
  • 网络Customer care;e-CRB
  1. 基于SOA架构的大型电力营销与客户关怀系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Large Power marketing & Customer Care System Based on SOA

  2. 通过对e_服务质量影响因素进行的分析,从可靠性、易用性、安全性、客户关怀和信任等五方面建立了开放式的、评价e_服务质量的指标体系。

    On the basis of the analysis of dimensions of e-service quality , an open criteria system of e-service quality is established in respect to reliability , ease of use , security , customer care and trust .

  3. 基于该模型围绕客户关怀、竞争对手分析、数据挖掘、CallCenter、CRM与ERP集成等方面进行了深入的分析;

    And has advanced a model of CRM system to manufacturing . It has deeply analyzed in customer care , competitors analysis , data mining , call center , the integration of CRM and ERP and so on .

  4. 最后对CRM系统、客户关怀管理和一对一营销进行介绍,提出要合理利用信息技术作为工程设计咨询企业客户管理的实现手段。

    Eventually , the CRM system 、 customer caring management and marketing one to one is introduced . The paper put forward that information made use of reasonably should be taken as the mean of engineering design consultation enterprise management .

  5. 全业务运营下中高端客户关怀与维系

    Customer Relationship Maintaining and Care for Mid and High End Clients in Full-Service Operation Environment

  6. 使得客户关怀中心的工作赢得了公司及领导的认可,更进一步提高了客户的满意度和忠诚度。

    In the end , the customer care centers won approval from the leadership and increased customer satisfaction and loyalty .

  7. 财务、法务、人力资源、企业通信、DX/布道、客户关怀和商业发展等职能将被整合至微软。

    Finance , Legal , HR , Communications , DX / Evangelism , Customer Care and Business Development will integrate functionally at Microsoft .

  8. 随着我国医院信息化的投入水平和医疗卫生服务质量的不断提高,客户关怀系统在未来将成为医院信息系统的核心组成。

    With the progress of hospital information management inland , Client Care System will become the core concept of HIS in the future .

  9. 这些能帮助客户关怀专员们熟悉客户情况,充分发挥自己的性格优势,适应客户的个性化需求。

    That allows the care professional to be conversant and pull out their personality and match it to the personal needs of the customer .

  10. 然后提出一个关于谈判技巧、客户关怀和他们未来可能想要的领域的内容的建议。

    and then put forward a proposal for sessions on negotiating skills and customer care and anything else they might want in the future .

  11. 在企业内部管理和客户关怀方面,系统设计了短信互动功能,系统能定时下发各类通知、公告或节日祝福。

    In the enterprise internal management and customer care , system design and system function of the message interaction of notice issued to timing , notice or holiday blessing .

  12. 在服务行业拥有多年工作经验,用先进的服务理念领导员工,使得一汽-大众客户关怀中心拥有和谐、上进、优秀的客户服务团队。

    In the service industry for many years , with advanced service concepts he lead his staff to make FAW-Volkswagen customer care centers with harmonious , dynamic and excellent customer service team .

  13. 这是传统商业管理系统所不能实现的,通过大量移动通讯技术的应用,能很好的实现客户关怀和商业宣传,提升企业和核心竞争力。

    This is a traditional business management system can realize , through a large number of mobile communication technology , it can achieve customer care and commercial advertising , promotion enterprise and core competitiveness .

  14. 品牌维护方面,通过创建服务品牌,提升沃尔沃服务水平;通过括提高顾客满意度,细致设计客户关怀计划做好客户关系管理;通过强化厂商沟通机制,渠道规范等方式提升渠道管理水平。

    On brand maintenance , through the creation of service brand , enhance Volvo service level ; improve customer satisfaction through the careful design , customer care plan for customer relationship management ; by strengthening vendor communication mechanism , channel specification , improve channel maintenance .

  15. 因此,要想在激烈的竞争中赢得一席之地,企业必须尽快采用先进的信息技术改造和武装自己,以提高营销的精确度、控制营销成本、把握营销时机、加强客户关怀、提升企业竞争力。

    Therefore , to win a place in such keen competition , enterprises must use the advanced information technology immediately in order to improve the marketing accuracy , control the marketing cost , seize the marketing opportunity , strengthen customer relationship and promote competence of enterprises .

  16. 我们以美化企业形象,倡导企业文化为己任,在不断的探索中,在新老客户的关怀下,武汉唐城将为您提供更完善的服务!

    We have to beautify the corporate image , promote corporate culture , continuous exploration , in the old and new customers under the care , Wuhan city will provide you with more perfect service !

  17. 较好地发挥了客户服务与关怀的作用。

    It has made a better effect on customer service and caring .

  18. 离网挽留流程的设计和实施,能够让移动电信运营商的客户关系管理在客户关怀挽留方面更有实效性和目标性。

    The designment and development of customer detainment policy make more effective and purposive in CRM of telecom providers .

  19. 企业通过建立与客户沟通的便利渠道,实施客户关怀,为客户创造更高的价值,来提高客户的满意度和忠诚度,从而实现更高的利润和企业的长远发展。

    Business enterprises , by establishing convenient communication with customers , carrying out the concerned about customers , and creating higher value for the customer , can raise the customer 's satisfaction and loyalty , and then carry out higher profits and long-term development of the business .

  20. 在此基础上,讨论西安宏达客户信息管理系统的功能,分析客户分类、客户关怀、竞争者分析等主要流程。

    Secondly , the main functions of the customer information management system are discussed and the core precess such as customer classification , customer care and competitor analysis are analyzed .

  21. 为了提高客户满意度,企业必须准确把握客户需求,提供便捷的购买渠道、良好的售后服务与经常性的客户关怀等。

    The market competition has been day by day intense . In order to enhance the customer degree of satisfaction , the enterprise must accurately grasp the customer demand , provides the convenient purchase channel , the good post-sale service and the regular customer concern and so on .

  22. 将在企业应用中较为成熟的客户关系管理(CRM)的概念引入医院信息管理中。在HIS系统结构层和实施层上体现以客户为中心的思想,阐述了客户关怀系统的基本构架。

    This paper brings forward a new framework of HIS ( Hospital Information System ) by with making reference to CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ), and expresses the idea of customer orientation in organizational level of HIS .