
  1. 路上雾气缭绕。

    Mists and fog swirled about the road .

  2. 他们脚下的城市雾气缭绕。

    The city below them was wreathed in mist .

  3. 洁白如玉的米粉,留有余温,在雾气缭绕中散发着独特的稻米清香。

    As white as jade , the rice noodles preserve some warmth and produce the unique fragrance of rice .

  4. 梵高离开了雾气缭绕的巴黎,前往阳光普照的南法。

    Vincent himself turns and follows the sun , leaving misty Paris and going to the South of France .

  5. 看到艾斯勒拍摄的中国浙江省终日雾气缭绕的山区和杭州水光潋滟的西子湖畔的茶园照片时,我忽然领悟到茶与佛教禅思之间的渊源。

    The association of tea with Buddhist contemplation suddenly made sense when I saw Eisler 's photographs of tea gardens amid the mist-strewn mountains of Zhejiang province or near the sunlit West Lake in the city of Hangzhou .

  6. 在华盛顿,今年7月4日的夜晚并不特别适于燃放烟火,天空中飘着雨,雾气缭绕。如此一来,国家广场上的独立日烟火秀,对早早守在附近等着观赏的人而言,便不似以往那般精彩。

    It was not exactly a perfect night in Washington for Fourth of July fireworks this year , when fog and rain blanketed the sky and made the Independence Day show from the National Mall less impressive than usual to those who had staked out a spot nearby .