
  • 网络Psychologist
  1. 无论如何我还是想成为一名心理专家。

    I 'm going to be a psychologist * I think so , anyway .

  2. 但是丹尼接受治疗的诊所有位心理专家说,现在自拍上瘾已经成为一种精神疾病。

    But one psychologist at a clinic where Danny was treated said the addiction with taking selfies has now become a mental illness .

  3. 我已经看过心理专家了。

    I 've seen a shrink already .

  4. 对此,心理专家建议不应盲目攀比徒增压力。

    To this , the psychological expert suggests that we should avoid increasing the pressure by comparing with others blindly .

  5. 她是主持课题的心理专家。

    She 's the psychologist in charge of the seminar .

  6. 不,他更像是一个心理专家。

    No , he was more like a psychological profiler .

  7. 但你真的出名时做无线电心理专家的时候。

    But your reaI fame came as a radio psychoiogist .

  8. 我刚到,你知道心理专家检定在明天。

    I just got into town , and the psychological interview is tomorrow .

  9. 我只是医科学生,不是心理专家

    I 'm a medic , not a shrink .

  10. 他们应该向心理专家寻求帮助。

    They should seek psychological professionals for assistance .

  11. 看心理专家,他们会教给你更多辨别和释放情绪的方法。

    See a psychologist , who can teach more techniques for recognizing and releasing your emotions .

  12. 我刚才说到的那个朋友,她是位心理专家。-

    Well , this friend of mine , she 's a shrink . And ... - Yeah ?

  13. 其中有些观点那么怪异,只有心理专家才能作出解释。

    Some of them are such queer ideas that they call for the explanation of the mental expert .

  14. 让咨询师或心理专家帮助你治愈你的过往吧,你将会创造属于自己的未来。

    Go to a counselor or other helping professional and heal the past so you can create your future .

  15. 他还说他会一直做下去,去咨询心理专家,搞清楚如何能和女人讲话。

    And he says he 's not gonna stop . Then see a and figure out how to talk to women .

  16. 儿童心理专家表示,即使是口头威胁子女要将其遗弃也是一种虐待儿童行为,因为这会对孩子造成心理压力。

    Child psychiatrists said even a threat of leaving a child behind is child abuse because of the stress it creates .

  17. 这样看来,很明显,电影正成为许多临床心理专家医疗工具箱中的必备工具之一。

    So , it is clear that , for many clinicians , movies are becoming an essential tool in the therapeutic toolbox .

  18. 对于陷入此类情绪困境的人们来说,心理专家推荐的一种治疗方法就是唤起对过去的美好回忆,想一想那些简单的日子,那些没有你现在认为必不可少的事情的时光。

    One recommended exercise for people caught in that trap is to evoke memories of earlier times that were free of things deemed essential today .

  19. 患有轻微或中度的抑郁,可以通进家庭医生或临床医师或心理专家诊断和治疗。

    If you have mild or moderate depression , you may be diagnosed and treated by your family health professional and a therapist or psychologist .

  20. 由于在社交网络上看到朋友的“完美生活”对单身女性的健康无益,恋爱心理专家建议单身女性远离社交网络。

    Single women should ditch Facebook because the ' perfect lives ' of their friends are bad for their health , a relationship expert has warned .

  21. 来自北京的知名教育心理专家兼顾问温方(音译)建议学生不要被那些有关就业市场不景气的调查与报道所误导。

    Wen Fang , a well-known education psychology expert and consultant in Beijing , advises students not to be misled by gloomy surveys and reports about the job market .

  22. 在会诊中,校医说她体重严重过轻,并强制她每周增重,同时辅助以心理专家和营养师辅导。

    In the meeting , they told her she was dangerously underweight and imposed mandatory weekly weigh-ins as well as sessions with a mental health professional and a nutritionist .

  23. 我建议她和心理专家或辅导员讨论一下这些问题,也许他们能帮助她分析出目前生活的重点。

    I advise her to discuss these things with a therapist or coach , who can help her to discover what is essential at this point in her life .

  24. 或许,这是由于那里几乎没有本地的心理专家或医生,但我发现,最好还是对社工开展咨询和心理疗法行为技能方面的培训。

    Perhaps this was because there were very few local psychologists or doctors , but I found it was better to train social workers in counselling and behavioural techniques of psychotherapy .

  25. 未来几周,我将尽全力向我的同胞承诺:从执法人员、心理专家,到家长和教师们,努力避免再发生类似惨剧。

    In the coming weeks , I will use whatever power this office holds to engage my fellow citizens - from law enforcement to mental health professionals to parents and educators - in an effort aimed at preventing more tragedies like this .

  26. 她在这段视频中解释道:“我16岁时,医生和心理专家都发现了我的‘异常’,当时我就意识到了自己是一只猫。‘异常’是因为我生来就有遗传缺陷。”

    She communicates by meowing . " I realised I was a cat when I was 16 when doctors and psychologists found out what was " the thing " with me . Under my birth there was a genetic defect , " she explains in the video .

  27. 此外,还有不少职场中人借此剧讽古喻今,把后宫争宠之计当作职场生存宝典。但心理专家认为,血雨腥风并非现代职场本色。

    Some viewers have also begun using the story to allude to the present and describe the schemes and trickery between rivals in the palace as " a treasured book for survival in today 's professional world . " Psychological experts disagreed , saying that violent infighting is not a characteristic in modern workplaces

  28. 基于Agent的大学生心理咨询专家系统的研究

    Study of expert system for college students psychological counseling based on Agent

  29. 经过汉语言学、心理测试专家和幼儿园教师对测题和测试工具的审核,采用SPSS软件对预试和试用结果进行统计分析,最终形成正式量表,并建立了百分等级和T分数常模。

    The final scale and norms are audited by Chinese linguists , psychologist and teachers in kindergarten , statistically analyzing the results of pretests and tests by SPSS .

  30. 加之,大型综合医院本身拥有高素质的心理咨询专家,使大型综合医院拥有实施EAP的良好条件。

    In addition , large-scale polyclinic hospitals have high-quality psychology experts which make them have good conditions for the implementation of EAP .