
  • 网络emergency command
  1. GIS在城市突发公共事件应急指挥系统的应用研究

    The Applications of GIS Technique in Urban Public Emergency Command System

  2. GIS技术在化学事故应急指挥系统中的应用研究

    Study on Using of GIS in Chemical Accident Emergency Command System

  3. 基于Web的应急指挥通信车集控系统实现

    Implementation of a Web-based Centralized Control System of Communication Vehicles in Command of Emergency

  4. 基于GIS的空管应急指挥辅助显示系统研究

    The Research of the GIS-based Emergency Command Auxiliary Display System of ATC

  5. 基于GIS的城市地震应急指挥系统的设计

    The Design of Earthquake Emergency System Based on GIS

  6. 基于GIS的江苏省地震应急指挥系统

    The Jiangsu Earthquake Emergency Commanding System based on GIS

  7. 应急指挥Mesh网络信道分配优化研究

    The Research of Channel Assignment Optimization in Emergency Command Mesh Network

  8. 目前,大多数生产应急指挥系统都以GIS为平台搭建的。

    Currently , most production emergency command system is built using GIS as platform .

  9. 乌鲁木齐市de减灾应急指挥系统

    Commanding System for Disaster Reduction and Emergency Response in Urumqi City , Xinjiang region

  10. 基于3G技术的环境污染事故应急指挥系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Environmental Pollution Emergency Command System Based on 3G

  11. GPRS在移动多媒体应急指挥系统中的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of GPRS in Mobile Multimedia Emergency Command Systems

  12. 在此基础上引出基于GIS的消防应急指挥系统。

    On this basis , it is given in the article about Fire Emergency Command System based of GIS .

  13. 应急指挥系统在SARS定点医院中的实践

    Application of the emergency command system in designated SARS hospitals

  14. 基于ESB的应急指挥调度系统集成框架研究

    Research on Integration Architecture of ESB Based Emergency Commanding Systems

  15. 而在建设和完善突发公共卫生事件应急指挥机制之前,需要我们对突发公共卫生事件应急指挥机制的研究进行SWOT分析。

    And before we do that , we should analyze public health emergency system with SWOT .

  16. 重大事故应急指挥系统(ICS)框架与功能

    The framework and functions of the major incident command system

  17. 基于3S技术的固定勤务应急指挥系统

    Fixed Duty Emergency Commanding System Based with 3S

  18. 实践证明:成立应急指挥系统对抗击SARS起到了重要的作用。

    As practice shows , the initiation of the emergency command system pkyed a key role in the fight against SARS .

  19. 在前人工作成果的基础上,结合警务应急指挥系统实际情况,作者提出了因地制宜发展GIS应急指挥系统的思路。

    According to some former works and experiences in GIS developing , the author suggests that to apply GIS in emergency response system should be adjusted according to local conditions .

  20. 本文阐述了以地震应急指挥流程为框架并基于WEB的管理系统的实现方案,对管理系统的使用和维护提出了相关建议。

    This paper has explained that regards commanding the procedure in earthquake emergency as the frame and realization scheme based on administrative system of WEB , and suggests some ways in usage and maintenance of administrative system .

  21. 针对高速公路应急指挥系统所应有的电话调度与在线会商需求,提出了采用SIP协议的调度电话系统。

    For the requirements of telephone dispatch and online conference scheduling of expressway emergency response command system , a SIP protocol scheduling telephone system was put forward .

  22. 结果表明,本文提出的信道分配算法和信道重分配度量准则对应急指挥Mesh网络的吞吐量和稳定性有较大程度的提升,适用于应急指挥Mesh网络。

    The result indicates that the two algorithms and measuring criterion of channel assignment can promote the throughput and stability of Emergency Command Mesh Network to some extent . They are suitable for Emergency Command Mesh Network .

  23. 使得用户可以通过动力锂电池SOC动态管理系统内置GPS模块与GPRS无线通信网将位置、锂电池电池剩余量(SOC)数据等发送到后台的电动汽车应急指挥中心。

    Emergency Command Center allows users to power lithium battery SOC dynamic management system built-in GPS module with GPRS wireless communication network position , the remaining amount of the lithium battery ( SOC ) data sent to the background electric vehicles .

  24. 如何有效的进行信道分配以减小这种干扰,已经成为当前WMN研究的关键技术之一,同时也是应急指挥Mesh网络研究的重点。

    How we can effectively assign channels , which can reduce the interference , has already become a key technology of WMN and Emergency Command Mesh Network . Now , there are some researches on channel assignment .

  25. 设计应急指挥系统,规划车辆行驶路线,结合GPS技术动态监视粮食运输车辆的位置,并实现与车辆之间的通信,保证应急响应的及时有效性。

    Designing a emergency command system , planning the route of vehicles which carrying food , monitor the position of the vehicles by using the technology of GPS and realize the communication with the vehicles to ensure the response of the system is timely and effective . 3 .

  26. 中国是一个农业大国,同时也是一个粮食进口大国,粮食安全问题与国民生活保障息息相关,因此使用地理信息系统(GIS)技术来建立一个粮食预警和应急指挥系统对于保障粮食供给意义重大。

    China is both a large agriculture and food-importing country , the food security is related to the livelihood security of the people , therefore the construction of a system about food security warning and emergency command basic on GIS has great importance to the guarantee of food supply .

  27. 作为一款拼接产品,NSL-4601对于应急指挥中心、交通控制中心和过程控制等不同应用均是理想的选择。

    As a tiled LCD solution the NSL-4601 is ideal for Emergency Operations Centers , traffic and surveillance centers , and utilities and process control rooms .

  28. 本部分的创新点在于将RPD决策模型和信息熵评价决策模型引入到电网的应急指挥决策领域,并以此为依据形成电网系统应急决策体系。

    The innovation of the this part lies in that Recognition-primed Decision Model ( RPD ) and the evaluation decision model of information entropy are introduced into the field of emergency command decision-making in power grid . And based on above , emergency decision-making system is formed for power system .

  29. 无线局域网技术在地震应急指挥中的应用

    Application of the wireless LAN in the communication of earthquake emergency

  30. 城市地震应急指挥技术系统数据管理研究

    Research on data management of urban earthquake emergency command technology system