
  1. 益阳市邮政储蓄客户关系管理策略研究恩平市邮政局EMS市场分析与对策研究

    Strategy Analysis on CRM of Yiyang Postal-saving Bank ; Analysis and Tactics for EMS Market of Enping Post office

  2. 本文从中国网络通信有限公司面临的竞争环境入手,运用SWOT分析法等手段,提出中国网通的客户关系管理策略;

    This text proceeds with competitive environment that China Netcom Corp faces , use such means as SWOT analysis , etc. propose managing the tactics in relation of customer of China Netcom .

  3. 论文以EVA作为衡量公司绩效的价值指标,研究了中国上市公司股权结构与公司价值的关系。本文试图运用管理学知识,从几个方面论述中国网络通信公司的客户关系管理策略。

    The thesis studied the influence factor on the listed company manage share encourage . This article is it uses management knowledge to attempt , expound the fact from several respect China network customer relation , communication of Company manage the tactics .

  4. 五是积极推行客户关系管理策略;

    Five promote " the customer relation management " strategy actively ;

  5. 北京紫晶世纪科技有限公司客户关系管理策略研究

    Beijing Amethyst Century Technology Co. , Ltd. Customer Relationship Management Strategy Research

  6. 贸易公司的客户关系管理策略

    The Management Strategies of Customer Relationship in Trading Corporate

  7. 长春联通公司数据业务客户关系管理策略

    Strategy on the Customer Relationship Management for Data Business of China Unicom , Changchun Branch

  8. 网络营销环境下客户关系管理策略研究

    The Study on Customer Relationship Management ( CRM ) Strategies in the Context of Internet Marketing

  9. 第四章:2008年澳航青岛分公司客户关系管理策略研究。

    Charter Four – Research on Customer Management Strategy of ANL Qingdao Office in Year 2008 .

  10. 设计出了辽化物资供应公司作为第三方仓储服务商的营销策略、营销费用管理策略和客户关系管理策略。希望本论文对改制重组后存续企业的发展和国有企业改革有一定的参考价值。

    Afterwards the marketing strategy of the third party 's storage providers , cost management strategy and consumer relationship management is also designed .

  11. 提出了第三方物流企业的客户关系管理策略,并从战略规划、企业目标、企业文化、物流联盟和软件系统五个方面进行了系统的分析;

    Customer relationship management strategies of the third party logistics enterprise are proposed . The strategy planning , enterprise goal , enterprise culture , logistics alliance , and software system are analyzed .

  12. 因此必须系统制定数字营销策略,指导汽车行业数字营销的开展,本文讨论了销售引导策略、客户关系管理策略、品牌建设策略、营销过程及绩效指标量化策略及持续改进策略。

    It is necessary to systematically develop digital marketing strategies to guide the auto industry to carry out digital marketing . This paper discusses sales lead strategy , customer relationship management strategy , brand building strategy , performance indicators strategy and continuous improvement strategy to quantify strategies .

  13. 文献提供服务实施客户关系管理的策略

    Strategies for Conducting Customer Relationship Management in Document Supply Services

  14. 基于互联网络的客户关系管理营销策略

    Marketing Tactics of CRM Based on the Internet

  15. 网络环境下我国服装企业客户关系管理的策略

    Study of the management strategy of customer relations of the domestic garment enterprises in terms of the network environment

  16. 客观地说,煤炭营销远未形成相对稳定的、适应煤炭市场不同销售状况的客户关系管理基本策略。

    Objectively speaking , the coal marketing far has not formed the relative stabilization , the adaptation coal market different sales status customer relations management basic strategy .

  17. 第四章从全程价值沟通策略、品牌建设策略和客户关系管理营销策略三个方面研究分析了万置公司实施关系营销的过程。

    In the 4th chapter , this paper analyzes the implementation process of the respect of total value communication strategy , brand construction strategy and customer relationship management strategy .

  18. 客户关系管理的策略着眼点不仅在于维系现有客户,还在于在维系老客户的基础上全力发展新客户。

    Customer Relationship Management strategy focus is not only to maintain existing customers , but also in maintaining existing customers on the basis of the full development of new customers .

  19. 客户关系管理的策略主要在于维系现有客户,为进一步抓住自己的客户,实施关系营销战略,突出自身的竞争优势。

    The strategy of customer relationship management is to maintain existing customers , in order to seize their customers , the implementation of relationship marketing strategy , highlighting its own competitive advantage .

  20. 本文对个人金融服务中的客户关系管理的策略方法等,做了较深入系统的研究,希望能借此为我国商业银行个人金融服务工作的开展提供某些有益的启示。

    This paper makes a thorough study into the strategies of CRM in financial services and hopes to provide some useful advice on the development of PFS in commercial banks of China .

  21. 提出招商银行西安分行的客户关系管理的发展策略。

    At last , it proposes strategies for the promotion of CRM of MBXB .

  22. 最后是电机事业部客户关系管理的实施策略,指出了实施客户关系管理计划的几个阶段和工作要点,着重提出了大客户中心的管理办法。

    The fifth part studied the implementation tactics of customer relationship management of the electric engineering department . It pointed out the stages of the implementation of " the customer relationship management plan " and proposed the management method of " focus on great customers " emphatically .

  23. 本研究也将为B2C网络零售商的电子客户关系管理(e-CRM)策略组合选择提供依据,为电子客户关系管理(e-CRM)策略的评价体系提供方向。

    This study will also provide B2C online retailer of electronic customer relationship management ( e-CRM ) portfolio selection strategies and evaluation system .

  24. 客户关系生命周期管理及其策略

    Analyzing Customer Relationship Life Cycle Management and Strategies

  25. 进而针对所选定的目标市场,结合具体的建筑设计业务产品,通过对产品营销策略、客户关系管理、市场拓展策略的讨论,给出了深圳工程设计公司建筑设计业务的营销策略。

    Thirdly according to having changed object market and connecting the detail products of architecture design , and put forward about the architecture design business marketing strategy . of Shenzhen Engineering Design Company , through discussion product marketing strategy , relation marketing strategy and market deploitation strategy .

  26. 对客户价值的关注是客户关系管理各种策略的出发点。

    The value of customer focus is the starting point of customer relationship management strategies .

  27. 外向型企业的特点就决定了其更应该重视客户关系管理工作,通过实施客户关系管理策略来获得和保持更多的忠诚客户,建立起企业长久的竞争优势,实现企业长远发展的目标。

    The characteristic of export-centered enterprise decides that they must attach importance to customer relationship management , establishing the long competition advantage of enterprise , realizing the long development goal of enterprise , by implementing CRM strategy to win and hold more loyal customers .

  28. 在完成上述分析后,针对物业管理企业的客户关系状况分析,提出了物业管理企业的客户关系管理的策略和实施方法。

    After complement the above analysis , the thesis raised the tactic and implement method of customer relationship management .

  29. 最后指出株冶集团开展客户关系管理的条件基础,并提出了加强客户关系管理的实施策略和保障措施。

    Finally it points out that the company has some foundation , and proposes strategies and measures to strengthen customer relationship management .

  30. 第三部分,在研究客户价值的基础上进行了客户分类探讨以及不同客户的客户关系管理策略方面的研究,为外向型企业实施客户关系管理提供了具体的实施操作方案。

    The third part discusses customer classification and research different customer ' CRM strategy on the bases of customer value research , to supply the material implement operation project for export-centered enterprise 's CRM application .