
  1. 当今结婚动机未必单纯。

    These days , the motive for marriage is not necessarily pure .

  2. 他娶了个女继承人为妻子,女方家庭对他的结婚动机抱有怀疑。

    He took an heiress to wife and was regarded with suspicion by her family .

  3. 就是那些引导人延迟结婚的动机,也引导人们限制他们的生育。

    The same motives which lead men to marry late also lead them to limit their families .

  4. 我没有一般女人们要结婚的那种动机。

    I have none of the usual inducements of women to marry .

  5. 小说《傲慢与偏见》中的五种婚姻类型都以金钱为主线进行描述,金钱是那个时代的女性结婚的主要动机。

    In Pride and Prejudice , five marriages depicted are all centered on money which is a leading motive for women to marry .

  6. 这和我们传统文化中寻找爱情和精神伴侣的观念相抵,也有悖于结婚的主要动机。

    ' It 's kind of against the notion of love and soul mates and the main motivations to marry in our culture . '

  7. 国内外学者对农民进行结婚高消费的背后原因,如身份的建构、结婚消费的目的、结婚消费的动机等的研究较少。

    Domestic and foreign scholars studied much less about the reasons behind the high consumption of marriage , such as the construction of identity , the purpose of consumption marriage , marriage consumer motivation .