
  • 网络Passenger transport center;Coach Center
  1. 上海港国际客运中心建于北外滩,拥有870m沿江岸线。

    Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal was founded in the North Bund , which possesses about 870 m length coastlines .

  2. 修建京津冀地区铁路客运中心站的构想

    Conception of Building Railway Passenger Transport Central Station in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

  3. 双阳客运中心站项目后评价

    The Post-Evaluation of the Project of Shuangyang Central Transport Station

  4. 客运中心管桁架的结构设计

    Structural Design of Steel - pipe Truss for Passenger Station

  5. 水滴跃出浦江上海港国际客运中心建筑设计

    A " Water Drop " Leaps out from the Huangpu River Design of Shanghai Port International Cruise Terminal

  6. 另一座航空货运大楼是由亚洲客运中心有限公司营运,现处理货物量为40万吨。

    The other one , operated by the Asian Passenger Transportation Co. Ltd. , is able to handle 400,000 tons of goods annually .

  7. 王朝大酒店以四星级标准建造,座落于市区繁华地段,毗邻商业区和客运中心。

    Dynasty hotel was built according to 4-star standard and it is situated in the downtown area neighboring commercial district and passenger transportation center .

  8. 宾王市场地处二十一世纪商贸中心,紧邻义乌火车站和客运中心,交通极为便利。

    Located in the 21st Century Trade Center and next to the railway station and North Bus Station , Binwang Market enjoys a convenient transport .

  9. 在上海港吴淞客运中心的方案设计中,作者试图通过建筑形体之间的穿梭组合,使建筑空间与特定的环境有机结合,以创造一个富有特色的港口景观形象。

    In the design of passenger transportation center lying in the shanghai wusong port , by combining and intercrossing the building bodies , designers try to integrate building space with special environment organically in a whole , in this way , to trace out a vivid and characteristic port landscape .

  10. 本文集中分析了城市客运交通中换乘中心对机动性发展的重要性,随后分析了换乘中心的城市功能以及它的三种管理模式。

    Focusing on passenger transportation , this paper explains first the importance of the transportation exchange center in the development of urban mobility . Then it analyzes its urban functions and three modes of management .