
xīn yuàn
  • wish;aspiration;dream;cherished desire;will;one's heart's desire
心愿 [xīn yuàn]
  • [cherished desire;aspiration;dream;wish] 心中的愿望

心愿[xīn yuàn]
  1. 这亦是我们恒久的心愿!

    It is our permanent cherished desire !

  2. 希望我的探索和思考能够对促进教育公平起到有益的作用,那将是我最大的心愿。

    I hope that my exploration and reflection can play a beneficial role in promoting education fairness . This is my cherished desire .

  3. 精灵准许他实现三个心愿。

    The genie granted him three wishes .

  4. 选举唤起了未偿的心愿。

    The election had raised hopes that remain unfulfilled .

  5. 最大的画廊在中心位置展出了一组名为《我的心愿》的摄影作品。

    The largest gallery contains at its centre a constellation of photographs called My Wishes .

  6. 这符合人民的心愿。

    This accords with the aspirations of the people .

  7. 他把这笔钱捐给灾民,以遂其父的心愿。

    He gave the money to the victims of a natural calamity in order to crown his father 's wish .

  8. 她暗示了她的心愿。

    She intimated her wishes .

  9. 我想说的是,我爱我的大学,因为它把我们所有人都教得足智多谋,让我们可以用自己的智谋达成心愿。

    What I 'm saying is , I loved my university because it taught us all to be resourceful and we could make what we wanted out of it .

  10. 她打开"妈妈的心愿书",希望能在里面找到跟这些手套有关的内容。

    She opened " Mum 's Wish Book " and hoped that she could find these gloves in it .

  11. 然后她在桌子上看到了"妈妈的心愿书"——一家礼品店的邮购目录。

    Then on the table she saw " Mum 's Wish Book " — a mail order catalog from a gift shop .

  12. 现在就来制定一份属于你们的爱情心愿单吧?

    How about creating your relationship bucket list now ?

  13. 报告发现,他们会列出商品的心愿清单,但并不是真的打算买。

    The report found they create wishlists , with no intention of actually buying .

  14. 对于伴侣们来说,一起制定并完成一个心愿清单能够让你们之间的关系更有活力。

    For couples , creating and checking items off a bucket list energizes your relationship .

  15. 传统上来说,某人会将友情手链系到一个怀有某个心愿的朋友手腕上。

    According to tradition , one ties a bracelet onto the wrist of a friend who may wish for something at that moment .

  16. 这个手链在完全被磨损坏或者自行掉落之前是不能摘下来的,而手链掉落时就说明当时的那个心愿即将成真。

    The bracelet should be worn until it is totally worn out and falls off by itself , at which moment the wish is supposed to come true .

  17. 争创中国CATV著名品牌,这是我公司全体员工的心愿。

    CATV create a well-known brand in China , this is my wish the company all staff .

  18. 二月份,Forever21应众多该品牌粉丝长期以来的心愿,开通了新的Instagram账号来展示大尺码系列服装。

    Back in February , Forever 21 launched a new Instagram account for its plus-size collection , something fans of the brand have wanted for a long time .

  19. 一项调查发现,老爸成为最受孩子欢迎的圣诞节礼物之一,排在孩子圣诞节心愿单的第十位。孩子们情愿为此放弃最新款iPad、玩具或新宠物。

    A ' dad ' is tenth most popular Christmas list request for children with youngsters happy to forgo the latest iPad , toy or new pet , a survey has found .

  20. 这是我最大的心愿,人类觉醒与提升。

    It is my greatest wish that humanity awaken and ascend .

  21. 他们不再哭泣,因为一切心愿都已满足。

    They weep no more , because every desire is fulfilled .

  22. 他不会凭着个人的心愿作出决定。

    He didn 't make decisions based on his personal desires .

  23. 见我亲生父亲一面,是我长久以来的心愿。

    It was my long-cherished desire to meet my own father .

  24. 这让我的心愿为你的爱而等待。

    It makes my heart want and wait for your love .

  25. 他们歪曲一切不符合他们心愿的东西,特别是歪曲真理。

    Whatever defies them , they torture , especially the truth .

  26. 三佳人追求:您的满意是我的心愿。

    Sanjian people 's pursuit : Your satisfaction is our wish .

  27. 罗力顺著祖父的心愿上了大学。

    Laurie has been to college , as his grandfather wanted .

  28. 我可以随你的心愿变成任何人

    Because I can be anyone you want me to be .

  29. 让我以最真诚之心愿祝贺你之成功。

    Let me offer my most sincere congratulations upon your success .

  30. 如果心愿实现了,我就会告诉你。

    If it comes true , I 'll let you know .