
  • 网络marriage systems
  1. 海峡两岸结婚制度之比较

    A comparison of the marital systems on both sides of the Taiwan Straits

  2. 它对于建立、健全结婚制度,加强我国婚姻法制建设具有重大意义。

    It is of great significance to establish , complete and strengthen laws of marriage in China .

  3. 无效婚姻制度的长期缺失使我国的结婚制度得不到很好的贯彻。

    Our marriages system can 't be carried outwell because of the long – term defect of invalid marriages system .

  4. 作为结婚制度中不可或缺的组成部分,无效婚姻制度自古有之。

    As the indispensable composing part of the marriage system , the invalid system came into existence in very ancient times .

  5. 无效婚姻制度是结婚制度的重要组成部分,也是大陆新婚姻法首次规定的制度。

    The invalid marriage plays an important role in the marriage system and is promulgated in the New Marriage Law of MainLand for the first time .

  6. 我国现行结婚制度注意到了家庭自治与国家介入关系的协调,但在一些方面也存在国家介入不当的问题,需要进一步完善。

    The current marriage system notices the coordination of the relation between family autonomy and state intervention , but improper intervention exists in state intervention , which needs further improvement .

  7. 无效婚姻制度作为结婚制度的重要组成部分,对于规范公民的结婚行为,保护当事人及子女利益,促使公民建立合法婚姻关系具有极为重要的意义。

    The invalid marriage regulation is an importance part of getting-married-system , and benefit to the citi / en and his son and daughter , and urge to establish legal marriage relationship .

  8. 第二节主要介绍了《天盛律令》的主要内容、成书年代以及成书的时代背景。第二章西夏《天盛律令》中的婚姻制度,包括结婚制度、婚姻解除制度和其他制度。

    The second of this chapter introduces the main contents , the Written Ages and its background of " Tiansheng laws " . The second chapter : marriage system of Xixia dynasty , includes marriage system , divorce system and other system .

  9. 但在现实生活中,由于受传统习俗的影响,我国长期盛行仪式之结婚制度,人们重结婚仪式轻视结婚登记,形成了结婚以举行婚礼来取得社会承认的习惯。

    But influenced by traditional custom in actual life , the marriage system of the ceremony have prevailed for a long time in our country , people take ceremony seriously and despise marriage registration , make the custom of acknowledging marriage by holding the wedding .

  10. 对我国现行结婚登记制度的反思。

    Third , reflection to current marriage registration system in China .

  11. 最后,对我国现行的结婚登记制度的进步之处作出积极评价。

    Finally , our current system of marriage registration office to make positive progress of the evaluation .

  12. 进而提出案件对完备我国相关法律制度的启示,即要增设结婚公告制度,完善违法婚姻制度和非婚同居制度。

    And then put forward the case to perfect the relative legal system in China the enlightenment , namely to provide wedding announcement system , perfect illegal marriage system and the system of non-marital cohabitation .