
  • 网络Fog chamber;Spray Chamber;cloud Chamber;Tan Hoon Siang Misthouse
  1. 应用于ICP-AES工作中的一个新型雾室

    A new spray chamber for ICP-AES

  2. 旋流雾室系统ICP&AES法测定Pd中的杂质

    Determination of Impurities in Pure Palladium by ICp-AES with a Cyclone Spray Chamber System

  3. ICP分析用的气溶胶性质及HW雾室分析性能的研究

    Aerosol properties produced by ICP sample introduction systems and analytical performance of HW spray chamber

  4. 在此基础上,对本文提出的HW雾室结构及其性能进行了实验比较。

    The construction and analytical performance of HW spray chamber proposed were given .

  5. 雾室温度对ICP-MS分析性能影响的研究

    Study of the influence of spray chamber temperature on analyzing performance in inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry

  6. 采用旋流雾室改善ICP-AES和ICP-AFS分析性能的研究

    Improvement of analytical performance in icp / aes and icp / afs using cyclone chamber

  7. ~3H-TdR淋巴细胞转化试验中制样方法的探讨ICP分析用的气溶胶性质及HW雾室分析性能的研究

    Experiment of lymphocyte transformation with ~ 3H-TdR & A study of method of sample preparation AEROSOL PROPERTIES PRODUCED BY ICP SAMPLE INTRODUCTION SYSTEMS AND ANALYTICAL PERFORMANCE OF HW SPRAY CHAMBER

  8. 光谱仪配有端视等离子体炬和旋流雾室进样装置。

    The spectrometer has been equipped with an axial plasma torch and a rotary spray chamber .

  9. 当使用旋流雾室系统时,对于所测三十个元素的检出限,相对于双管雾室系统降低了二至三倍。

    Under the same operating conditions the detection limits of30 elements are reduced two fold to three fold when CSCS is used .

  10. 实验研究了同心气动喷雾器与不同结构的雾室组合产生的样品气溶胶的性质,包括雾滴粒度分布、传输效率及分析物粒子在等离子体中的滞留时间等。

    Aerosol properties produced by combination of a pneumatic nebulizer with different kind of spray chambers , including aerosol transport efficiency , aerosol droplet size distribution , and resistance time of analyte particles , were investigated .

  11. 分析范围达5个故量级,即10~(-9)~10~(-5),采用水冷式加热雾室去溶,能防止雾化器堵塞;

    The analytical ranges reach up to 10 ~ ( - 9 ) - 10 ~ ( - 5 ), Applying water cooling method to heat the spray chamber to remove solvent the nebulizer can avoid blocking . The delection limits are minimum ;

  12. ADSS光缆盐雾试验室建立与试验

    To build laboratory of salt-fog and examination of ADSS

  13. 文章着重介绍检验ADSS光缆耐电蚀性能&盐雾试验方法及盐雾试验室的建立。

    This paper introduces how to test the electricity-erode resistance of ADSS cable and how to establish a laboratory for salt-fog test .