
  • 网络solvent extraction
  1. 综述了蛋黄中胆固醇的脱除方法,包括有机溶剂抽提、超临界CO2萃取等物理方法;

    The methods for cholesterol removal from egg yolk are reviewed , including organic solvent extraction , supercritical carbon dioxide extraction and other physical methods ;

  2. 改进了用有机溶剂抽提检测一氧化氮(NitricOXide,NO)自由基的方法,并利用有机溶剂抽提法检测了小鼠心肌中NO的含量。

    The extraction method with organic solvent extraction to detect nitric oxide was improved , and the production of nitric oxide in mice myocardium in vitro was detected with this method .

  3. FCC汽油溶剂抽提脱硫的研究

    Study on Desulfurization of FCC gasoline by solvent extraction

  4. 文中采用溶胶凝胶法结合CO2超临界一次溶剂抽提法制备SiO2气凝胶。

    The sol-gel process and CO 2 supercritical drying technique were used to prepare silica aerogels .

  5. 采用乙醇和丙酮溶剂抽提、CO2超临界萃取(SFE)以及水蒸气蒸馏(SD)的方法提取古蓬香脂乳胶。

    Galbanum latex was extracted by ethanol , acetone , supercritical carbon dioxide and steam distillation .

  6. 介绍了一种从植物材料中提取线粒体质粒DNA的方法,该方法不需要密度梯度离心和有机溶剂抽提,整个提取过程可在较短时间内完成。

    A method for isolating mitochondrial plasmid DNA from etiolated plant seedlings is described in this paper . This method does not need gradient ultra centrifugation and organic solvent extraction . The entire procedure can be finished in short time .

  7. 通过溶剂抽提、元素分析和Vector-22傅立叶红外光谱仪(FTIR)表征了P(BA-EHA)/PVC复合粒子的接枝情况。

    The grafting situation of the composite particles was characterized through solvent extraction , elementary analysis and Vector-22 type of FTIR for it .

  8. 考察了干燥体系的平衡状态与CO2+C2H5OH二元系的关系对溶剂抽提率及SiO2性能的影响,并采用XRD,TG/DTA和TEM技术对样品进行了表征。

    The relations of the equilibrium state of the drying system with the solvent extraction efficiency and SiO 2 performance were studied . The samples were characterized by TG / DTA , TEM and XRD techniques .

  9. 发酵液先经过离心后,除去菌体,再经过有机溶剂抽提,然后用SephadexG-25柱层析分离,得到了PVD提取液。

    The supernatant extracted with organic reagents , then isolated by column chromatography with Sephadex G-25 . So the extraction of PVD was available .

  10. 水热处理降低了神华煤的溶胀性能,CS2/NMP混合溶剂抽提减小了抽余物在NMP溶剂中的溶胀度;

    The swelling ratio of extraction residue by CS_2 / NMP mixed solvent in NMP solvent is lower than that of the corresponding raw coal .

  11. 本文用浮沉法及酸、碱和有机溶剂抽提方法探讨了小龙潭褐煤中As,Pb,Cr等元素的存在状态。

    The forms of combination of As , Pb , Cr in Xiaolongtan coal was investigated by washability test , inorganic and organic solvent extract , The results show that As is organic association dominantly , contrary to As in bituminous .

  12. 两种亮煤用CS2-NMP溶剂抽提后的结果分析

    Analysis on the results of two clarains extracted by mixed solvent of cs_2-nmp

  13. 用乙醚/已烷混合溶剂抽提鳗鱼骨油,用KOH-CH3OH酯交换法甲酯化,以毛细管色谱/质谱方法测定脂肪酸的组成。

    Sample of eel-bone oil was extracted with a mixed solvent of ether and n-hexane and the extract was esterfied by KOH-CH_3OH . Then it was determined by capillary GC / MS.

  14. 综述了国内外开发和应用的FCC汽油非临氢脱硫技术,该技术主要有生物脱硫、催化裂化脱硫、吸附脱硫、溶剂抽提脱硫、烷基化脱硫、氧化脱硫和膜分离脱硫等;

    This article reviews the development and application of FCC gasoline non-hydrodesulfurization ( non-HDS ) technologies at home and abroad . The non-HDS technologies mainly include biological treatment , catalytic cracking , adsorption , extraction , alkylation , oxidation and membrane ( separation ) technology .

  15. 开发了环丁砜-COS复合溶剂抽提蒸馏回收重整汽油中纯苯的新工艺(SED),在150kt/a工业装置上应用获得成功。

    An extractive distillation process using a composite solvent , sulfolane and co-solvent COS , for recovering pure benzene from reformate was developed . The process was applied in a 150kt / a unit at Dalian Petrochemical Company .

  16. 热解石脑油馏分的BTX(苯、甲苯、二甲苯)含量达40%~50%,可以通过加氢预处理、溶剂抽提和精馏分离回收其中的轻质芳烃。

    The content of BTX in the naphtha fraction of the pyrolytic oil amount to 40 % - 50 % which can be reclaimed light aromatic hydrocarbon by hydrogenation pretreated , solvent elution and rectification .

  17. 而用甲醇-冰醋酸(6∶4,v/v)为溶剂抽提聚合物,不仅能减少抽提次数及溶剂用量,而且模板分子VLB的回收率能提高到98.03%。

    Using methanol-glacial acetic acid ( 6:4 , V / V ) as the extraction solvent , the recovery of VLB reached 98.03 % with less solvents and extract times .

  18. 本文通过对快速溶剂抽提仪ASE300的功能开发,建立了沉积岩石中氯仿沥青“A”抽提的新方法。

    Based on the basic function of ASE300 instrument , we established a new method of the chloroform bitumen " A " extracted from sedimentary rocks .

  19. 结论用甲醇-冰醋酸(6∶4,v/v)为溶剂抽提聚合物,模板分子洗脱完全,聚合物性质稳定,对模板分子VLB表现出高度的选择性和特殊的识别性能。

    Conclusion Methanol-glacial acetic acid ( 6:4 , V / V ) is an ideal extract solvent for complete template molecule removal from the polymers , and the processed polymers possess stable capacity of specific recognition and selectivity to the template .

  20. 溶剂抽提法制取炼焦煤粘结剂的研究

    Research on the binder OTF of coking coal by solvent extraction

  21. 超临界混合溶剂抽提重油基础实验研究

    Basic Research Related to Heavy Oil Extraction by Mixed Super-Critical Solvent

  22. 煤的溶剂抽提与抽提物性质的研究

    Studies on solvent extraction of coal and the properties of extracts

  23. 直馏抽出油双溶剂抽提的芳烃分离工艺研究

    Study on aromatics separation process with double-solvent extraction for straight-run extracted oil

  24. 用有机溶剂抽提直馏柴油中的环烷酸

    Organic solvent extraction of naphthenic acids from straight-run diesel oil

  25. 我国特种煤&烛煤溶剂抽提物类型与工艺研究

    Study on the Extracts of Special Coal-Cannel and Its Technology

  26. 低熟烃源岩的超强混合溶剂抽提及其地球化学意义

    Mixed solvent extraction of immature sources and its geochemical significance

  27. 催化裂化油浆溶剂抽提及其中间相沥青

    Extraction of FCC slurry with solvent and the mesophase pitch derived from extract

  28. N-甲酰吗啉加水溶剂抽提芳烃的液液平衡

    Liquid-liquid equilibria for aromatics extraction using n-formylmorpholine + water

  29. 本文针对回收纸的角质化缺陷,从制浆过程对纤维角质化的影响入手,研究了不同化学制浆过程、不同浆得率、有机溶剂抽提去除纤维表面的提取物、冰冻储存对纤维角质化的影响。

    This paper studied the influence of pulping process on hornification of fibers .

  30. 重质芳烃溶剂抽提的应用研究

    The Applied Study on the Heavy Aromatic Solvent Extraction