
  • 网络Xincheng Township;Gemeinde Xincheng
  1. 新城乡规划法下的城市特色塑造以赣榆县城市特色塑造为例城市性与市民性从启东城市雕塑的创作和决策看城市雕塑

    Shaping the City 's Character under Town and City Planning Act : As an Example to Ganyu County

  2. 城乡规划专业背景上则是新城乡规划法出台下,一系列新型规划编制处于无序状态。

    Urban and rural planning professional background is the introduction of the new urban and rural planning law , a series of new planning are in a state of disorder .

  3. 我国新时期城乡关系调整的经济学研究

    Study of Contemporary Relationship Adjustment between City and Village in Our Country

  4. 城乡关系的战略转型与新时期城乡一体化规划探讨

    Strategic Transformation of Urban-Rural Relation in China and A Discussion on Urban-rural Integration Planning

  5. 新中国城乡户政管理研究(1949-1965)

    The Study of the New Chinese City and Countryside Census Administration Management ( 1949-1965 )

  6. 浅谈新时期城乡基础设施协调发展与规划

    Talking about the Coordinated Development and Planning of Urban and Rural Infrastructure in the New Period

  7. 从以农补工到以工补农&新中国城乡二元体制述论

    From Subsidization of Industry by Agriculture to Subsidization of Agriculture by Industry : On the Dual System of Towns and Country in New China

  8. 新《城乡规划法》明确规定了先规划后建设的原则,确定了城乡规划的龙头引导地位。

    The new " Urban and Rural Planning Act " clearly stipulates the principle of " building after the planning ", and determines the leading position of the urban and rural planning guidance .

  9. 从计划的延续到积极的综合调控&论新时期城乡规划在城乡发展和建设中的作用

    From the continuing of national economy planning to the active comprehensive adjusting and controlling & About urban and rural planning 's effects for the urban and rural development and construction in the new period

  10. 2005年以来,城乡建设用地增减相挂钩政策的出台与实施把中国带入了一个新的城乡统筹发展时期。

    With appearing and implementation of the policy " the connection of urban construction land increase and rural construction land decrease ", China has entered a new period of development of urban and rural .

  11. 在总结这一转变过程的基础上,论述了新时期城乡规划综合调控作用的具体体现和内容。

    On the basis of summarization of this transform process , this paper discusses the concrete embodiment and contents of the comprehensive regulating and control role that urban and rural planning plays during the new phase .

  12. 新世纪上海城乡一体化发展研究

    On the Urban-Rural Integral Development of Shanghai in the New Century

  13. 建设社会主义新农村推进城乡协调发展

    Building Socialist New Countryside and Integrating Urban and Rural Development

  14. 论中国新文学的城乡二元结构

    On the City and Country Bi-structure in Chinese New Culture

  15. 在新时期统筹城乡发展的背景下,农村经纪人被赋予了更为重要的意义和特殊的内涵。

    In new days , the rural broker would play an important role in balancing urban and rural development in China .

  16. 随着社会经济变革及其引发的城乡关系转变,传统以城市为中心的规划模式已愈发不能满足新形势下城乡发展的需要。

    With the social-economic reformation and transition of urban-rural relation , the traditional planning model faces more difficulty in dealing with urban-rural development .

  17. 摘要在全面建设小康社会的发展新阶段,城乡收入差距成为急需解决的问题。

    There is an urgent need for the solution of the income gap between urban and rural areas in a new stage of social development for building a well-off society .

  18. 而农村房屋产权改革是当前新农村和城乡一体化建设进程中备受关注的主要问题。

    The property rights reform of the rural house became the main issues of concern in the process of building the new countryside and the integration of urban and rural areas .

  19. 目前,我国已经进入城乡一体化新阶段,城乡一体化目标就是要达到城乡经济、社会、产业、文化、基础设施一体化。

    Now China has entered a new stage of urban-rural integration . The urban-rural integration goal is to achieve the integration of urban and rural economic , social , industrial , cultural , and infrastructure .

  20. 同时,要在产业结构调整、自主创新、节能减排等方面取得新进展,城乡居民收入实际增长和经济增长保持同步。

    China will make further progress in industrial restructuring , innovation , energy conservation , and emissions reduction , and ensure that both urban and rural residents ' real incomes increase in line with economic growth .

  21. 城乡规划从国民经济计划的延续和具体化已经转变为新时期在城乡发展和建设中发挥综合调控作用的公共政策。

    During the new development phase , the urban and rural planning has transformed to be the public policy that plays the role of comprehensive regulating and control in the field of urban and rural development from the continuation and concretion of national economic planning .

  22. 本文针对保定的旧城区、新城区以及城乡结合部的土地利用提出了一些建议,通过对土地进行合理的规划利用,实现保定市城市发展的多目标性。

    Some suggestions on land utilization in old city area , new city area and the combination area of city and country in Baoding are put forward in this paper . The multitarget development of Baoding should be realized by the reasonable programming and utilizing land reasonably .

  23. 为了解我院新入学的城乡学生体质健康状况,笔者对1997&2001年医学本科学生入学时的身高、体重、体质指数以及营养状况进行比较分析。

    To know the constitutional health of city_and country_bred new students who were enrolled in Hainan medical college in 1997-2001 , after their entrance , the author made a comparative analysis on the body height , body weight , constitutional index , nutritional state of these undergraduate new students .

  24. 新经济时期的城乡信息网络化发展研究

    The Research of Urban-rural Information Networking in New Economy Period

  25. 新农村建设与城乡关系的重构

    Construction of New Country Construction and the Urban-rural Relationships Reconstruction

  26. 建设新农村必须解决城乡信贷资源配置失衡问题&对湖南省一定比例新增存款投放当地的调查

    On the Unbalance Problem of Credit Resource Allocation between Urban and Rural Areas

  27. 城乡关系变迁的新动力&基于城乡复合型二元结构视角的分析

    New momentum of urban-rural relation : based on the view of compound dual structure

  28. 建设社会主义新农村是促进城乡协调发展的重要战略;

    Constructing socialistic new village is the radical strategy to propel town and country coordinately develop ;

  29. 林地地籍管理的推进与创新新农村建设中城乡地籍建设一体化的构思

    Advancement and Innovation of Woodland Possession Management the Way of Thinking of City-County Ground Integrality in Newly Village Developments

  30. 随着新农村建设和城乡一体化进程的不断深入,乡村景观再次成为研究的热点。

    With the progress of new countryside construction and urban-rural integration , rural landscape becomes the research hotspot again .