
  • 网络ABA;Applied Behavior Analysis;Applied Behaviour Analysis;Applied Behavior Analysis-ABA
  1. 继而,着重介绍分析了K学校的C老师,如何采用应用行为分析疗法和感觉统合训练,对Y同学进行有针对性的治疗,并阐述其治疗效果。

    After that , it focuses on the analysis of teacher C of school K , and how to treat the student Y with applied behavior analysis and sensory Integration training , and explains its therapeutic effect .

  2. 借助宏观的群体特征发现实施微观粒度的流量识别、端口伪装和跨协议传输行为发现。适于有限规模内具有分布式和协同特征的应用行为分析,不受易变易伪装特征的影响。

    The macroscopic community feature was applied to help Internet traffic identification , port disguise and bestraddle protocols transmitting behavior detection in microcosmic level .

  3. 本文从应用行为分析对自闭症儿童进行干预的原理、方式、实施过程以及效果四个方面介绍了这一疗法的运用。

    This article introduces the application of this method from the aspects of theory , approach , procedures and treatment results of ABA in treatment to autistic children .

  4. 在建立慢性不可预见性应激抑郁模型后,应用动物行为分析系统记录大鼠自主活动的变化,用逆转录聚合酶链反应法测定NETmRNA的含量。

    Chronic stress depression rat model was established and then the autonomic behavior was measured by animal behavior analysis system . The expression of mRNA coding for NET was assayed by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction .

  5. 网络计算机是瘦客户计算模式下的一种交互式信息设备,其上的典型应用程序行为分析对于处理器设计、系统开发有着重要意义。

    Network computer is an interactive device in thin-client computing environment , and studying the behavior of typical applications on this platform is important to the microprocessor design and system development .

  6. 在此基础上,如何应用程序行为累积分析技术在软件设计模块层解决故障定位问题得到了进一步的分析。

    Finally , the application of aggregate analysis of the program behavior into the fault-locating method on module level was discussed .

  7. 网络计算机典型应用程序的d-TLB行为分析

    Characterizing the d-TLB Behavior of Typical Applications on Network Computer

  8. 国外一些知名的电信企业如BT、Verizon等已将数据挖掘技术应用于客户行为的分析、研究与预测,并以此作为提升CRM水平的重要手段。

    Some well-known foreign telecom companies such as BT , Verizon and other data mining techniques have been used in customer behavior analysis , research and forecasting , and as an important means to enhance the level of CRM .

  9. 研究结果表明,该方法应用于欺诈行为的分析和识别是有效的。

    The results show that it is reliable for identifying various cheat risks .