
  • 网络flight reservation
  1. 因此,我重复了一遍繁琐复杂的机票预定程序。

    So I went through the rigmarole of booking the tickets again .

  2. 机票预定问题的多阶段决策模型

    An Multi-stage Decision-making Model for the Airline Overbooking

  3. 预订业务对象:包括关于机票预定的所有信息。

    Reservation business object : Includes all information about the reservation of a flight .

  4. 最后,以机票预定服务系统说明了上述求精方法、过程和规则的有效性。

    Finally , it explains the validity of the above-mentioned refinement method with an ordering ticket system .

  5. 例如,去哪儿目前承担了中国所有机票预定量的30%左右。

    For example , qunar currently is responsible for around 30 % of all airline tickets booked in China .

  6. 后来还有一次是对一项基于网络,方便员工在家以外办理机票预定业务的技术,他也做出了同样的反(回)应。

    He had the same response to the Web-based technology that allows JetBlue reservations clerks to work out of their homes .

  7. 一流的电脑系统可以、高效的预定服务,点击就可以组织机票预定、租车预定、饭店预定和旅行预定。

    With our first-class computer system , Trailseekers provides a quick and efficient booking system that organizes air-tickets , car-hire , hotels and tours at the click of a button .

  8. 免费服务:火车票、机票免费预定服务,免费提供口译服务。

    Services : Airline ticket and train ticket reservation , free interpretation service .

  9. 很多航空公司的大部分业务都是用电话来完成的,因此(机票)预定处便成为销售力量的重要成员(或组成部分)。

    Most airlines do a large part of their business by telephone , so the reservations agent is an important member of the sales force .

  10. 应用连续神经网络来解高频率离散问题,并采用最佳机票超额预定作为具体应用实例。

    The paper aims at finding an alternation to apply the hopfield continuous network in the high rate discrete problems , which take an optimal overbooking scheme of airline as example .

  11. 坏消息——或者也可以说是一种刺激的机会——上述这些活动,很少会事先宣布或事先安排,这可不适合这个度假需要事先安排、机票需要事先预定的现代社会。

    The bad news - or perhaps it 's an exciting opportunity - is that little of this is announced or scheduled in a way that fits into a world of prearranged vacations or advance-purchase airfares .

  12. 在未来,航空公司机票的定座和预定可能属于网络,但在我们到达那里之前,请系好安全带。

    The future of airline reservations and booking may belong to the Net , but fasten your seat belt while we get there .

  13. 而如果在更短时间内预定的话,则意味着机票价格居高不下的几率上升,并可能面临更大的风险,那就是机票已经预定完了,没你的份了。

    However , if you book it later , there 's an increased risk that prices will go up or the flight could be fully booked .