
  • 网络hemolysis;haemolysis
  1. 清解注射液对小白鼠急性毒性试验,LD(50)为167.294g/kg;对20%的猪、牛血球混悬液进行了几天观察,无溶血现象。

    The results showed that QING - JIE injection had its LD50 as 167 . 294g / kg for mice , and had no hemolysis effect on RBC suspension ( 20 % ) .

  2. 结果:浓度为0.3mg/mL注射用长春西汀无溶血现象和过敏反应现象,对静脉血管无刺激反应。

    Results : Vinpocetine for injection had neither hemolysis nor allergy reaction phenomena and had no stimulating effect on vessel at the concentration of 0.3 mg / mL.

  3. 实验结果表明疟疾患者的临床表现与红细胞免疫功能变化呈正相关。SPA混合花环率下降与免疫性溶血现象之间有相关关系。

    Experimental results suggest that there be positive correlation between clinical features and the changes of RBC immune system and positively correlation to RBC SPA .

  4. 结果:自制NECM支架材料无细胞毒性,无溶血现象,无全身毒性,无致热源作用,无致敏淋巴细胞作用,体内埋植不引起炎症反应。

    Result : Self designed NECM scaffold biomaterial for cell culture has no cytotoxicity , no acute and subacute systemic toxicity , and it did not cause inflammatory reaction .

  5. 有报道,多杀性巴氏杆菌在厌氧条件下出现溶血现象,但对溶血性的相关分析还研究较少。

    P. multocida was found to have haemolytic phenotype under anaerobic conditions .

  6. 红细胞血型血清学试验中溶血现象的消除

    Eliminating of Hematolysis for Red Blood Cell serology Assay

  7. 结果:该品有明显溶血现象。

    Results : This product has obvious haemolysis .

  8. 结果显示材料的浸提液与兔血混合后,没有出现溶血现象。

    The experimental material of the leaching solution in rabbit blood has no hemolysis phenomenon .

  9. 结果:材料无溶血现象,不影响凝血功能。

    RESULTS : The material had no hemolytic activities and did not influence the function of hemopexin .

  10. 结果注射用硫酸头孢匹罗对动物无变态反应、无溶血现象,对静脉血管、肌肉无刺激性反应。

    Results No allergy reactions , the hemolysis and significant stimulation on vessels and muscles were observed after using cefpirome sulfate .

  11. 结果注射用克林霉素磷酸酯无过敏反应,无溶血现象,对静脉血管、肌肉无刺激反应。

    Results Clindamycin Phosphate injection had no allergy effect and hemolysis phenomenon , it had no significant stimulation effect on vessel and muscles .

  12. 目的探讨不同静脉采血方法对血液标本溶血现象的影响,并总结真空采血法的护理要点及注意事项。

    Objective To explore the impact of different methods in blood drawing on sample hemolysis , and to summarize the nursing points of vacuum blood drawing .

  13. 结果熊胆冻干粉针剂对家兔股四头肌无刺激作用,对家兔耳缘静脉无刺激作用,对豚鼠未见过敏反应,家兔无溶血现象。

    Results The bear gall lyophilized powder has no stimulation to muscle and ear vein of rabbit , the rabbits have no allergic reaction as contrast and without hemolytic reaction .

  14. 而采用方法2则溶血现象不明显,且方法2组样品吸光度值低于方法1组(P<0.05)。

    In the serum complements prepared by method 2 , macroscopic hemolysis was not obvious and the optical density of the mixture was lower than that by method 1 ( P < 0.05 ) .

  15. 与经胸超声心动图相比,经食道超声心动图显示的结果更有利于手术的成功,可以多层面的观察评估封堵后的封堵器的大小、形状、是否稳定以及是否有残余分流和溶血现象。

    The transesophageal echocardiography findings were more remarkable as compared to the transthoracic echocardiography . TEE showed better results . After the deployment of the occluder device the ventricle defect was seen through multiple planes to evaluate if there was any residual shunt or jet flow .

  16. 该文SAN型保养液配制的试剂红细胞在试验中不出现溶血和弱凝集现象。

    That the reagent RBC formulated with the SAN preservative solution did not appear hematolysis and weak agglutination .

  17. 结果:该磷酸钙骨水泥材料原液对健康人血红细胞溶血率为1.82%,无溶血现象。

    Results : The hemolysis rate of the cement-extracted liquid in human was 1.82 % .

  18. 经溶血性实验对纤溶酶的安全性进行研究,结果表明,纯化后的纤溶酶并未发现有溶血现象。

    The test of haemolysis was performed for determining the security of the fibrinolytic enzyme , and the result suggested that purified enzyme cannot destroy blood cell .