
  1. 她的设计讲求功能性,是不受潮流限制的长青款式,采用纯天然物料,可应长或短期场合需要作自由搭配,适合各年龄层、不同体型及尺码的女仕。

    It 's about functional , timeless styles in pure , natural materials that can be mixed and matched in the short and long term , designed to suit women of all ages , shapes and sizes .

  2. 作为一位长线机构投资者,utahretirementsystems的文件辩称,“基金经理应在长时期内抚平允许进行的最大赎回压力,以确保长线投资者不会使流动性风险溢价下降”。

    As a long-term institutional investor , the Utah retirement systems document argues that " managers should smooth maximum allowable redemption pressure over a long period of time to ensure that the liquidity risk premium is not subsidised by long-term investors " .

  3. 实验数据显示,好的DFI分子应满足长链烷基碳数与柴油中蜡的平均碳数相匹配,特别是与柴油中较高碳数的正构烷烃相匹配;

    Experiment datum showed that , good DFI should meet following terms that the carbon number of long alkyl matched equal carbon number of wax in diesel oil , especially higher carbon number ;

  4. 结论射频消融房室结慢径后存在残余慢径传导,出现房室结回波,释放射频能量时无加速性结性心动过速及残余慢径有效不应期长与复发AVNRT有关。

    CONCLUSION Patients with residual slow pathway conduction , and larger fast slow pathway ERP difference , AVN echo beats , after ablation , without accelerated junctional tachycardia during radiofrequency application are at higher risk of recurrent AVNRT .

  5. 电磁波应用于长导体断点无损检测的研究

    Research on Applying Electromagnetic Wave to Long-conductor ′ s Breakpoint NDT

  6. 机械应力长周期保偏光纤光栅的实验研究

    The Study of Mechanically Induced Long Period Fiber Grating in Polarization-maintaining Fiber

  7. 如必须外出,应避免长时间置身在寒风中。

    If you must go out , avoid prolonged exposure to wintry winds .

  8. 此时间应足够长以使蓄电池可以休息几分钟。

    The time is long enough for the battery to rest for a few minutes .

  9. 因此,那些特别易受流感影响的人应避免长时间曝露在太阳底下。

    People at particular risk for the flu should therefore avoid prolonged exposure to the Sun .

  10. 高放废物深埋处置和深部采矿中,岩石在温度和应力长时间作用下表现出流变特性。

    In high-level radioactive waste deep geological disposal and deep mining , rock will exhibit rheological behavior under long-term thermo-mechanical coupling effects .

  11. 将与曲线拐点切线和最大值水平直线交点相对应的长径比值定义为纤维临界长径比,将与此相对应的函数值定义为弹性模量临界值。

    The critical aspect ratio of the fiber is defined as the cross - point of the tangent value of the inflexion and the asymptote of the maximum elastic modulus .

  12. 在桑拿前后,确保大量饮水,弥补桑拿引起的大量排汗失水,每次桑拿的时间不应太长。

    And be sure to compensate for the heavy sweating induced by a sauna by drinking lots of water before and after heat sessions , which should not last too long .

  13. 施工控制计算采用3DBridge进行,并在空间程序上利用无应力索长法控制斜拉桥最终目标状态。

    The calculation for construction control of the bridge is made with 3D Bridge program and the unstressed cable length method is used to control the final target status of the bridge in the spacial program .

  14. 为了取得更佳平衡效果,曲柄应尽量取得长些,推荐曲柄最大回转圆在地基下平面以上50mm处。

    To obtain better effect of balancing , the crank should be designed longer .

  15. 另一组叫做内部破坏模式的S-N曲线,它发生在低应力幅长寿命区,是由试样内部的非金属夹杂引起的。

    The other is called one of internal fracture mode . It is governed by nonmetallic inclusion at subsurface , which occurs in the region of long fatigue life and low stress amplitude .

  16. 悬索无应力索长精确解

    Exact Solution of the Unstressed Cable Length for Suspension Cable

  17. 应保持稍长时间的眼神接触,特别是在握手的时候。

    Hold eye contact a hair longer , especially during a handshake .

  18. 应尽量避免长路堑工程;

    And long cutting engineering will be avoided .

  19. 预应力柔性结构中拉索预张力模拟的迭代算法和无应力索长的计算

    Simulative calculation of cable pre-tension and calculation of unstressed cable length in flexible pre-stress structure

  20. 悬索桥施工控制分析的恒定无应力索长迭代法

    The alternate calculation method of constant cable-length in non-stress for the structural analysis of suspension bridges

  21. 警示标识应该设在施工道路附近,并且应提前足够长时间设好。

    it is near the works themselves that the warnings need to be displayed and well in advance .

  22. 在紫外线指数偏高的日子,市民应尽量避免长时间在户外曝晒。

    On days when the UV index is high , you should avoid staying outdoors for prolonged periods .

  23. 主缆的无应力索长的放样误差会影响成桥以后的刚度。

    The laying out error of the unstressed length of the main cable has impact on the structure completion rigidity .

  24. 长桩、短桩的轴向应力随着长桩置换率的下降而增大。

    As the replacement ratio decrease , the settlement and the axial stresses of long pile and short pile increase .

  25. 出席技术委员会会议的代表、副代表和顾问的提名应向秘书长提出。

    Nominations of delegates , alternates and advisers to meetings of the Technical Committee shall be made to the Secretary-General .

  26. 该迭代算法的无应力索长的计算方法在江宁体育场预应力钢网壳工程中已成功应用。

    The iterative calculation method of unstressed cable length has been successfully applied to pre-stress steel grid shell works of Jiangning Stadium .

  27. 根据主缆的温度变化方程导出了温度变化时无应力索长计算公式。

    Based on the equation of variable temperature field , a formula in order to calculate the length of the non-stress cable is deduced .

  28. 结论及时贴应用于护士长临床护理质量细节管理,可规范护理质量管理,提高临床护理质量。

    Conclusion Promptly paste participates the quality detail management in head nurse , may standardize nursing quality control , enhance clinical nursing quality of administration .

  29. 三开井身结构设计需根据川东北地区特有的地质特点进行具体分析,有针对性地进行井身结构设计,应特别注意长裸眼井段的选择;

    The well structure should be designed according to the specific geologic features in northeast of Sichuan province , especially the choose of the barefoot interval .

  30. 文摘:笔者在文中主要介绍了恒定无应力索长迭代法在悬索桥施工控制分析中的应用。

    Abstract : The alternate calculation method of constant cable-length in non-stress for the structural analysis of suspension bridge in construction is introduced in this paper .