
jié cún
  • balance;cash on hand;goods on hand
结存 [jié cún]
  • (1) [cash on hand]∶结算后余下的现金(货币)

  • (2) [goods on hand]∶结算后余下的货物

结存[jié cún]
  1. 这个月我们的银行结存数额相当大。

    Our bank balance is looking quite healthy this month .

  2. 港元结存再流入金融界的信贷基础内

    Hong Kong dollar balance feeding back into the financial sector 's credit base

  3. 一个月后,审计机构德豪国际(BDO)请辞,原因是它们发现上海双金生物科技有限公司提交给它们用于核实现金结存的银行网站是假的。

    A month later auditor BDO resigned after they discovered that the company had sent them to a fake bank website to confirm the cash balances .

  4. 仅限于核证基金的现金结存和投资;

    For cash balances and investments of the fund only ;

  5. 我要查一下银行户头的结存余额并提一些钱。

    I have to check the balance of my bank account and withdraw some money .

  6. 贮木场原木结存系数探讨

    Log s storage coefficients in log yards

  7. 标准财务管理软件一般是按月结存,实现报表和统计的。

    Standard financial management software is usually a monthly balance to achieve reporting and statistics .

  8. 未付的结存是八千美元。

    The balance owing is $ 8000 .

  9. 我是说我定要改善银行结存,我在想找另一份工作。

    I meant I must improve my bank balance . I was thinking of taking another job .

  10. 票证结存算法设计

    Algorithm design of ticket balance

  11. 结存收益:即有价证券组合收益和其平均成本之间的正差额。

    Carrying gain : the positive difference Between the return on a portfolio and its average cost .

  12. 未摊销递延研究和发展费用帐户当期终了结存;

    Balance in the account of the unamortized deferred research and development costs at the end of the period ;

  13. 股权是结存项,承担资产贬值所带来的冲击因此债务和储蓄才能免遭损失。

    Equity is the balancing item , taking the hit so that debt and deposits are shielded from losses .

  14. 在收回此类损失和超支费用后,雇主应向承包商支付任何结存金额。

    After recovering any such losses , damages and extra costs , the Employer shall pay any balance to the Contractor .

  15. 负责将每月的生产消耗量输入库存系统,并核对所有材料的结存量。

    Checking the actual end of stock of all of material and responsible for production consumption quantity input ERP stock Management system .

  16. 低成本的存货项目不值得花费太多以保持其结存的连续记录。

    Low cost items may not be valuable enough to warrant the cost of keeping a running record of the inventory on hand .

  17. 报表列印包括购进原料与成品报表、场内各类猪只饲料使用及结存报表、以及场内原料结存报表;

    The report print includes covers ingredients and products bought , feed usage and surplus on farms , and ingredient surplus on farms .

  18. 库存管理子系统包括入库管理、出库管理、结存管理、仓库租用管理、统计与查询、系统管理。

    Storage management system includes entering-warehouse management , out-of-warehouse management , stock management , leasehold warehouse management , statistic , inquiry and system management .

  19. 资料维护包括购进饲料原料与成品、自配饲料配方制作、场内猪只饲料用量、饲料报废与结存;

    The data maintenance concerned : ingredients and products bought , self-made feed formulation , feed usage on farms , feed wastage and surplus .

  20. 一个国家与其他国家一年来经济事务的记录;帐目中收入,支出和结存情况。

    A system of recording all of a country 's economic transactions with the rest of the world over a period of one year .

  21. 有上列情形的,如已领购专用发票,主管税务机关应暂扣其结存的专用发票和IC卡。

    There are cases of the above , such as invoices Linggou has been in charge of the Withholding tax authorities should balance the IC card and invoices .

  22. 海伦:你真无礼,我一点也不胖。我是说我定要改善银行结存,我在想找另一份工作。

    Helen : You are so rude . I 'm not fat at all . I meant I must improve my bank balance . I was thinking of taking another job .

  23. 但中间物料结存积压较多,有价金属的综合回收率有提高潜力,废渣排放的环保程度有待加强。

    However , among the material balance of the backlog of more valuable metal to increase the recovery rate of the integrated potential emissions , environmentally-friendly waste residue needs to be strengthened .

  24. 当时,我就注意到现金占到了这家公司资产的54%,是真是假取决于审计机构能否确认这些现金结存。

    At the time , I observed that with 54 % of its assets in cash , the proof would be in whether the auditors were able to confirm the cash balances .

  25. 移动加权平均法的核算结果是最准确的,可以使管理者以最快的速度了解最近期的存货结存成本。

    The accounting result of the moving weighted average method , which is the most accurate , can make the manager to know the immediate stock carrying cost with the most rapid speed .

  26. 现金余额;现金结存:指立即可用的现金,如硬币,纸币,流通支票和其他银行一般可以接受给以信贷的现金储蓄票据。

    Cash balance ; cash holdings : cash in immediate possession represented by coin , paper money and negotiable checks and other paper commonly accepted for immediate credit by a bank in a deposit of cash .

  27. 再次,介绍了系统的特点和若干关键技术,包括基类窗体的运用、结存的计算方法、压缩与加密的使用、事务的处理等。

    Thirdly , it described some characteristics and know-hows of the system , such as using the base form , how to calculate the balance , how to compress and encrypt and how to deal with transactions .

  28. 管制药品登记证遗失或损毁者,应备具前条规定之文件及管制药品收支结存申报表,向管制药品管理局申请补发或换发。

    If a controlled drugs registration license becomes lost , damaged or destroyed , a registrant shall present the documents of the preceding article , increase and decrease of stocks records of controlled drugs to apply to the National Bureau of controlled drugs for a replacement .

  29. 但在现行外贸会计制度下,企业结存外汇额度的价值却不能反映在盈亏总额内,从而增加企业财会报表上盈亏的不真实性。

    Under the current foreign trade accounting system , however , the total profit and loss does not reflect the foreign exchange quota value settled by foreign trade enterprises , and this only increases the unrealness of the profit and loss recorded on financial statements of enterprises .

  30. 2004年术全国参加农村养老保险的人数为5378万人,全年共有205万农民领取了养老金,年末农村养老保险基金累计结存285亿元。

    In the end of 2004 , the amount of the people who joined the rural social endowment insurance in China had arrived at 5378000 , about 2050000 people got the old-aged pension all together , and the amount of the fund had been up to 285 billion Yuan .