
  1. 在海航迄今的帝国建设中,收购CIT旗下业务是其最大一笔跨境交易,这些交易包括收购航空公司、酒店、软件分销商和数字电视业务。

    Buying CIT represents the biggest cross-border deal in HNA 's empire building to date , which has included the purchase of airlines , hotels , software distributors and television makers .

  2. 目前酒店管理软件一般都是为大型酒店而开发的,功能完善但复杂,许多内容并不适用于中小型酒店,而且这些系统的一次性投资颇高。

    The current hotel management software are generally developed for large hotel , fully functional but the complex , many of the elements does not apply to small and medium sized hotels , and high one-time investment of these systems .

  3. 要确保你酒店使用的软件都是合法的。

    Do make sure that all software used in your business is legal .

  4. 在国内外酒店硬件水平日趋接近的情况下,服务水平、员工素质等软件已成为酒店业竞争的焦点,而培训正是酒店软件建设之本。

    Owning to similar standards of " hardware " in the hotels home and abroad , the competition of Hospitality Industry has focused on such " softwares " as service level , staff skills .