
  • 网络New Century Library
  1. 舒适经济科学&新世纪图书馆的构想

    Comfort , Economy , Science & Conceiving of new century library

  2. 新世纪图书馆少儿室(部)面临的问题与对策

    The Problem and Resolution before Children Room of New Century Library

  3. 新世纪图书馆服务论

    On the Service Provided by the Library in the New Century

  4. 新世纪图书馆发展的若干问题

    The Several Problems about Development of Library in the New Century

  5. 新世纪图书馆思维的变化与创新

    The Change and Innovation of Library Thought in the New Century

  6. 浅谈新世纪图书馆管理

    Talking about the Management of the Library in the New Century

  7. 新世纪图书馆角色分析

    An Analysis of the Roles of Library in the New Century

  8. 新世纪图书馆服务模式创新综述

    Summarization of Innovative Mode of Library Service in the New Century

  9. 《新世纪图书馆》2003&2008被引计量分析

    Citation Bibliometric Analysis of New Century Library from 2003 to 2008

  10. 新世纪图书馆阅览模式探究

    The Probe of the Pattern of Library Reading in the New Century

  11. 新世纪图书馆开展网络信息服务的新构想

    New ideas on Developing Network Information Service in Library in New Century

  12. 新世纪图书馆发展展望

    Outlook for the Development of Library in the New Century

  13. 知识导航&新世纪图书馆员的使命

    Intellectual Navigation & the Mission in the New Epoch for the Librarian

  14. 浅谈新世纪图书馆的人文关怀

    Talking about the Humanistic Solicitude of the Library in the New Century

  15. 新世纪图书馆人才资源的配置与使用

    Disposal and Use of Library 's Intellectual Resources in the New Century

  16. 新世纪图书馆信息开发与咨询服务

    Information Development and Consulting Service of Libraries in New Century

  17. 新世纪图书馆员的继续教育浅析

    Tbe Continuing Education of Library Personel in the New Century

  18. 新世纪图书馆队伍建设的新认识

    New Thoughts on Library Staffing Development in the New Century

  19. 新世纪图书馆信息服务浅谈

    On the Information Service of Library in the New Century

  20. 新世纪图书馆管理创新浅论

    Base View on Administrative Innovation of Library in New Century

  21. 新世纪图书馆立法工作的几个问题

    On Some Problems about Library Legislation in the New Century

  22. 新世纪图书馆员素质教育问题的探讨

    Discussion on Librarians ' Quality Education in the New Century

  23. 新世纪图书馆管理理念的发展趋势

    The Developing Tendency of Library 's Managerial Concept in the New Century

  24. 新世纪图书馆建筑中综合布线问题的探讨

    The Discussion of Integrated Wiring Problem of Library Building in the New Century

  25. 探索新世纪图书馆发展之路

    Explore the developing way for library in new century

  26. 浅谈如何做一个合格的新世纪图书馆员

    How to Be a Qualified Librarian of 21st Century

  27. 数字图书馆&新世纪图书馆发展的重要机遇

    Digital Library-Important Chance of Library Development in New Century

  28. 新世纪图书馆馆长的素质与领导艺术探析

    On the Quality and Leadership Style of Library Director in the New Epoch

  29. 新世纪图书馆人力资源管理的策略与方法探究

    On the tactics and methods of HRM of libraries in the new century

  30. 论新世纪图书馆学人才培养中的实践教学改革

    Discussion on Practice Teaching Reforms in Fostering Library Talents