
  1. 拖曳水池随车式PIV技术的研究与应用

    Towing PIV technique and its application in a tank

  2. 水池随车式PIV系统的首次应用

    The First Application of Towing PIV System

  3. 触头盒为环氧树脂APG工艺压力凝胶成型结构,用于各种手车式开关柜,起绝缘隔离和联接过渡作用。

    Contacts box for epoxy resin APG pressure molding process gel structure , used for various handcart type switch cabinet , the insulation isolation and connection function transition .

  4. 基于阿克曼原理的车式移动机器人运动学建模

    Using the Ackerman principle for kinematic modeling of wheeled mobile robots

  5. 小浪底水电站台车式启闭机电气设计及特点

    Electrical Design and Characteristics of Platform Headstock Gear in Xiaolangdi Hydro-power Station

  6. 手车式开关柜自动重合闸装置接线方式的改进

    Improvement of Connection Mode of Auto - reclosure in Handcart Switch Cabinet

  7. 车式拉紧装置对带式输送机运行状态的影响与改进

    The Influence of Car Type Take-up on Belt Conveyer Operation

  8. 就车式汽车制动盘车床进给系统的改进设计

    Improved Design on Cutting Feed System of On-Car Brake Lathe

  9. 真是过山车式的跳跃

    it 's been a heck of a roller coaster .

  10. 随车式车顶帐篷关键部件的分析与校核

    Study of The Key Components of the Up To Car Type Rooftop Tent

  11. 车式机器人个体避开凸多边形障碍物的免碰转角的确定

    Research of Instantaneous Safe Turning Angle for Car-like Robot to Aviod Polygon Obstacles

  12. 初轧150t台车式退火炉检测控制系统

    Detection and Control System of 150t Car Type Annealing Furnace in Blooming Mill

  13. 车式机器人被赋予不同的避开障碍物的能力。

    The car-like robot is endowed with different abilities during the avoidance of obstacles .

  14. 手车式开关的几起事故及改进措施

    Several Accidents and Improvement Measures of Withdrawable Switch

  15. 快速换辊设备&车式双套筒换辊设备

    QUICK ROLL-CHANGING DEVICE & double sleeve roll-hanging car

  16. 三菱手车式开关柜与二次继电保护的配合

    Coordination between Mitsubishi cart-type switchgear and protection relay

  17. 目前,他可以使用这次食品车式的待遇来作为他战斗的力量。

    For now , he may use the buttery treat as a battle cry .

  18. 智能化就车式车轮平衡机的研制

    The Investigation of Intelligent on-Car Wheel Balancer

  19. 动态非完整控制系统的指数镇定及其在一类车式机器人中的应用

    Exponential stabilization of the dynamic nonholonomic control systems and its application to wheeled mobile robot

  20. 矿用一般型手车式高压真空开关柜在矿井中的正确使用

    Use in Mine of a Mine Use General Type Wooden Style High-pressure Vacuum Switch Cabinet

  21. 一些专家认为青年时期过山车式的情绪突变与不确定性造成了这种局面。

    Some experts blame the roller coaster of change and uncertainty during the youthful years . '

  22. 车式无空气抛丸清理机

    Car-type airless shot blasting machine

  23. 车式加料捣炉机常见故障及处理对策对变压器铁芯多点接地故障的分析及处理对策

    Common Breakdown and Its Solution of Feeding Stove Analysis and Countermeasures of Power Transformer Multi-point Grounding Failure

  24. 平板车式集装箱拖车

    Trailer on flat car

  25. 车式形意拳十分注重技击,是很难学的拳法。

    Che 's kungfu is a fist position difficult to learn , it depends a lot on attacking skills .

  26. 经过最初几年过山车式的经历,格雷说派拉蒙如今已是羽翼丰满。

    After the roller coaster ride of those first couple of years , Grey says Paramount is now in great shape .

  27. 津津牌线缆盘系列:拉杆车式、手提式,规格齐全、外形美观、质量可靠、售后服务周到。

    Jinjin brand cable tray series : rod car type , portable , specification complete , beautiful shape , reliable quality , considerate after-sales service .

  28. 另外,每一位资本家在过山车式的创业旅程中都不可避免地会遭遇事业滑坡,在这个时候,来自亲密家人的鼓励与忠诚,会给你极大的支持。

    Meanwhile , the encouragement and loyalty of a close family are a wonderful support during the inescapable dips suffered on the rollercoaster journey undertaken by every capitalist .

  29. 分析了车式移动机器人的运动特性,设计了一种适用于该机器人的路径发现与规划免疫算法。

    This paper analyzes the moving characteristic of the car like moving robot . And the immunity algorithm to solve the moving path finding and optimizing is designed .

  30. 不过,过去十年,大多数公司都提高了自身的竞争力,并从根本上改善了劳动力的灵活性,所以有能力应付这种过山车式的状况。

    But after strengthening their competitiveness and radically improving their workforce flexibility in the past decade , most companies were able to cope with the roller coaster ride .