed Method Applied to Long Span I - Typed Girder of 40m

  20. 研究了以生产DSD酸的废渣铁泥为原料制备高纯氧化铁红的新工艺。

    The new craft of producing ferric oxide with high purity from waste iron mud was studied in this paper .

  21. 连续旋转化学气相浸渗是在CVI原理基础上发展的一种快速制备C/C复合材料的新工艺。

    Continuous rotating chemical vapor infiltration ( RCVI ) is a novel process to fabricate carbon matrix composites reinforced with carbon cloth , based on conventional CVI principles .

  22. 碳酸二苯酯(DPC)是生产聚碳酸酯(PC)的主要原料,所以如何用先进的技术和环境友好的新工艺生产高质量、低成本的碳酸二苯酯已引起世人的关注。

    Diphenyl Carbonate ( DPC ), which is a chemical material mainly used to produce Poly-Carbonate in polyester industry , has been of great interest to prepare DPC with safer process and lower cost .

  23. 探讨了一项利用激光快速成型技术、胶模成型技术、陶土粉成型技术制造PDC钻头烧结模具的新工艺。

    This article introduces a new manufacture process of the sintered mould for matrix PDC bits by using laser rapid modeling technique , rubber mold forming technique and kaolin powder modeling technique .

  24. 随着我国乙烯工业的发展,今后发展顺酐工业应重视以正丁烷或混合C4为原料,采用催化氧化流化床及溶剂法回收成品的新工艺。

    As the ethylene industry develops , attention should be paid to the normal butane and mixed C_4 as raw materials for the production of maleic anhydride and new technology should be adopted i. e. catalytic oxidizing fluidized bed and solvent method for recovering end product in the future .

  25. 用新工艺改造W-125仿形龙门铣

    Reforming The W-125 imitateded a Dragon milling machine with new craft

  26. SrTiO3陶瓷半导体化新工艺研究

    The Study of SrTiO_3 Ceramic Semiconducting Procedure New Technology

  27. 采用低温反应自熔新工艺,由经过预氧化的Mg粉原位合成了MgO颗粒增强镁基复合材料,并对其显微组织和力学性能进行了检测。

    Adopting a novel synthesizing method-low temperature reaction melting ( LRM ), a MgO particulate reinforced magnesium matrix composite was in-situ fabricated using pre-oxidized Mg powders . The microstructures and mechanical properties of the composite were investigated by microstructure observation and tensile tests .

  28. 方法采用MCR水处理新工艺、按照一体化、小型化、智能化思路设计中空纤维膜净水器。

    Methods A new integrative membrane water purifier which was a small scale and intelligent pilot with a new process ( membrane coagulation reactor , MCR ) was developed .

  29. 结果表明,重熔再生的Ni-Mn-Co合金在合成金刚石效果上与原Ni-Mn-Co合金相当。此外,对真空重熔新工艺的可行性及合成金刚石的效果给予了详尽探讨。

    The results , show that the remelted Ni-Mn-Co alloy has the same effect on diamond synthesis as the primary Ni-Mn-Co alloy .

  30. 研究了以含氟有机物PF为氟源,鳞片石墨、煅烧焦、生焦、炭黑为碳源,固相法合成氟化石墨的新工艺。

    Using the scale graphite , calcined coke , green petroleum coke , carbon black as the source of carbon and an organic compound as the source of fluoride a new synthesis technology of graphite fluorite in solid phase was studied .