
xīn xū
  • with a guilty conscience;diffident;lacking in self-confidence;afraid of being found out
心虚 [xīn xū]
  • (1) [afraid of being found out; with a guilty conscience]∶做错了事或坏事怕人知道

  • (2) [lacking in self-confidence; diffident]∶缺乏自信

心虚[xīn xū]
  1. 对于这种生疏的工作,我感到心虚。

    I don 't know much about the job , and I 'm diffident about my ability to do it properly .

  2. 血清C反应蛋白浓度与心虚证病情严重程度的联系

    Relationship between Serum C-Reactive Protein Level and Severity of Heart Deficiency Syndrome

  3. 经卡方检验,早期糖尿病阳虚证、心虚证明显多于糖尿病前期(P<0.01)。

    Compared with pre-diabetes , yang deficiency and heart deficiency syndrome in early DM were much more obviously ( P0 . 01 ) .

  4. 我比MichaelRichards在全国有色人种会议上更心虚(美国演员种族主义者)

    I was acting guiltier than Michael Richards at an NAACP meeting .

  5. 在牛津大学(OxfordUniversity)学习过的韦伯喜欢通过追踪假学历,把误导性的信息披露和一些人的心虚都晾晒于光天化日之下。

    Tracking fake degrees is a favorite tool of Mr. Webb , who studied at Oxford University , to highlight misleading disclosures and intellectual insecurities .

  6. 心虚脱发患者的红细胞聚集指数亦高于其他各型及正常人,P<0.05。

    The aggregation index of erythrocytes of the patients of baldness due to deficiency of the heart was higher than that of people of any other type or of normal group , and P > 0 05 was for this type .

  7. 更棒的是听一位当地民歌手表演一首关于我们尊敬的参议员希拉里•克林顿(HillaryClinton)的惊人淫秽的歌曲,引起的那种让人有些心虚的战栗。

    Even better was the guilty thrill of hearing a local folk musician perform a spectacularly obscene song about Hillary Clinton , our esteemed senator .

  8. 每次使我们露出马脚的都是他那心虚的眨眼。

    It was his guilty blink that always gave us away .

  9. 她表现得越保守就显得她越心虚。

    The more defensive she acts , the more guilty she looks .

  10. 我感到一种心虚的宽慰,查理还没回家。

    I felt weak with relief that Charlie wasn 't home yet .

  11. 齐娜坐在她旁边,一副心虚的表情。

    Zeena sat beside her with a guilty look on her face .

  12. 不幸的是,他们脸上那种心虚的表情吸引了斯内普的视线。

    Unfortunately , something about their guilty faces caught Snape 's eye .

  13. 我知道你说这个话时已经心虚了。

    You 've got some nerve to say that .

  14. 受到这样的指责,我心虚,我委屈,我困惑。

    Given this wordless blame , I felt guilty , wronged and bewildered .

  15. 对于那个问题你的回答有些心虚

    and there is a slight flutter in your answer to that question .

  16. 我一直感到心虚,

    And I 've always felt guilty about that .

  17. 我心虚出汗,眼冒金星,脑袋停转。

    I start sweating , my vision blurs , my brain stops working .

  18. “一个也没有!”温斯顿有些心虚似的急忙说。

    " Not one !" said Winston with a sort of guilty haste .

  19. 我试图让自己的声音显得很快乐,但我实在是有些心虚。

    I tried to keep my voice upbeat , but my stomach was hollow .

  20. 贝琳达坐在她身边,感到有点心虚。

    Belinda sat beside her , looking guilty .

  21. 韦斯莱先生张大了嘴巴,心虚地看着他的妻子。

    Mr. Weasley 's eyes jerked open . He stared guiltily at his wife .

  22. 心虚证与女性有差异。

    Deficiency Syndrome and women are different .

  23. 缝衣针不会断的。艾莉亚不服气地说,然而她知道自己的口气颇为心虚。

    Needle wouldn 't break , Arya said defiantly , but her voice betrayed her words .

  24. 约拿书感到非常心虚。

    Jonah felt very guilty .

  25. 很多的白天,淡淡风云,如丝如雨,让我心虚如飞。

    Many of the day , light situation , such as silk chase , let me afraid Ru-fei .

  26. 目的:观察心虚证对心肌细胞微细结构及超微结构的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of heart deficiency syndrome on microstructure and ultra-microstructure of cardiac muscle cells .

  27. 他盘算着赔小心要怎样一个措辞,原因是他不打算让她看出自己心虚。

    He tried to shape his apology , for he had no intention of letting her see that he was nervous .

  28. 她们告诉我们,她们不想被督促或产生心虚的感觉或害怕吃更多的水果和蔬菜。

    They told us that they didn 't want to be lectured to or made to feel guilty or scared into eating more fruits and vegetables .

  29. 我说我只是想要你说我没有打算和他结婚这回事,她有点心虚地说。

    ' I said I wanted you just to say it wasn 't true that I was going to marry him ,' she said , less confidently .

  30. 结论出现气虚证、血瘀证、心虚证、肝虚证、肾虚证的患者更易于患冠心病。

    Conclusion The patients with the syndrome of qi deficiency , blood stasis , heart deficiency , liver deficiency or kidney deficiency suffer from CHD more easily .