
  • 网络Japan Home Centre;Japanese Town;Japan City;Japan Town;Liberdade
  1. 弗吉尼亚州哈里斯堡的一个酒吧给一个特定阵营的精灵宝可梦Go玩家打九折,旧金山日本城的一家茶馆推出了面向精灵宝可梦Go玩家的“买一赠一”活动。

    A bar in Harrisburg , Virginia , was offering a 10 percent discount to " Pok é mon Go " players on a specific team , while a tea shop in Japantown in San Francisco offered a " buy one tea , get one free " deal to Pok é mon Go players .

  2. 日本大阪城周,秋木环绕,虽隆冬渐至,颇显生气。

    Golden temple : The trees surrounding Osaka Castle in Japan look truly vibrant as winter approaches .

  3. 位于日本日光城的男体山及中禅寺湖,其壮美景象在秋日愈发迷人。

    The spectacular sight of Mount Nantai and Lake Chuzenji in Nikko , Japan , is even more incredible in the autumn .

  4. 从日本城市和城间交通的发展看轨道交通的优势

    Advantage of Rail Communication Seen from the Development of Urban and Intercity Communication in Japan

  5. 日本鬼子闯入北平城是在一九三七年。

    It was in1937 when Japanese soldiers broke into the city Beiping .

  6. 国际上绝大多数国家汽车产业都是通过产业集群的方式来提高竞争力和加快发展的,如全球著名的汽车产业集群:日本的丰田汽车城;美国的底特律汽车城;德国的斯图加特等。

    Auto industry in most countries in the world has improved competition and accelerated development through industrial cluster , such as Toyota Motor City in Japan , Detroit Motor City in USA and Stuttgart Motor City in Germany .

  7. 著名的有美国底特律汽车城、日本的丰田汽车城、韩国蔚山、德国斯图加特和沃尔夫斯堡汽车城等都是通过汽车产业集群的方式发展起来的。

    Such as Detroit Motown in America , Toyota Motown in Japan , Ulsan in Korea , Stuttgart and Wolfsburg in Germany . From above , we know that they all select the automotive industrial cluster to grow up .