
  • 网络New year resolution;New Year's Resolution;New Year’s resolution
  1. 又到新年决心的时间了。但是值得去做这些决心吗?

    There is a way of living that can remove the deception of New Year resolution .

  2. 心理学家认为,实现新年决心的关键在于将你的目标分解成一个一个小步骤,而不是去考虑无法达成目标所产生的后果。

    The key to keeping a New Year resolution may be to break your goal into small steps and not to dwell on the consequences of not achieving your goal , a pscyhologist has claimed .

  3. 她的新年决心是要保持身材健美。

    She made a New Year 's resolution to get fit .

  4. 为什么这么多人都坚持不了新年决心,这项传统还是能延续下去呢?

    Why does this tradition live on when so many people fail to keep the resolutions they make ?

  5. 但是,他今年的新年决心首次涉及一场软件编码测试,直接关系到Facebook的未来。

    But this year 's resolution is the first to involve a software coding test with such a direct bearing on Facebook 's future .

  6. 宾夕法尼亚州斯克兰顿大学(UniversityofScranton)的心理学教授约翰•诺克罗斯(JohnNorcross)说,实现新年决心不是百米冲刺,而是一场马拉松。

    ' Keeping a resolution isn 't a100-yard dash . It 's a marathon , 'says John Norcross , a psychology professor at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania .

  7. 佛罗里达州萨拉索塔市从事咨询顾问工作的谢莉•沃兹(SherryWatts)厌倦于整天处理邮件和寻找文件,于是下了一个新年决心,想让自己在家的办公室更有条理。

    Tired of spending hours processing mail and searching for lost files , Sherry Watts , a Sarasota , Fla. , consultant , made a New Year 's resolution to get her home office better organized .

  8. 而TutiRiel则说:我的新年决心是能讲一口流利的英语和普通话,成为一个更优秀的人。

    And Tuti Riel says : My New Year 's resolution is to be able to speak English and Mandarin fluently , and be a better person .

  9. 我的新年决心是要有一个最棒的体质。

    My New Year 's resolution is to get in shape .

  10. 今年你会下什么新年决心吗?

    What resolutions are you making for the New Year ?

  11. 这并不是让人放弃新年决心的借口。

    That 's not an excuse to give up .

  12. 因此,制定一个有趣的新年决心很重要。

    Therefore , it 's important to have one resolution that is fun .

  13. 布鲁斯:那你的新年决心是什麽呢?

    Bruce : what 's your resolution , then ?

  14. 你下新年决心了吗?

    Did you make a New Year 's resolution ?

  15. 这就是所谓的“新年决心”。

    This is called a New Year 's resolution .

  16. 我们正在讨论新年决心的事,你的决心是什么?

    We were talking about New Year 's resolutions . What 's yours ?

  17. 这些特殊的“新年决心”包括戒烟和到健身房健身。

    Typical resolutions include giving up smoking and joining a gym to get fit .

  18. 小高:那你今早有没有依照你的新年决心早起啊?

    So did you follow your New Year 's resolution and wake up early this morning ?

  19. 有44%的美国人会下新年决心,当然我也一直这么做。

    Forty-four percent of Americans make New Year 's resolutions , and I certainly always do .

  20. 2015年,你的公司应该在免受网络威胁方面立下7项新年决心:

    In 2015 , here are seven resolutions to help protect your company against cyber threats :

  21. 我的新年决心是尽力改善我的写作能力,争取把炖牛肉做得更美味。

    My resolution this year is to improve on my writing skills and make better beef stews .

  22. 人们定下新年决心时,只有改变自己行为的决心也许只能见效一时。

    When setting a resolution , simply deciding to change your behavior may work for a while .

  23. 即刻实施这些新年决心,保护你的公司在2015年免受无处不在的网络威胁吧。

    Start 2015 off right by implementing these resolutions to help protect your company from ever-present cyber threats .

  24. 也许有个毛茸茸的伙伴陪着你,你会坚持完成新年决心的。

    Maybe having a furry partner will allow you to finally stick to your resolutions . Get Active !

  25. 在下新年决心时,顺便也给你的宠物制定一下吧,让2013年成为你和宠物过得最好的一年。

    Make 2013 the best year ever for you and your pet by including him in your resolutions .

  26. 你今年的新年决心是什么啊?我没下任何决心。

    What 's your New Year 's resolution this year ? Well , I didn 't make one .

  27. 正如我的新年决心,我决定改变我的生活和健康。

    As my New Year 's Resolution , I made a decision to change my life and be healthy .

  28. 你还发现了哪些方法来帮助自己坚持新年决心呢?

    What are some strategies you 've discovered , to help you stick to your New Year 's resolutions ?

  29. 让我们所有人都以此为新年决心,并祝新年快乐!

    Let 's all make that our New Year 's resolution-and I wish you a very Happy New Year !

  30. 当你遵从这些指导方针的时候,你就会使自己从不能实现新年决心的坏感觉中解放出来。

    When you follow these guidelines you will save yourself the bad feeling of not carrying out New Year resolutions .