
kè fáng
  • guest room;spare room
客房 [kè fáng]
  • [guest room] 供旅客住宿的房间

客房[kè fáng]
  1. 这个男孩的房间和客房截然不同。

    The boy 's room is a complete contrast to the guest room .

  2. 洛葛仙妮在家中有一个客房,但从来没有客人在那里过夜。

    Example : Roxanne has a guest room in her home that no guest has ever slept in .

  3. 这家旅馆有110间客房,各有独立卫生间。

    The hotel has 110 bedrooms , all with private bathrooms .

  4. 正在为他们准备一间旅馆客房。

    A hotel room is being prepared for them .

  5. 我想预订一套可以看到湖面景色的客房。

    I 'd like to book a room with a view of the lake .

  6. 今年,那些通常爆满的旅店整个夏天都有空客房。

    This year hotels that usually are jammed had vacancies all summer .

  7. 可否请您体验一下我们的客房?

    May we suggest you try one of our guest houses

  8. 两家的双人客房都报出了大约90英镑的超值价格。

    Both offer excellent value at around £ 90 for a double room

  9. 我们叫客房服务吧,我要一瓶红酒。

    Let 's call room service , I need a bottle of wine .

  10. 这家旅馆一般不提供客房送餐服务。

    The hotel did not normally provide room service

  11. 旅游业经营者反映客房入住率低。

    Tour operators report low occupancy rates .

  12. 客房宽敞舒适且陈设考究。

    Guestrooms are commodious and well-appointed .

  13. 加上一张沙发床,客厅便变成了客房。

    A sitting room can be transformed into a guest bedroom simply by adding a sofabed .

  14. 私宅中可用房间数的增加缓解了客房总体不足的问题。

    The increase in the number of rooms available in private homes acted as a palliative to the general accommodation shortage .

  15. 当时乔治把我领到一间客房,他说那房间很少使用。

    George showed me to the guest-room which , he said , was rarely used .

  16. 这不是客房部员工的责任。

    This is not the responsibility of housekeeping staff .

  17. 旅馆太热了,床让她的背很疼,客房服务也太慢了。

    The hotel was too hot , the bed hurt her back and the room service was too slow .

  18. 在德国,60家Etap经济型酒店中有宜家家居客房。

    In Germany , 60 Etap budget hotels are furnished with an IKEA room .

  19. 若是你对漂浮早餐没有概念,这里简单介绍一下:这是高档酒店客房服务一般都会提供的早餐——吐司、水果、咖啡等等,不过,这些早餐不是在床上享用,而是在泳池或注满热水的浴缸中享用的。

    In case you 're not familiar with them , here 's what to know : they 're your typical upscale hotel room service breakfast -- think toast , fruit , coffee and the like -- served in a pool or hot tub instead of in bed .

  20. 用Markov链模拟酒店逐月客房利用率的探讨

    Discussion on Simulating Hotel ′ s Room Utility Monthly by Markov Chain

  21. 巴卡尔丁城堡距离格拉斯哥机场(Glasgowairport)90英里,每晚客房费用为185英镑。

    Barcaldine Castle is 90 miles from Glasgow airport . £ 185 for one night .

  22. 我打算给NB公司的马丁先生预订一间客房。

    I 'd like to book a room for Mr. Martin Feldman of NB Company .

  23. 单击Finish,您的客房预订汇总报告现在完全集成到Bonita了。

    Click Finish , and your room-booking summary report is now fully integrated with Bonita .

  24. 利用CFD技术与实验相结合的方式对客房空调气流的温度场和速度场进行了分析。

    Analyze temperature field and velocity field of guest room by making use of CFD technique and experiment associative mode .

  25. 用Markov自回归模型可生成模拟未来年的逐月客房利用率系列,以满足酒店规划、计划、市场营销等方面的需要。

    Hotel ′ s room utility monthly for future years are simulated by Markov Regression Model to meet the need for planning and marketing .

  26. 在巴塞罗那文华东方酒店(MandarinOriental)内,套房的入住率大约达到80%,高于普通客房的入住率。

    At Mandarin Oriental , Barcelona , the suites have an occupancy rate of about 80 % , higher than the hotel 's regular rooms .

  27. 这还没算上豪生酒店(HowardJohnson)呢,去年12月,拥有1360间客房的三亚豪生大酒店隆重开业,成了三亚豪华型酒店中的老大。

    That 's not to mention the Howard Johnson that became Sanya 's biggest deluxe hotel when it opened its1,360 rooms in December .

  28. 结论认为:(1)SARS对广州酒店业的影响显著,最直接表现为客房出租率下降与营业收入减少;

    The conclusions are : ( 1 ) The impact of SARS upon hotel Industry is remarkable , room rent rate and income dropped greatly ;

  29. 系统具有客房管理和餐饮管理等功能以及预订功能,并且可以和酒店的资产管理系统(PMS-PropertyManagementSystem)一起工作。

    System has guest rooms , management and catering management capabilities , and booking functions , and can and hotel asset management system ( PMS-Property Management System ) to work together .

  30. 基于EMSR模型的饭店客房分配研究

    Research into hotel room allocation based on EMSR