
  • 网络combined sulfur;bonded-sulfur
  1. 结果XPS检测结果表明,实验组及对照组材料表面均已结合硫元素,两者含有硫元素含量分别为1.50%及0.09%;

    Results The contents of sulphur element on the surfaces of coupled composition and entrapped composition were 1.5 % and 0.09 % respectively .

  2. 结合硫和氢氧同位素测定结果,成矿流体是燕山运动阶段的地表水沿断裂深循环,特别是在富K、富Au的凝灰岩中往复循环作用形成的。

    Linking with determined results on sulfur and oxyhydrogen , the mineralization fluid formed from the deep circulation of the surface water along the fracture , especially from circulation repeating in the potassium-and gold-rich tuff .

  3. 系统介绍厂矿床地质特征,结合硫、氧同位素和包裹体测温,分析了成矿条件、物质来源和成矿机理。

    Geological features of this deposit are systematically described . Mineralization conditions , sources of ore materials and the metallogenetic mechanism are also analysed in the light of sulfur and oxygen isotope compositions and fluid inclusion thermometry data .

  4. 大鼠肾脏汞结合金属硫蛋白的联用技术表征研究

    Characterization of Mercurial-bound Metallothioneins in Rat Kidney by Hyphenated Techniques

  5. 重金属胁迫下鱼组织中多金属结合金属硫蛋白的色谱-质谱分析研究

    Investigation of multimetal-binding metallothioneins in carp tissues under heavy metal stress by hyphenated technique of HPLC coupled with ICP-MS

  6. 结合前人硫同位素数据可知:德兴铜矿成矿物质主要来自花岗闪长斑岩岩体,少部分来自围岩。

    It is concluded that the ore-forming materials were mainly evolved from the porphyry body , and partly from of the wall-rocks .

  7. 在实验基础上,结合有关硫系非晶态半导体中的其他一些光诱起现象的报道,我们提出了以微结构变动为前提、结合半导体能级理论的电子泵浦模型,解释了实验现象。

    Based on the experiment and combined with the reports about some other photoinduced phenomenon , we present an electron pumping model which combine the microstructure alteration with the semiconductor energy band theory to explain the phenomenon .

  8. 本文针对锂硫二次电池用聚合物电解质所存在的离子导电率低,电极相容性差等难题,结合聚硫系化合物优良的的粘结性、疏水性并且易固化性。

    This paper focus on problems such as low conductivity of ionic , poor electrode compatibility exist on lithium-sulfur secondary battery with polymer electrolyte , combined with Polysulfide compound which has the characteristics of excellent bonding , hydrophobic and solidify easily .

  9. 亲和柱色谱原位酶切法纯化重金属镉结合的金属硫蛋白-3

    Purification of Cadmium Ion Binding Metallothionein-3 by Proteinase Digestion on Affinity Chromatographic Column

  10. 小球藻锌结合类金属硫蛋白的提取和分离

    Extraction and Separation of Zn-MT-like Induced from C. vulgaris Under the Stress of ZnCl_2

  11. 随着晶体的生长,这些铅原子的位置会吸引硫原子,铅原子易于结合到这些硫原子周围。

    As the crystal grows , locations like these attract sulfur atoms , while lead will tend to bond to these places .

  12. 益气养阴活血法中药结合环戊硫酮片治疗原发干燥综合征的临床观察

    Clinical research in patients of primary sjogren 's syndrome treated by traditional Chinese medicine of Yiqi Yangyin Huoxue method and anethole trithione

  13. 硫氧还蛋白结合蛋白-2是硫氧还蛋白的负调控蛋白,能与硫氧还蛋白的活性位点结合,抑制硫氧还蛋白的氧化还原活性。

    Thioredoxin binding protein-2 is a negative regulatory protein of thioredoxin . It interacts with the activity site of thioredoxin , and inhibits the redox activity of thioredoxin .

  14. 根据板坯连铸机的特点,结合低倍、硫印检验结果,对于板坯三角区裂纹的成因进行了分析。

    According to the character of continuous casting slab and sulfur print examination on the produced slab , this paper analyse the formation of the triangle zone crack .

  15. 集中介绍了IGF1的三维结构、IGF1与相关受体和结合蛋白的结合区以及二硫键在蛋白质折叠中的重要作用。

    It is concentrated on the three dimensional structure of human IGF1 , and the combining regions between IGF1 and relative receptors and binding proteins .